El Paso Times from El Paso, Texas (2024)

THE EL PASO TIMES, Saturday, November 13, 1982 7C) Furn. kf. Northeast WO) Furn. Aplt East (47D) Furn. Aptv East Pagt 13-D (470) Furn.

Apti East (5i) Business Rentals (53) Unfurnished Houses Rent (47D) Furn. Apt. East (7C) Furn. Northtasf H7C) Furn. Apts.

Nortfveast FOR APARTMENT VALUE TAKE owetii mint Jij, Bt: aeioas ef Ol I FOR LEASE MONTANA ST. rm MONTANA. 700 sej. It. Encet lent office er commercial lecaiion parking Resenacle rent lee peime lecaiioe, eapowre and allrac live building.

7 Oron St. at Montana Former LnMa Trans end Car Loroe hay door, isuo sg rt. Close lo freeway Many good usee. Reasonable. Call Norm Aguilar 513 9531 al las Carpet.

6451 Oregon LAS FLORES "THE IDEAL PLACE TO LIVE" 1 2 Bedrooms TIGUA VILLAGE CLOSE TO SHOPPING CENTER 1 2 Bedrooms NORTHEAST 124MT RUSHMORE 3 bdr-, He, bath, caroet. appliances, 5350. XViOAANKERSON Jbdrm 1 bath, fireplace, carpet, wesherdryer THE TRAIL TO BUTTER FIELD All these features and much more! Modern kitchens with disposals Air conditioning Pool playground area Clubhouse Laundromat Carpets Furnished unfurnished hookupi All ar-pmnte. (Jus. EAST 1711 TOMMY AARON ttiirm.f bath, executive home.

$1700 mo. 171? PICO ALTO A bdrm FURNISHED UNFURNISHED THfc WILLOWS EXKlTIVt StlTtS FURNISHED bath, carpet, all appliances, SI'S. WEST FROM FROM UNFURNISHED FROM225 rait RAMAOA a Mrm, bath, $235 '215 caroet no (47S 300 PAGEANT barm, IXp bafts. carpet, swimming pool, no retrig, (5M. 10WER VALLEY Ptush onkn from 150 am so 19 Pecep'ioniit Answer in Service Trie Professional Place to be 434 VISCOUNT BLVO For Leasing Information Call 915544-6900.

1034 SURGES 4 Mrm IH bam. carpet, nc retrig (393 Call Dweit ft Rear! Large 3 Bedrooms from $330 1 Bedroom from $290 2 Bedrooms from $305 2 Bedroom Townhouse from $320 RENTAL DEPARTMENT 77? 7M tAVT GAS, HEAT, WATER INCLUDED HOURS 8:00 AM to 7 PM-SUNDAY 2-4 921 ZARAGOZA RD. 858-0983 Professionally managed by: London Property Management GAS, HEAT WATER INCLUDED HOURS 8:00 AM to 7 PM SUNDAY 7-4 8017SAN JOSE-591-5591 Professionally managed by: London Property Management Professionals Artists Designers Unoue complex rvow in the remgdH tn siages Only 7 spaces ietl tor VQQ each per mo in beautiful vicforian restored home on (Montana St. 3 4 212 Can S.ke 1 BR I3S 335 Brectenndg 1 BR Iv5 3241 kiliore 3 BR I4VS JJOt) Tcm Motion 3 BR S4'S IIIU Ebb Tide 1 BR I42S 10601 Vmat 3 BH t3S i'3 Gere Sararen 3 BR S5M LOWER VALLEY 1(124 Pray 3 BR S3SS NORTHEAST S32I Plainsview 4 BR USD 5721 Corsicane 1 BR 3i5 41103 Tholot BR 1475 I030H Sherwood 1 BR IKS 5112 Lubbock 4 BR SIM 10151 Milan 3 BR 1335 WEST 624 Stewart 3 BR S300 Close to Fort Bliss HUTTERPIELO TRAIL Already reserved by protessionat rJesigners Avail Jan. '63.

544 05 1 4. Trevino Plaza CALL 821-3282 OPEN 8 Sun. 1-4 10330 Gateway North Enter Gateway North Continue on War Rd. Go 1 Mile Past Trans Mountain Road. Showing Center now available tor COME VISIT OUR BEAUTIFUL MODEL APARTMENTS AT EITHER LAS FLORES OR TIGUA VILLAGE Receive coupon $1.00 off on ony piito ot PETER PIPER PIZZ 900 North Zaragoza only lease East El Paso's newest retail taciliry located at I Ml Lee Trevm APAUTMEXTS Managed ry lanrjoti ProoerTy FOR MORE INFORMATION AND TO SEE CALL CENTURY II APO across from Cashway.

Least rates OrKiuding tenant finish) are cur rentlty being ottered at below mar net prices during, our mitiat lease up period finished spaces can be del. within 3 a weeks Irom date at ease ettecution. 771 5611 Only 2 Left (48) Unfurn. Apts. Rent (48) Unfurn.

Apts. Rent (52) Urtfurn. Houses-Rent (48) Unfurn. Apts. Rent Connct LANA AT 779 433 (47AJ Furn.

Apts. West (4S) Unfurn. Apts. Rent (47A) Furn. Apts.

West Don't rmsv ojt on rhisrhantPtorfni one of our model homes. Tlvy otter such h-attires as wM to wall carpet, fireplace, Dishwasher, oven ratvje, landscaping. Bom an 3 bdrm. Call SUN CITY BUSINESS PARK Of'tteAaretioirseSltowrooffl From 1,000 124 OOO S4. 24 rr accessibility looay.

531-6614 BRAND HEW NOW LEASIMS 1-2 ledroom, wl 1 lathi. frivol ooffoi. Individual Iforafjo washmr 4 dryer haokupt. Plrmploct in All Unitt. tnarqy ofW-cent with oil oat npplionf and America calk us bomt -0 SILVERADO FROM 1260 NEAR CIELO VISTA MALL 9300 Viscount 591-6626 JAlVF WATT AVAILABLE NOW 3 Bdrm, t1', Bath.

