r.r r. r-'yrr f'r yr" 'i'ri "y'ryyvvyr r'w A 93 VEAflS SrLZ. GROWING UIOOD I UU I CONDOMINIUM RESIDENCES Furnished Models Opening Soon COLOR Hilltop views in Taylor Meadows One, Two, or Three bedroom units Contact your Woods Bros. Agent 7214 DUDLEY 5741 QUEENS DR. OIPEM 'A- Vis? f.
1" (L6588) CUSTOM W' ments de-- (P8529) FINISHED BASEMENT with family room, rec room, 4lh bedroom, 14 bath In 3-bedroom, brick ranch in Meadowlane. Covered patio. $54,300. BERNICE SULLIVAN, CRS, earth-t UNDER SSO.CCO 731 WEST FAIRFIELD (PB538) NEWLY LISTED. 2-Bed-room mobile home in neat 8, clean.
Extra lorge master bedroom. New carpet in living room plus woodburnlng stove. SI 0,500. BOB NEVILLE, 489-6169. 483-4151 112? NO.
25TH ST. (L6487) STAY WARM DRY in 2-bedroom home with brand new roof. Excellent condition. Formal dining. Very good financing; seller assistance possible.
529.500. ELLEN FOWLER, CRS, 483-2804. 483-4151 1936NO.30THST. (P8357) MINIMUM DOWNPAY-MENT owner will pay closing costs. New moderately priced ot $57,950.
Beautifully decorated, 3-bed-room home near East Campus. Double garage. ROSEMARY HORNER, GRI, 489-1372, 483-4151. 5301 FRANCIS (L6546) PERFECT RANCH for first time buver. 3-bedrooms.
Range, dishwsher, refrigerator included. Nice basement family room. Patio with gas grill. Welcome FHA or VA buvers. 457,750.
LILA AGENA, 488-7449, 483-4741 2828 VINE (L6511) OAK WOODWORK floors In well-preserved, 2-bedroom home with den. Updated Insulation, roof, central air wiring. VAFHA OR yard; covered redwood HHYLLIS KNOPP. 466- 4iiin4i 7440 TIFFANY (C4184) FIRST-FLOOR family room with wet bar leaded glass cabinets. Spacious moster suite with walk-in closet in 4-bedroom, Trendwood home.
Newly carpeted. $123,900. DIXIE MAGE 489-0032, 423-2373. SPECIAL HOURS OPEN 1800 MEMORIAL DR. (C4341) SECLUDED, WOODED lot in prestigious area.
Professionally decorated contemporary for most discriminating buver. Kitchen is homemoker's dream. Triple garage. $175.00. TONY 8 MARLENE LITTY, 489-2804, 423-2373.
OPEN 4204 ST. PAUL (L6585) CUT YOUR GROCERY bill with mini-orchard, herb garden, obundant berry patch. Assumable VA loan on 2-bedroom, IVj both home. Formal dining; large country kitchen. $42,950.
CAROL CAMPBELL. GRI, 489-1225, 483-4741 OPEN 2332 WEST GARFIELD (C43I5) EXCELLENT ASSUMABLE FHA loan is long-term, lower interest, auick possession. Newer, 3-bedroom home; woodburning fireplace; garoge. $52,950. PHIL STINEMAN, 489-9505, 423-2373.
483-4741. 2714 NO. 56TH ST. (P8334) VAFHA BUYERS WELCOME. Brick, 1V story, 3-bedroom' home with over 1,700 sa.
ft. plus car-peted family room In basement. Large, deep lot. $59,900. SANDRA Kl NSEY, GRI, 488-0212, 483-4151 3807 STREET- (P8265) NEW KITCHEN- In attractive 3-bedroom Cape Cod.
Gum woodwork; hardwood floors; newer furnace; woodburnlng fireplace. Down-, stairs rec room. Randolph School. $59,950. JEANNE CUDA.
435-0818, 483-4151. MODEL TOWNHOME 2335 SOUTH WOOD PL. (C4180) 'AFFORDABLE AT Two-storVr-2-bedroom townhome; 1,128 sq. energy efficient. Single garage.
FHA approved area. Visit our agent today. DAN PETERSON, 1961 SUMNER (C3909) CUTE 8, COZY 2-bedroom home in good south location has been remodeled inside 8 repainted outside. Garage, full basement fenced yard. $39,950.