Stove, Rcfnqera tor. Garage. S375. Deposit, No Pets. Call Betty 751 tlJJ, 751 MS.

ERA COUPON Pits WESTSIDE- 354 Rio Tmto 1 BQ. 2 BA. LVDR. Den wFpl SSSOmo. 434 El Camino Panoramic view, LR'DR, Den.

3 BR: BA liMmo ROSE VARIE GIASOLLI.CRS WlWII PF VAX West 584 5410 Ntar Fort Blisi-beautiful spacious 3 bar home, ivt bins, LR, DR, Ig kitchen, Ig. den, carpet, drapes, new ref. ft renge. Ig. storage bldg, fenced.

Sm pets OK Military clause S37S. 751 W57. After 3, 159 5717 us-Home 3301 N. PIEDRAS evaporative Like new office, air conditioned etc. tiSfluON mi Niw njtm SlUCI Ut IVNC4 $250 a month.

Immediate possess 350 N. R.SLER ton. tan su tves fi 57 Rent At MOUNTAIN VILLAGE For All The Right Reasons! SPECIAL 100 off 1st Full Month's Rent on 2 bedroom tovmhomes only. Spaciously Designed 1 2 Bdrm. Apts.

Small Pets Welcome Family and Adult Community 5 Laundry Facilities Washer and Dryer Connections Large Walk-In Closets Woodburaing Fireplaces Two Swimming Pools ESCONDIDO at Escondido Beautiful N.E. Homes Westside Office IOO sq. ft. of prestigious effict 581-0060 lotos EASTSIDE FOR LEASE I Close to Saieway compiev Mix) plus VISTAl OESTE APTS. TWO BEDROOM AVAILABLE NOW O'jr spacious two bedroom apart merit features earthtone carpets, two full baths, ample closets, private haicooy with locking storage Professional maintenance man agernent Woodburmng fireplaces available.

ALL ADULT SORRY NO PE TS J335 833 1104 space 2 large offices, reception area, smaller oldie could be used conference room. Call 591 9447 tor mor intormatton r' Aquatic 3 BR 139S deposit, small dog eiwweo, very M4IJ Meowood 1 BR S3v5 Pfetty, 3 bedroom. I. balh home, 1W40 Ouatro Viste BR Si65 remodeled kitchen with appliances, 704 Larry Wood BR 1395, den with hrepiece, ungle garage John T. Heliard Realtor 593 H57 ENJZRUSAVER NATURAL GAS APPLIANCES SWF MONEY OFFICE SPACE 000 Pius sq ft Newiv reoecorafea) MESA altogether, big backyard, 12 acre good tenants.

3 bedroom, il baths. ideal for horses, gardening or hay, near the Lower Valley area. Mili tary welcome Call 159 3070 morn two story, brick charmer on I Pas Historic Rote. Blocks from down town Please phone 5.1 2 9901 tor com: iivdm room, den with fireoce, double garaoe, $42S plus deposit, gent Bcub'f Waiti 751 3714. tn Mountain Village' hours.

iiti, between bam noon iei opTans Unfurnts Apts. Rent (i3) unftirnishrt RENTALS AVAILABLE C. 7501 AAonlanj 1440 sa ft Pime oHice sptx, 4 private of 5ii-J Anartments Aparti txev laroe center area, CAMELOT 2 Bedrooms Avail. A BEAUTIFUL MOUNTAINSIDE SEITINI, FOR LUXURY LIVING 4800 N. Stanton 533-6297 We havt? a 3 beoroom, home avail aoie now and two more coming up on November 198? Call for full information JERRY MINOR REALTY 0195 Sat.

10-5 D.m cot or inlerenct room, 2 bks to net Marriot Hotel, on busline Call Connmqlon 877 2312. 5890 BANDOLERO 581-8798 Sen. 1-5 p.m. TAIL SPACE located in shoo DON'T be gobbled up by high Rents Ss PIONEER ff PROPERTIES, Pupate TT AuW, LIAl'Hu 7531 Entsld 185 Dean Martin 3 BR 1475 1304 Slocum BR 145 Lower Valley 424 Reindeer a BR 5450 Hortnearst 10404 Omega 4 BR S350 pins? centers fnrough out El Paso now available Westsioe, Easiside 8. Lower Valley Spaces from 1200 up to 25.000 sq.

ft. For rental inform a THE ARBOUR UPPER VALLEY BR'S, Live in room, FP, 2 Car Garage. Neat, Clean, Pretty! Available tmmed 1525MO. JOAN ARMSTRONG, owneragent 584 44)6, REMAX west 564 5430. 3025 GATEWAY WEST Use As Residence or Business 4 Rooms, Bath, $275 Per Month.

Call 566 1681. Perer and Company, Realtors on can tana ajj Call Plaza Encantada 1912 MYRTLE BRAND NEW For lease MOO so. It. metal ware EAST house with 900 sq. ft air conditioned, office A large yard.

Call Mrs Gonia e7, S45 1180, 779 313 2 bedroom apartments wfireplace, dishwasher, disposal, self cleaning oven, frost free refrigerator wice maker, gas water paid. See man ager, (435 Miracle Way or call 592 tor into, a. appt. tc see, Cieio ViMa Park 2920 Piedras Beautiful office for rent 4 bdrm, 1 34 bath, lo combo living dinmg rm. S450 i deposit.

3 bdrm. i bath, den wfp, dbl gar. S5S0 i deposit 7 bdrm, 3V 4 balh, den wfp, 5400 i deposit. LOWER VALLEY 3 bdrm. 1 34 bath, dining live In wlp.

dbl. gar. SSOO oeposit. Everett Comey, CENTURY 31 all SaS 1421 eves. 751 857.

Sun City, FOR SPECIAL DISCOUNT ON NEW MOVE-INS 591-4878 ONE BEDROOM CALL US TODAY nc 3733 Piedras eean 2000' wsmall office. Montova Busi-1 AVAILABLE NOW! 1 Bedroom, 1 Beth Adult Phase For the career minded individual 3 bedrooms, I3 baths, wall to wall1 carpel, all kitchen appliances. No pets. Call 772 Dunagan Real ty. NORTHEAST- 3 Bdrm, bath, Den livig rm, cov'd patio $375 A mo plus deposit Call Char Intte 7518895, nites 755 7959.