BILL DANLEY, 2948 FRANKLIN (L6393) EXCELLENT CONDITION Quick possession on. neat, 2-bedroom bungalow; formal dining. Wooded lot, $38,900. WARREN CHAPPELL, OVER $60,000 2839PONCA (P8543) EXCEPTIONALLY well-decorated 2-bedroom townhome. First-floor den; corner fireplace In living room.
Lots of closets. Security system. Double garage. $68,000. LOUISE KIRKBRIDE, GRI.
2310DEVOE (L6539) TRENDWOOD for Good financing on brick, raised ranch with 3 bedrooms, 2 boths, fireplace, downstairs family room. Add your decorating skills for a great home. KATHY STEINKE, 483-6416. 483-4741. 1500 JANICE COURT (P8073) WELL DECORATED 3-bedroom townhome.
Garden level, corner unit. Fireplace; formal dining. Double garage; private patio. Creative financing. $67,900.
At 83rd A Sts. DON SEARCY, 475-5555, 3912 SO. 31ST ST. CIR. (C4307) SUPER LOCATION for family home on cul-de-sac near park 8.
school. 3 bedrooms; family room; country kitchen with dining; wood-burning stove. $76,950. BLANCHE TYRRELL, 423-5827, 423-2373. 2212 HANOVER CRT.
(C4135) $7,550 REDUCTION. Custom-designed, brick ranch has active solar heating. 3 bedrooms; den. Formal dining; first-floor utility; fireplace. $89,950.
Off Donbury in South-wood. DENNIS ALCORN. 475-8712. 423-2373. till ELKCRESTCIR.
(P8380) $5,000 REDUCTION. Triple garage with 3 1 bedroom home. Formal dining; custom draperies 8 wollpaper. Family roomfireplace. $84,950.
South from 61st 8, Pioneers. NANCY Wl LSON, 489-5841, 483-4741 ACREAGE 11100 SO. 120TH P8512) CUSTOM BUILT brick ranch on 5 acres; school bus to BennetPol- mvra. Pella windws; oak woodwork; fireplace 8, woodburning stove-Rural water. $86,500.
Hwv 2 to 120th; south i mile. GAYLORD BECKER. GRI, 489-8218, 483-4151. 10920 LANCASHIRE CIR WAVERLY, NE. (L6298) $2,950 Brick ranch on Quiet, cul-de-sac In Wo-verly.
3 bedrooms; basement rec room. Sliding doors to deck 8, fenced yord. $44,000. GARY MERRITT, 1350 ALDRICH (C3899) $10,000 REDUCTION. Beautifully remodeled, 4-bedroom, 4-both home in Piedmont.
Huge first-floor fomily roomfireplace. Officeden with fireploce. Landscaped yard. $128,950. STEVE RUFF, 423-8549, 423-2373.
2923 PARK PLACE (C4127) SOPHISTICATED TOWN-HOME In Park Place; view of Holmes Lake. Quarry tile floors; leveior blinds; oak woodwork. 2 Bedrooms; walkout basement. Off Normal Blvd. at 69th St.
$129,950. BRANDEE DWORSKY, GRI. 48B-8998, 423-2373. 1640SO.38THST. (P8525) ASSUMABLE NMFF loon Is long term lower interest on excellent, 3-bedroom, stone ranch.
Finished downstairs for denoffice or bedrooms. Double detached garage. $57,950. C. SCOTT SIPHER, 466-4513, 483-4151 NMFF welcome.
$28,950. JAY MfcA-COCK, 464-7732, 483-4741. OPEN HOUSE 3-5 3008 DICKENS (P8527) SPACIOUS mui" 130 WEST DAWES (C4169) $2,600 REDUCTION. Immaculate, 3-bedroom ranch with new carpet. Attached garage.
Fenced yard. Walking distance with neighborhood park, playground, tennis court. $39,900. RUBY DUVAL, GRI, 423-2373, 4438 GREENWOOD (L6469) HUGE REDUCTION Of on sharp, 2-bedroom ranch with ossumoble FHA loan. Third bedroom 34 both downstoirs.
$32,500. GIB ELEY, GRI, 489-2224, 483-4741 8221 SO. CHERRYWOOD (L6460) CASABLANCA FAN accents living room of 3 1 bedroom, 134 bath ranch; newer paint wallpaper. Steel siding; full basement; lorge, detached double garage. $47,950.