ERA CAR DON Its SAPPHIRE, 3 bedroom, garage $320 TiTANTlC, Vt. Park horn, $450 5WALLOW, 4 ted'com $325 B'LL WALKER REALTY ness Park, 4020 Doniphan. Ideal for Compton Rea't, 593 1300 many businesses. Bldg tabie for Si Westside gn? mro, storige, auto repair, mom our one bedroom features large kit cnen with energy saving appliances, glass door or to private pato, taste fully decorated wiln contemporary colors Met) Hills are ALL ADULT. SORRY NO PETS.

Symmerlorfl 831 09a rove V3 (7D) Furnished Apts. East OFFICE SPACE East Central NE i MA mrlro management ILL A1NSWOR TH 77? 7717 833 1104 ONE BEDROOM Live in cur nne bedroom for the arite ot an e'licitnty. Feature laMelul oecor with contemporary color, mirroreo closet floors, targe 5714 AAira Grande Casitas Coronado 1 bdrm. i nam. 194 so.

ft Encellunt valleyview Altappl.incl laundryft retrig. Annual at S750mo assoc. fee. Contact B. apartments CENTRAL EL PASO OFFICE OR RETAIL kitchen wild pantry ana energy sav EASTSIDE executive home.

H309; Warbonnpt. 4 bdrm2'j bams, livrmdinrm, 2 dens, break tat area Spnnnlers. 1 car qarar)t. $650 per month pius deposit 7760 S8I 9754 ing appliances Kroiessionai man MOSq Ft.TOOOSq Ft, or ,800 So Ft Augment and land'f am no. TOWNHOUSE ALL ADULT.

SORtY NO PETS ONE BEDROOM MOVE IN TODAY! Our comfortable one bedroom apart men. features built-in bookshelfs, walk-In closet, earthfone carpel, decorator wallpaper, professional maintenance management. Mesa Hills Area. A Home to be proud of. ALL AOULT.

SORRY NO PETS. $360 633 1104 Ft. BhsbChtlmont $230 833 04 inqwrwsto IPC. Bo 988 co tins Ngvspaper Weslside oic space. Good location on Resler.

Small or large otc avail, wtoarhrms. Rent depends on site SISO 1400 up to 800 sq II Storage Now Available (All Adult Apts.) UNIVERSAL. GYM ind SAUNA, HEATED POOL. TENNIS COURTS. OPEN DAILY.

(No pets please.) OH Timberwoife Or Welk to Bliss, lovely 3 bdrm, bath, oarage $3S5''mo. No pets. 4 mo. rental ok, 778 5160 ALABAMA $385 B. JONES-S525 HOUSES EBB TIDE-S425 Eastridge Park Larue 2 BR, town house, range, re also avail 58) vuuo 5U4 544 trig, dishwasher, disposal, carpeted a.

draped, rpnt gas water Located in El Paso's beautiful Lower Valley 2 BEDROOM UNITS ALSO AVAILABLE. Families welcome. Aooroxlmatelv 2.000 sa. fl. VICKSBURG $395 301 Cla.rmont 3 BR 2 balh den 5833 Nike 3 bdrm I bath, $325 1020B Fertell 3 bdrm 1 bath, $300, 4803A Attas 2 BR 1 bath $225 oaid Seo manager at 2118 Wed gewood n1 or call 5VB 8291 tor mora oflce space East El Paso.

BELOW MARKET RATES. Travis VAMCOR PROPERTIES 8, appointmonT to see MARK I 594 1071 CORONADO HILLS 6033 BEL MAR 53? 810? UPPER VALLEY Sundance Apts 7133 N. Mesa 584-8844 Heat Water Paid I 2 BR apts li townhouses, swim 533 Q59, Hunts: Ml 072 EASTSIDE 1750 Large 3 bdrm 1 34 bath, den, new 3 bedroom, 2 bath, fireplace, gas 9030 Betel (off Zorogosa Rd) 858-1002 Bar and patio. $550 per month lei Trevino 11 3 bedroom Duplexes Four plexs Carpi-ting, drapes, dihwarh er. disoosal.

ranae oven, Fpls. Central. Bassetl.1850 sq. ft. 150 Zone 4 High ceilings, warehouse, wills rear truck entrance and office uoc.

Immediate possession. carpeting throughout, ovenrange, dishwasher, garbage disposal, dou bte car port, in excellent condition CHI Debi 5B1 7174. CENTURY 21 Comptpn Central 772 3400, ming pools, tennis courts, putting green, no pets. 6 mo. lease, rent start I Some units with dbl.

garage. Water Encloseorear yard, large patig. S450 2 bdrm cottage Central heating eVM. 5H1 143 paid. See Manager 10701 sports Ct.

im monthly, deposit S7uo CROOK. INC. OFFICE SPACE 592-6007 i or catt yte voht cooling, custom drapes, carpeting block from Radlord School Im maculate. No pets or children. In On Wedoewocd Or.

1 block off Mon 3674 TOMPKINS 56 I'M Apartmentos C51AI Rental Service WESTSIDE tana All uMilies paid 1175 Ig t-O0 monthly Call 591 34 7 3 Fox ft E1I1OI Real Estate Nearly New Northeast Duplexes avail. 7 bdrm. tirepl, pvt yd 8950 7 guire 4,19 Cambridge LOWER VALLEY HOVE Central de El Paso 2 and 3 bedroom Duplex fourplex Carpeting, drapes, dshwasrter, dis Hilt MM lim fTTTB varios apartamentos a buen precios 3 bdrm, l-1 bath, ww carpeting. Morion flviu us Ankerson sjismo util liOO 0.0 7 kios OK. I small pet NEAR AIRPORT posal, self cleaning oven, some units PROFESSIONALLY MANAGEO 8Y Susan Ray, Resident Manager range, retrig covered patio ft 1 Block of Montana 600 to 1000 so oe una a ires recamaras bi reman esta semana hay un descuento de Free Locator Service Rentals or Sale Bill Wheeler Realty 755 334 have fireplace oouoie garages.