NORM GUTZMER, 488-5544, 483-4741. 1531 SOUTHWEST 15TH (L6493) $1,000 REDUCTION 8, excellent, assumable NMFF loan ot 10. 3-Bedroom ranch; new corpet in downstoirs family room with woodburning fireplace; olso 4th bedroom 8, 'J bath. $46,950. LINDA HAUSCHILD, 488-0453, 483-4741.
6911 FAIRFAX lures country i family r- uoms. 5324 SO. 61 ST ST. (L6390) ELEGANT FORMAL DINING with custom draperies 8 oak woodwork in 3 1 bedroom, 2J'4 bath home in Colonial Hills. Super family room fireplace.
All brick; shake roof. $84,950. RENE LUCCHINO. 5000SO.63RDST. IL6367) $5,000 REDUCTION.
Lovely fomily home lis. Two- story I rst-fioor fomily I 1 11. mat dining. DoJVroom. $89,950.
KEN YA, 14-7848, 483-4741. 2744 LAUREL (P8364) $1,800 REDUCTION. Charming, two-story in tree-filled Country Club neighborhood. Newer roof turnoce. First-floor fomily room; 2 fireplaces; 3 bedrooms.
587,900. JACKI VILHAUER, GRI, 488-9655, 483-4151. At 31st Old "af KIRKBRIDE. GRI. 4B3-4I5I.
I 6248 BRIAR ROSA ACREAGE RAYMOND, NE (P8428) ONE ACRE. Brick ronch; 1,500 sa. ft. Nicely londscaped; breezewoy 8, double garage. Born with loft; shed; new well.
Owner wilt help finance. On NW 40th 4 mile north of Raymond Rd. $79,800. ROSE JOHNSTON, 423-8691, 483-4151. 3127 ALDEN (L6527) "IRRESISTIBLE CHARM" in brick Colonial on tree-lined street in Rathbone Village.
Fresh paint new carpet. 2 Fireplaces. Forrenwoil foundation. $77,950. ANN GOLD, GRI, 489-3580, 483-4741.
4525 ANTELOPE CREEK ROAD (L6173) WOOD-BEAMED ceiling in 3 1 bedroom ronch on lovely landscaped lot near Eden Park. Formol dining. Family room downstairs. Good financing. $72,500.
DICK COX, 3030 NO. 74TH ST. (C4325) NEAR NEW 3-bedroom home well-constructed by Schumon Zoch. Oak woodwork; formol dining; fireplace In fomily room. In Goif Pork.
$72,500. GAYLE GRIBBLE, GRI, 423-6420, 423-2373. xsat4- 2241 SHERIDAN BLVD. (C4312) NEWERCountry Club home. All oak cabinets trim.
Energy efficient. 3 Bedrooms; Tn baths; formol dining. First-tloor ulility family room. $112,000. BOB DANLEY, 78S-2155, 423-2373.
3121 LOVELAND (L6570) COMFORTABLE FAMILY home near Rosseau School. Center hall entry in 4-bedroom Colonial. First-floor utility 8, family room with fireplace. $107,000. MARGE STENTZ, 1912 KINGS HWY.
(L6478I PRESTIGIOUS WOODS-SHI RE. Stone, 7-story newly redecorated. 3 Bedrooms; 2 fireplaces. Downstairs family room; Forrenwoil construction. Heated swimming pool in privacy fenced backvard.
$136,000. TOM GARTNER, 474-2597. 483-4741. 212STHE KNOLLS (L6601I DELIGHTFUL Dutch Colonial dormers accent gombrel roof. Quality constructed by Bob Artz.
3 Large bedrooms. Masonry fireplace wet bar in great room. $5,000 Cor-peting pointing allowance'. $144,500. ANGE MANZITTO.
012SO.25THST. (C4J86) CHEZ AMIS KNOLLS. Newly decoroted, brick ranch; 2 fireplaces. Raised formol dining. Kitchen with dinng sunroom.
Finished walkout basement is huge! Garden polio. $129,000. DENNIS ALCORN. 475-8712, 423-2373. 5301 SO.
32NDST. (C4324I SUMMER DELIGHT with beautiful patio, swimming pool, 8 spa. Uniaue, 4-bedroom home; huge fomily room 23x18 master suite. Beautifully decoroled. $117,500.
BILL DANLEY, 488-4313, 423-2373 1920 KINGS HWY. (C3697) MAGNIFICENT SPRUCE landscpes family-sized, brick Co-loniol in Woodsshire. 6 Very spacious bedrooms; 3' i boths. Lustrous oak woodwork. Beoutitul outdoor swimming pool.