Call after m. 58 1 75U for more lenced yard, newly painted. ft office space Immi-diate possesv $100 dep Mgrs I8U0 enneth or ttii Lawson. 53, 3v: 5. 7SI 4371.

751 1810, 755 8138, 564 X17. APMCO 755 3800 ion. can 777 7013 or 5V8 3473. 3 Liame ai sjj yy pase cor 1808 de Monteina niormctinn appoirtmenT to see Fov 8, E'lidt Krai Estate EASTS. DE dose loLee Trevmo and EAST 3 bdrm.

3 bath. 2 car gar LLASE OPTION MontwoOd Available Dec. 1st (48A) Townhouses Rent (52) UnfurnistifMl Houses Rent WEST Sari Bias 3 bdrm NE-Jirry SI 3 barm L.V.-Le Barron 3 bdrm INVESTORS Ed Walsh ft Associates 755 1331 large living arra fn. desert land scaping, close to shoppiiq uhools. Immediate occupancy, min 4 mos nom quad Camel, drapes, e'ectrtc tove and refrigerator Central heat.

JO Unit MjIoi wRest. Oft IH 10 Lordsburg, NU Midway El Paso -Tucson 51.750 a month Owner. vvateTDettd Close to school and shop MfHontcIafe 1601McRae 5 98-5463 EASTSIDE HOMES! Fauulous in Side ft out. FP. dens, carpeted, drapes, call your Home Rental Cen lease.

S450 mo S52 979 alltr 4 wkdays. anytime wknds 71a 8 4 7810, diiyi 696 557? EvtS ping l2l A Amy Sue. I28i Between Westway Brand new 3 bedroom. 7 bath, range. 7 sv 5B4.

Alter 4, ajj unj Brand New Office ter ,4,5 FREE I Bf'RM QUADRUPLEX Located Locations on both east ft wesr side of RENTAL LOCATOR SERVICE oil ot Le Trevino, incluned ere refrigerator, dishwasher. S37S. 177 3817 or 183 34V0 AVAILABLE 1 US BATH, 1280 SQ FT. 1 J'-j BATH, I6S0 SO FT 4 BDRM. 3', BATH, 7100 SO.

FT. flJinOroch 4433 N. STANTON 532-1369 Military ft HUO Section Housing ei Paso. Interior finish to suit ten NE DOLL HOUSE with 3 bedrms. pretty carpet, gar.

huge yard, S3O0 Lease Avail now Ul 4433. Kay Dun can Rlty ronge.oven, WASHERDRYER, re dishwasher, disposal. ALL NEW UNITS! Cheryl Rawlins Large luxurious ASSOC PROPERTIES 755 3M0 ant Call 591 9447 for more into. CLEAN 3 BDRM BATH HOME IN NE, dbl. garage, dentirepiace.

DdaScll Mica 1425. 4 bdrm, baths, den ft dm TKIt to ft of oli.tr or retail space at New Beautiful 3 BEDROOMS, 535 WESTSIDE VIFW POINT S97 074 or 79 7271 BISSELL I ODOM. NE MilagroHills Sbdrm, IV. balh, lormal dining, living room with tire place, country kitchen with eppll Apts Townhomes RF.LAX In Our Casual Fnendl Ing, 1475. MISSILE Rl IT 751 I77J Ddrain or only S'Wmu.

1 AT TAGUILE REALTY 56 5751 ances can John 757 3571 TENNIS WEST WESTERN MANAGEMENT Has Available Efficiencies, One Two Bedrooms, Ranging from 1170 fo communiTy ur ti raw profession (54) Garacjn for Rent Northeast Executive. Clean 3 bdrm, covered patio, beautiful yard UOOmo. dep 751 6047, 751 5015 bdrm patio home, all appliances, 41 peopir. ENJOY Our Lush Gardens. Ga SALEM.McCOMBS bdrm, 14.

bath, 2 car covered patio, full carpel, dep, I yr lease. PMA AGENTS 779 UtO club membership available, $75. month 592 0823. BQ I Picnic Areas, PooH, Laun burnished unrurmsneo r-or immediate Information Call 779 0258. CIELO VISTA AREA Carage ft RV Storage 97? TONY LAMA 39? 1493 dries.

Clubhouse Prompt Cour 5H Yarbrough. Avail. Nov! T. Conve- Wedqewood Place 3714 LORNE. olf Edgemere, 1450 mo.

3 BR ft maids room, dol gar Coleman 7SI 1907, oilier 381 677 NORTHEAST. For rent 3 bedrooms. nitrn to snooping. 7 bdr, i oth, irg LRDR wFP, gar $400mo I mths 8015 ALAMEDA PYivafa ottiees, furnished or unfur rtiShed. will renl all or part, utilities paiO PEPBY BLTY 59? 7700.

IvU'jE YanjeM (rear) 1500 sq commercial incustrial btoq Overhead door, many usps 584 3187 ttfiU SPACE Trarwood at Lee Trevino. Ideal doc tor oltitt J'm 593 (414 779 071. ERA CAROOM RuTS (S4A) Waretouses tor Rent leoui wrvtee Heal water paid. No pets Adults only 2 bdrm, dishwasher, disposal, range Northeast 3 BR. 1, bath, swim thing pool, fenced in front and back yard Renting 51)5 5700 Security de posit Can 755 5t4l belore 5 10 7J03 PITTSBURGH Near South western General Hosp ft EP Tech Large 7 bdrm.

I 3'4 bath, enclosed dep. in advance. aft a jo. Escondicw, Unit 5. 1 BR new carpet, drapes SJSu month S750 OPEN MON fUi VS SAT tO 3 refrigerator Gas ft water paid.

Rent starts at WS See Mgr. at 2111 Wedgewood, 71 or call rposit Jessica sb 3150 or 777 7712. MAX Metro Realty Condo, fully furnished. $350'mo ANITA FARR, CRB, 501 7500 Owner Broker. Senior Discount Special rates (or Senior Citizens.

1. ch. Carpeted S3TO 5J3 7448 COOOfiAOO AREA. LOVELY 3 bdrms. 7 baths, den.

carpeted, nice 5000 Sq. Ft. WAREHOUSE and 400 94) tt. fin lined ofiices 14 ft door high dxk, lenceo yard, underground gas tanks. -i acres.

Ouiet, estioe location with no heavy traltic tie ups Leo eivd Call Terr, Lund 391 9575 or 77y 7272 Bissell ft Ooom Real tor 2 13 bedroom townhouses, fre ETsl aslside, 3 bd'ms, sunk In liv In rm, nejhbornood lr vy places, $400 4 $450 plus deposit. landscaped, rod iron on winoowt. 3 Bedrms Heal, hot water, drapes, carpet. Caole TV. Furn ALT UDA APVS APTS 7H Hi Everett tointv CcNiuht at comp Norlrteast30drm, baih.oenwith dot gar to, sprinkler system, owner ton 593 REAL ESTATE j-rvj, nx ocp vn ioa pay wtr.

WestSide large luxury i BR I1 bf h. Anthony 1 oedroom, 1 Bedroom, bath, washer dryer ronn. private patio VOS Executive 3 udrm pls maid large live room wth FP, vacant, l50mo leaseOut. on. 591 5544, (to) Real Estate Wanted fireplace, living room, covered patio.

$375 a month plus deposit. Call Charlo'lc tint or eves 735 7959. LOUISVILLE, 2 Bedrooin, 1,65 TiTANTlC, Mt Park home, S6S0 SWALLOW, 4 bedroom, S373 BILL WALKER REALTY 871 7711 yard parnmj S3wi 56? 7877 sm '730. New 2 and range, refrigerator, dishwasher, utility room, fenced in yard. S29S and $335.

17 3817 or 882 34V0. Laroe Westside 3 BR. kitchen appl, Fd'lh Fanning and Associates covered parking patio, WESTSIDE immaculate condition and pool 533 nil, eves, 54 i4Hi 60S Thunderbird s7S mo 3 BR. Sutton Place, spacious bdrm I 217 Alvarri S550 mo 3 BR. BEAUTIFUL GARDEN APTS ADJACENT TO SH0FP1NO t-RCfc JVAY ACCESS QUIET ADULT LIVING LARGE FURNIShEOOP UNFURNISHED 1 1 1 BDRM APARTMENTS AAIL T70 ID0IMIBI 778-3997 3 bdrms 2 baths, or i ion Golf Course.

Rpfrlgerator, washer, dryer 1'2 bath, luxury townhouse conoo THE BOSS SAID 'RENT'EAA' SO HERE'S A BIG SPECIAL BIG DEAL FOR YOU! MOVE IN BY NOVEMBER 18 MOO SECURITY DEP. $100 off the 1st 2nd full month rent 1,2, 3 BEDROOMS AVAILABLE NOW E. 10133 Newcastle 3 bdrm 5375 173 Ml Rushmore 3 bdrm. S39S RPY MINOR REALTY 73! 0393 Warehouse Space FOR RENT. From 7000 to 60,000 SR.

fl. avail Rail, dock height loading If you need warehouse space call David Kerns sal 854 581 5154 Eastside, near Airport. 13,000 so. II dock neighth. inside ramp load mg (7 35 per year.

Available immediately (9,500 sq tt. downtown Mills Si Dock Heigmh PAUL JUEN REAL ES1ATE 3775 Montana 37 861 furnished. 65? 3039 or 852 329) mmium, ground level patio, i 3 year lease available. Call 544 2074. Sell Today AS Adv On TV Equity Real Eitale nc will buy your -rtoue today regardless ot condition You gel quick casn ft pay no closing coils Frelttlimelet.

Call today. Equity Real Estate 53 3-0490 778-1675 lit 6464 pays or mi isa eves 1 1 BR Furnished, unfurnished. Elllabeth 584 8)19 544 S611 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT. I will manage your home while your gone ED WAR REALTY, 591 1611 3 BDRM 2 bath, near Bliss, Beau mont, luliy equipped kitchen, car pel. drapes, lip, 2 car land scaoed.

adults 55 1593 heat pa d. starts at 514 8844 6700 Estondido, HOUSES GALORE 3 ft 4 bdrm Hbme tor rent in NE Century 71 Sellers Rlty, 735 30 I Bedroom, unfurnished. Move, Re (48B) Condorniniums Rent trgerator Microwave fc Disposal, Swimming Pool. $755 Per month. Kautmann Realty 5at 9090 VALLEY SOUTH New 3 bdrm, carpeted Garage 1350 nirsirrn (54) Business Rentals Cash in 24 Hrs CONTINENTAL HOUSE Phone 854 4073.

EASTSIDE 3 bdrm, 2 lull baths, family room, living room, workshop, landscaped, window guatds, S4I0. 2109 Solano Completely redecorated 1 bdrm apts ti 2 bdrm townhouses Start at lf PROPERTIES Re TAII cTflOC private investor will pay cash for I AIL ll UKC i any 3 3 4 beoroom homes or 3 3 4 141 Locne near Montana. 150 W. i unit you o.iy no cost Why wail? It 1450 Avail Dec. I S4? I4U Caftft out' Call Realtor Vd'si Slov.

refng a dishwasher. 5H4S BJ3 0055 LOWEH VALLEY. Helms, 594 7M) CAST Northeast MlOO Alran 3 bedroom, 1 13 balh, clean ft painted, luliy car pried, drapes, stove ft enci. paiio. 971 4700, 8.1 3773 30K ti Office ft warehouse Bldg near Norman Haddad mce I BR.

near Alameda ft Yar brouh w-'Lory room. I2V0 dep Private Investor 400 Edgemere 37 I BR EASTSIDE' S37S. 3 br. pelt ok. refundable lee ilwi brkr 778 4475 Westside.