$165,000. MARY 423-2373. 5408 STARLING CRT COLOR THE NEW CONSTRUCTION 6534 SUNDANCE CRT. (C4181) DON'T MISS this soon-to-be-sold, Peterson home designed lor energy needs of the future. Earth sheltered using passive solar; 3-bedroom ranch.
Visit us today design your home. DAN PETERSON. 423-7279, 423-2373. (P8535) STONE FIREPLACE In first-floor family room of 3-bedroom. I3'.
bath home in Seven Ooks. Raised formal dining. R-30 insulation. $76,000. NANCY WILSON, 489-5B41, 483-4151.
(L6430) NEW ROOF on 2-bedroem bungalow in Bethany. Updated kitchen, central air, carpet 8, extra insulation. Detached garage. $44,900. A 489-2224, 483-474 1 3110 DICKENS (C4249) FIRST-FLOOR family room with fireplace in tastefully decorated 2-story.
Lorge kitchen with family dining. 3 Bedrooms; walk-in master closet. In Seven Oaks; 32nd Old Cheney: $77,500. DAVE GRIFFITH, 423-8463. 423-2373.
2929 CEDAR (L6598) COUNTRY CLUB charm In 3-bedroom home with oak floors open stoircose; master suite with private bath. Deck; brick patio; large lot with trees. $69,900. JANE MANZITTO, 483-2306, 483-4741. ACREAGE 3815N0.44TH ST.
(C4323) IN-CITY ACREAGE. Brick, 3-bedroom, NE ranch; one ocre. Private entrance to finished basement for at-home business. 2 Drives; pork-ing pad; bornworkshop. $68,500.
BLANCHE TYRRELL, 423-5827, 423-2373. 11UN0.79THST. (P8256) MULTI-LEVEL 4-bedroom Strauss built for family gatherings in country kitchen, around wood stove, or on redwood deck. Easy walk to school bus. $69,950.
ROSEMARY HORNER, GRI, 489-1372, 7310LEIGHTON (L6437) LARGE COUNTRY KITCHEN, 4 bedrooms 8, ample bathrooms for growing family. Family room; woodburning stove. Extra large, double garage for car buffs. $66,950. LILA AGENA, 488-7449, 483-4741.
1900 MORNINGSIDE (C4247) PARK MANOR brick ranch; 3 bedrooms; cheery, open feeling with sunny windows 8, screened porch. Walk-out level for expansion. Double garage. $63,500. DIXIE MAGE 489-0032, 423-2373.
5624 FALCON CIRCLE (P8343I CUSTOM CABINETS 8, oak woodwork enhance 3-bedroom, 1 both home in briarhurst West. Wet bar fireplace in lower-level family room. $69,950. Off Briarwood Ave; from 31st Old Cheney. VERNE GRIFFIN, CRS, 423-3606, 483-41 51 4110 PAXTON CIR (L6446) $4,550 REDUCTION.
Custom-built 3-bedroom home. Bay window in living room. Fireplace in family room In walk-out level. $69,950. Off No.
19th 8. Fairfield. PHYLLIS KNOPP. 466-3079, 483-4741. 5800 ADAMS (L6411) STONE HOME with newer roof.
Vj Story with 31 bedrooms; 2Vj baths. Remodeled kitchen; beamed ceiling; quality cabinets. Landscoped double lot; large patio. $69,000. JAY HEACOCK, 464-7732.
483-4741. ACREAGE 4801 MANDARIN CIR NEW CONSTRUCTION 5809 BERKLEY, 4 (C3085) $5,000 REDUCTION. New. 3-bedroom condominiums; formal dining; fireplace; family room. English rowhouse architecture; separate entrances.
$59,950. In Rolling Hills at end of Trelawnev. LIZ HUDKINS. 443-3283 or DICK SCHOTT. 782-8016, 4711 SO.
40THST. (C4284) FIRST-FLOOR family room with Kingsman wood stove plus fireplace in downstairs rec room. 3 Bedroom, SE ronch; large patio in private backyard. $75,000. GUY GRIFFITH, 423-7025.
423-2373. 320 ELKCREEK MALCOLM, NE (L6210) REDUCED TO $45,900. Mostly brick ranch with attached garage. 3 Bedroom with cedar-floored closets. Family room in wolk-out basement.
$45,900. PAT PARMLEY, 1001 STREET EAGLE, NE (L6583) FINANCING! Assumable VA or land contract on newer, 3-bedroom split in Eagle. Expansion room In basement. Transferred owner must sell I $43,000. VIRGINIA ACKER, 423-2921, 483-4741.