3 bdrm. 2 bath Chaparral Park. 4 month lease Six Oaks Brokerage 581 1778 NATukAL! Yard, fiult trees, 3 br, 1350, kidspet lAMI Home Rental Or, retonUDle tee. 778 4471 REAL wtS'SlDE HOVE. 3 br, (450.

loveiyi INK 1 Home Rental Ctr, rHutidaeit 'ee. 771 4473 anGthi 4 BR. FP. gar, (371. pets EastWest ft Norm So-jlh Freeway Fenced yard 3 phase electric ser.

vice 337 soil Pays 139 7933 Wkends WfcST FASTSIOE NEW LARGE I BEDROOM HOUSE FOR SALE 0 LCASE. 1575mo S91 5352. 533 8291, 532 6447 2 tv-droom. $195. Laundf 4141 West City 64 1 BR 1375 alio 6ver restaurant, bar, tectlili, ntetr shopping center, easy tccess to Border Higr wiy Se 7W ESCOnaido El? 1 BR 1275 MSI Alto Rr-y 1 BR 1400 other.

Aporoa. I3O0 sa) ft. outside approx 3500 SO It George 337 512. 6.64 rXH-Tieca. BH 450 open Saturday i tin nn Wrslside 3 bed-ooms.

3 ba'hs, lire 1 place, garage, li'S month IIS0 de posit 33? IS. Sr 5 497? ALL UTILITIES PAID Rare opportunity 3 bdrm condominium on est Side Beautifully furnished. Cash Now 24 Hours WILL PAY CASH FOR YOUR HOVE NO WAITING BEEN IN BUS'MESS SINCE 1949! FOR FAST PROFESSIONAL SERVICE. CALL USI 513 393 or 544 4009 S.M. Mena Rltrs.

Hon.e 1 SA.E! S300 I bedroom ivbi Wpstside, 2 and 3 benroomt from ok 1 Rt Home Rental Center Ri Retunoable fee. 1 Rental Center. M''j Ca'i 5H4 M42. Montebelio Apts. WE PAY YOUR HEATING BILL! SPECIAL-2 Bdrm 2 Bath, DenFP 3.

i BEDROOMS fidgemar 10701 VISTA DEL SOL 591-8105 akc Fairway Limited downtown office spec available in the El Paso National Bank Building Contact Patty Cooper at 414. wrought iron ihioughout $495mo Condominiurn on the east side, bdrm, bath. FP. oaraae. 5900 fntyrpr iP wV'aU Twondido, I bdrm, I' fXIRAI 1 bdrm.

den, FP, pool. tundabie He 778 4475 Pebble Mills. 3 bedroom, "tttth'tp, carpet, double garage. 3000 Gaslgn. (TOOdeposit (475mo 778 3970.

Vacant If g. new 3 I 34 bath, den wFP, obi gar many extras. story townr-owse, l'i tath, utility room, Adults only, $275 mo. Visa im mo Lit, Century 71 AI Strain 2903 Broactdut. in Broaddus Shop p.ng Clr Approx 20O0 SO) fl Ideal lor restaurant.

533 2441 or 333 7011. Reallers 5l II 100 ountaTnieie, oil M.n, 1 BRS, Bths, pool, seune, new eppl. ftoautl maids room. 1475 1 a 1 Home Memai Center. Rnlundamr tee Mountain side, Executive 3 bdrm Gorgeous view.

Stonedge Or. Owner Agent 755 3145 1 TfiR enclosed front ft bock yard 'Carport SliSmo (TOOdep 1133 Gil h.rt 859 1074 (450 mo. Lower Valley 393 7046 9412 Montrose 2 bdrm, laundry, pool, gat 4 water paid- $i5 per month Plus $iyi depo't EA5T Hanks H.5. bedrooms, Very attractive location. (700 rr0 37I7A Piedras Inquire al 7JI1 Piedras or 3 9709 Mrs Carrascg Perlertt 131 Home Rant CASH NOW We'll pay cash today lor your noma or lit with us lor quick resutu.

Rav Mena, Rltrs Peitras 54 9451 WE BUY HOUSES Calt today ft wt II make an offer on your home regardless of si te or con dition. Jerry Olom 594 1333 or Ron B.ssell 58 4 3003 BISSELL ft OOOM PEAL. ESTATE INC 179 777 WESTSIDE ful view 513 3671 or 547 1107 7 bdrm, lJ, bath, adults, near Provf-dence Hospital and UTEP. 4I73 Dvautiiui cundominiurr at Piaya Oal OFFICE SPACE "For You Throughout El Paso" Spacious 3 bdrm" homo den, 12 buck from elementary srhoot. nice al Ctr.

rriundaoie tee, r9 4475 NORTHEAST 10703 Opal Sione 3 BR, lease 3150 Evans ft Hall Roalty 39i 4157 EAstsiOE'NEA 3 BLHM, 2 BATH. FP, 7 CAR GAR BUILT imc 39, 1403 r.a Ui) mo call 55 976 Larqe 7 biidrnomt. First 2 weeks rent Irrc 581 7)21 Bl DKOoW, I ekeside close to shop ping, e. bus route 719 31M Building Marketing SyS 393 7040 Uro, 3 bdrms. 7 full baths, immedi ale nccunanfy Atler apm 598 188 Easiside Excellent location.

3314 3.U0sq ft ft 7.700 sq tt with ooct high ft drive in doors Available mediately Sonny brown 384 331 1 Ounlln 1 BR, I 31 Baths, carpet. t47S plus deposit No oets 75! l)l Easiside 3 tidrm New units Nrver lived in Completion by December Mn jrsie 543 looq vn yitj Eattnoe 3 Purcli.ie Option RETAIL UR OFFICE BKI bdrm houses Item S43Smo, ft Airway al Monlana I SCO so (SO) Ufirurn. OupIexm Rwt 54 79i ElEGANT AOULT LIVING Starting at $240 EFHClCNC I I 7l'1VS AVAILABLE NOlrV! Swifprin'ii Msoli 164J L'-lAN0 Biand new 3 bdrm in Lower Valley on large 101 tjoo mommy 1150 ge pnsil 5,7 075 or 159 BSiiTH ASTT 1'dr. It. bth.

ga rage, enclosed yard, very clean, UNFURNISHED ONLY DON'T LIST BEFORE CALLING US want to bj. Properly ft Will make you a cash oiler Oav or Night 1717711 Bill WALKt 8 PFALl ItiA E6r rOub EUJil or list wtn MF. M4 Call BILL AINS WORTH 717 7717 tvus 7314013 VAX metro eal estatf OFiLcTPAC FOR KtN I 1333 MONTANA HUGE lilCmo 5700 Deo Call 7S7 0SS7 513 4173 1 bdrms 1 be'hs. dupieies with fire P'oprrli-s 197 4113 3J7 LOUISVILLE 7 bdrm. I Daih, nir6 house, 1373 mo.

34 iiwi.ii;t9 j'; in a.lh 1 3'4 bams, dbl garage, erceiient tonmi.on. 5" OO'd key. 397 7447 101 jerry Abbolt 3 BP, 2 blh mrm. FP, dbl gar 450'tno S3T0 trtAiL Torr, iww u.11 O'ace 1450 Vto so It living area SkyliM ShtniHnq Clr, 9430 John kMd 598 3454 hondf Pralt, 7 all eppll Ev Ft La-v ml. tirrpla, 104 Kt.fl.

4S ft de lii 511 70 Norttieasl. 3 b-lrm, I (350 a month, oeposit SI2I Rutrer lord 7l 5705 PEAR TREE APTS Professionally deroiritefl 7 ft 1 Ddrm units Call tM Rrmcon stsul ibe'ai, nruL FTocrT'LanS! Cif.en ft n'r-plari-s. Sun APts yii vn pi.tn. 'p choose troin peH TNtr APTS 77? ftfrnron iYftsiJ?) AE'i'lSiDl' I bJim ant lull k'l chtn, eouits only, no pets. Qi.p S77S CarriuVM S.4 JM wr tTioE uuit TYPE I BfJRM SH MANAGER tune PTsR.Jb, gaiwtr.pd eatio.

pool, club room, carport, ttor-rm, no cn.klr, M7S. 3W? VV.SH'il Brand carpet, very lo bdim, avail now Adults only 1771 mo M44, SM SMI. SI? 11i ances incl micro wave, launilry nook ups, auto garage opener S37S Rj. tj 591 4H dep call orsvrmi Central araa. 3 bedrooms, 1J, baths.

MrCombt (33mo 333 "33 fi LI.EKT-OM RClAL l6 CATION IN CENTRAL Fl ft VI lib Wyoming (300'mo 331 ROTS. eTiTeTlTnT com mTBcial to CATION IN CFNTHAi. El P(0 1106 Wrominjtinrrrno 533 8073 FfiRTfAtfl low iTsturi irrjnT. Corner of Dyer ft tdgar Park. 11 50 mo 731 3441 Ddrm duplex in Pi-tb'a Hi Is.

Kit MOUNTAIN PLAZA ALABAMA ZION 755-1354 refrigerator. sio.e carpeting, chen luliy equipped end ready lor Listings Needed In East El Pavo Don Love ft Assoc. Rltrs, Set 1115. mghts 637 4733. HAVE CAM Yiould lika to ouy aqui ly in nouses in HE regardless of con jotin Trien Rra'ty 753 1359 6rM' filTY MAN A CuTMrNT ANCHONMO REALTORS 513 171 "TUV ouft Iof 6oUAll6ff.

For tvnuset ft aolt immediate tlos 5J Jj occupancy Albert 772 0119 8911 Comai New 1. 7 duplex. 3 bdrm, bathv in built Ins lirenleci, ga a qe. 1195 Hai mnn Rea'ty 751 4M5 CasISiOF. jijc Red coral.

3 bdr I 31 balh, double garagt (415, mo (150 ficiinsil 591 084 rfTuTTSTHOySE FOR iErff I'asl Bori'ted Prll, Upper Valley Home Two sloryn BR, 1 balh, fireplace, ftsoo per mo 171 9i5 iVoni, Hills area 3 bedroom, I 3. 4 bath, tear garage 473 plus deposit tlTfiROOM in Northeast, stove end refrigerator, new carpet, fenratf backyard, lit! per month Merlene i 10 MESA Oil 1360 mo 1013 (oral Stone Adull'fam aree, Rl Air. Pools. Adult Club 4 rms Moo Hi I. 4.

ivni nijikt on i 10 ISS, 1S0I Lomaiafirt Furnl live 39011 so ft tt 00 tq Lease required 597 3791 uimM, egnt, ceil svi 4119 Dupien. Villa 1 bilim. I'. infl kt Harmon Peaiiy ri xbxs 597 74H. rv 717 can anynme ilatri fur opt onal 3J3 7ixb bthtt s'PAcrroM HiiT SFLL TOUS Availdbl now 4 bdrm bath.

Mr. gar age. great toe eflon. ties TOO deposit No HUO. Cjiorie 701 St.

vra.n Wt BUY YOUR EQUITY IMME QiATF Cl05'NG BTixer 735 577 iLfliW l.i'hiw'lifMliMfl iUt.J.i 779 313 143 lino iroiji ftssor iinvttj It retailor of Tor liooti a 10. NUULE 111,4 EbO Till SI'S CA5A ALT 34 tub hENT 6017 Sinclair bedrooms 9001 Our 7 71 751 941 Valley-BR. 3 OF. FP, I odrms tumhprt All utilities p.t'd Near Beaumont ft Bhss Villa CienIO Arafmi.fits. Biui4 7St yviQ ri Sice i beiroom untrnlsnecl apt rent Leundry fariiitiee.

tee tru) water paid Call 72 ruts 1 ftTtir-d'Oms or unlurnishwl la Pmjla Ap iilrrnnls 't I77S Trewoonrwai Vamrough Call (SD) UrHgfflishetj OuoIm Bent (jl) Unfurn LVjple.iH Bent ash lor roui proper list with PRfcStitE REALTY TO4Y sti'HIHF 'A 9I 9700 Commeni.l Buiinass Uioxerl 779 1259 bedroom. I balh. vary (lean, 1)00 mo 545 irv in )) Nl i Ealttiil, duplv, taps, jar i privet, yar.l iroi Heme Renlel Or tee 7' Paul 597 qii '0 be'vevn 7 a 7one. lo suit lease 2S ft. oft Orer St nn Broaddus Ave Duplex Special nire yard gaswaler pd (413 1130 The Citadel Apts.

4HVlbCOuNf S9I im Ou'itf 4 CorvtlcKt f4r th Crtn-ff Ai A'fifM CnTirtijti.ty, I i b'drnomv fvin Imljrn (iQl giOf unt, mrrn rm (a: unfurn. Apt Rent "anghlwood Hem 'Ml yov rri Itw 7icrs wMtf mitve 'o 9 n'll like (Wf ityt" Larue. Luxurious. astsido Vv ill Westside. 3 borm, super clean SVX) month 1750 deposit 384 1974 I hilrm U'A 3 bdrm 1,50 Fast tnms 57 9057 Sue 15l5 vet NoSTmIAST 1 bnrm ft dn, plvi SIM deposit Ca'l '55 6147 t7 vTr? 1 BT'RM IMH Pernuids cnmeieiety remoieied, en loteo ga rege 57 35 '0 lml "Tiw ITva llIV hu'vc bn.

t-e bath, ww catnatiitg. range, refng covered paiio ft len-ed yard, newl, painlen acM-0 V4 WC Nuariy Nw Nnrlhatt Oui'lvi 7b'rm t.reoi, pvl yd 650 57 Nortnn. I.71 11) Anxersnn il'O-mn STnn tiro 7 Ok, I small fl IIU0 dep Mgrs Kenneth p. 9117 lawvifl 51? 145 71 l-l ll(l 755 8131 "lit Ofpnsil fli Bvrr. sar an rater pd arlulls, (SO.

mr, imo, (QO Real ritati Rent Trad 1 ftfdrnnm Apartment pteres 3 hrirm 7 hath, reg nn SIM mo 7 bdrm 3 batn, reg Sexj. now si9mo I im.le-t numo-f HI 'l "7 4391 If ,45 4 1'jm NT 3 I I 3 bath, lira piece, ga'arie Carpeted, drapes Walrrriail S'fthmo 755 lt WLSTSi'irf'T bd'rmduoiei wiih ree, in auiet ae HJS monti fall S44 2ijn. I Sum itiii PlACiTI our boii" house 3 Need to share spait In attic, nunsninker, "'x-; (trttl pJ' lee je y.rj II 7 HMj Wll I Sl'4f "LTl.TT 7 ly tl Pso tegai Aid nn 'es Park my 7'l Ai.i,Tef9 'ai 10,, ViTers. 3IJ Perili Trace lo smenar home I nave 3 tyeorooms, I i ba'h, 3 ft wall lo wan trotl Near feclhoalt Owner I53a0 .41 I v'i 'r-i. ft 2 bdrm oralis for rent lend I 5 SIDE for worino or relirrd Couple Ni' i duOKt, I PR.

3 balh. areve.more Lease, refer 8uO eposit, Ipl? rnminp S171VIII 1 bl! Apis litrtl Starling t'MOO Sal fcaa Vim I fcflrm Mud cnt'aT Only SlO mfn'ily ft1 depctit ''4 ot 't 0' 'I1 Ttutjl'J h.ith, ciu pie. B.itttt. IW msntri plus sraperV fully draped tvnp CrM-ng. semi pvT yard 10 ti0 lyt.iud, em, eutss to am, PR UN gepotli.

Call 777 3'37iy 5l 27 NuelTJi'm loretto Area tlfln nl deputit Couple Only Parti, lr 57 1I, 39I 1473. 397 0F3 I OK em. wi bar, a BR. FP, Hankl vro ing C4llXisq ff wareh vrseor shop (40O) Jtnfitm ft Sal Water pd I7U Visia I ireewy 3 BR unfurn Chuck Hery ft fi'tr 51 FP. CmtraTliig 1 Artm.

41 II LO'O. be'a uTi lul li Ldrm, Bdrm towmome, FP Wesl S47S Mrm MIL i I ara (SI) Furnlshet Houses Bent Hersn nq vi jif WAbi-'lirTij 'f A va'iI AlllT" ALL OVt TOWNI CALL MFL LTVIiNSUN Rl TR( 511 9H7 e.lr.s to inclu'te pr.yate walled Realty Worio Iftriurxxxn Bl IIU bath FP ft garaue 1450 I dfiuH I 7'v Hills area 51 Avatlflijli, tlov Crtll584 5 ro brirk. ii b.ths ht JM i 1 i fi u. I'l iardftpp imm ooerta barf 5J, Bonded Re b.l' in, luiue rwu on donhle fumi.fiert. 7 or i.rliaiiy 9' (lean, yard Tennis West Mrm palio home en laka.

beanllitii landnap-ng. ciuo meritMrrstiip.U appliames (49.509 5)wi'l tTiTO pa 'tit 1 1 3 tertem, 3 bm. near tlaisett Cen ler, ise va br ewner 77 33 lot at 3700 Nume A-mal livinti JuMin I'i rent Jljilnn yit Hans May be Seen today, Safer hnnls 1W 743 459 nor I onwilhlirpiaie, Swlmminu li rVel.iew 1 bdrm. (55iJ'montfl Pint IWi ileimsit VI' 4119 MnTlTHiilUL'NALLt' SixUm. I 17 ti 1 11 (isflmo.

Deposit rt IVied YII Wl Pui-bio Apatimri, 7111 Oeie Rd rjiie b.tiuiirt"a('4'itr,,iii. gas ft wetr pa i7S AAempfiU IsS Dyer OHice Park '5 Oyer 751 4W7 129 fhundorbird mi'" e.ir 11.1m nniie I a. m. g.re,, Ur, -V iii.i,.uis."u,'i'waaiir'. "Sa bus.

Dd m. a'fid. auief. tor rant near Fort on fthoppinbl fcirn rteuns.f aivaneu! iv ni SMALL, tlfAN I ITORM NF Aw 3 PuiNil Vad ingy ieel 34t ming IS c.nter ane nnnt 3.1 .,3 vamtier 135 I7VJ, er 5 7913 tii.e, ran igna-or 5l. 4i.4.

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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.