7250 SEWARD (L4528) $2,000 REDUCTION lower-interest loan on family perfect, 21 bedroom ranch. Butcher block kitchen counter built-in hutch. Lorge, double garage for workshop. $44,900. GLYNDA FINLEY PETERSEN, 488-5000, 483-4741.
5400 STREET (L6339) $1,500 REDUCTION. Frame ranch with 3 bedrooms. Downstoirs rec room, 4th bedroom, 2nd bath. Nicely londscaped. Anxious owner wonts offer.
$42,500. PAT TALBOTT, 500SO.29THST. (PB524) LIKE NEW inside older, 3-bedroom home. Formal dining fireplace. Rec room in walk-out basement.
Redwood deck; pleasant yard. Good financing. $45,500. C. SCOTT SIPHERD.
466-4513, 483-4741. 3021 SO. 41 ST ST. (P7876) BRICK RANCH with 21 bedrooms, eat-in kitchen. downstairs family room.
Detoched garage. Large trees; garden spot. $46,500. SANDRA KINSEY, GRI, 4852 SHERWOOD (P8462) VAFHA financing considered on clean, 3-bedroom, Vi story bungalow in Hovelock. Single detoched garage.
$47,500. BERNICE SULLIVAN, 488-2431, 483-4151. 3301 NO.70THST. (L6490) STONE RANCH In excellent condition. 2 1 Bedrooms; l3 baths; downstoirs family room.
Central air. Detached garage. Attractively londscaped. $44,500. PAT WARD, 5715 MORRILL (L6552) BRICK RANCH with full basement 8.
I'i stall detached garage. 2 1 Bedrooms. Close to shopping, schools, church. Nice yord with fruit trees. $42,950.
MIKE GUT-SCHENRITTER. CRS. 464-3897. 1853 OTOE (C4335) COUNTRY CLUB orea. 3-Bedroom home; eat-in kitchen with bov window 8, all appliances.
Natural woodwork oak floors. Central air. Lovely vard. $59,500. ANITA SCHOTT, 782-8016, 423-2373.
2221 SO. 61ST ST. (L6533) ROOM TO RELAX In large downstairs family room with bar. Tip-loo, 2 1 bedroom ranch. Attached garage.
Well-kept yard. $51,500. TOM BOWEN. 488-7744, OVER $100,000 NEW CONSTRUCTION 2611 SO. 75TH ST.
(P8445) QUALITY in brond new, custom, executive home; 3 bedrooms. Much oak with beamed ceiling, worn-scoting, choir-rails, beautiful cabinets. Intercom. $127,500. GAYLORD BECKER, GRI.
489-6218, 463-4)51. 2711 SO. 76THST. IC4182) OAK CABINETS in well. Olanned kitchen.
Beoutifullv defci-rated 2-story in Trendwood First-tloor family room; tormol 8 informol dining. Rec room 4th bedroom in basement. $132,500. MARLENE LITTY, GRI, 489 2804, 423-2373. 7200 SO.
HAMPTON IL6595) $8,500 REDUCTION. First-class in Lincolnshire. Large. 4-bedroom 2-story; shake roof. New, energy efficient furnace cenlrol air.
New underground sprinklers. $150,000. KATHY STEINKE, 3 13 BISHOP SQUARE (C3976I REDUCED 8, REDECORATED. Save $3,000 8, eniov worry-free living in 2-bedroom, 2-bath town-home; sunroom with skylights. Grounds maintenance 8 snow removol.
$124,500. BETTY 3045 STRATFORD (C4276) FRIENDLY family home. 3-Bedroom Colonial plus finished 3rd floor. Sunny family room with wood-pegged floor; adiacent patio tor inviting summertimes. $115,900.
HARRIET AYRES, 423-1187, 423-2373 or DEE DEE HOLBERT, 423-4847. 483-4151. 2705 ROYAL COURT (C4331) STONE COLONIAL in Coun-try Club. Beautifully decorated First-floor master suite (4 bedrooms). Fomily room overlooks private "country" garden.
Screened porch. $124,900. SALLY BRADY, 489-2519, 423-2373. THE 600 SUNNY SLOPE RD. (L6586I EXTRA AMENITIES with intercom microwave in former show home close to SE Community College.
3 Bedrooms; family room; fireplace. Lorge polio; redwood fence. $85,950. DAVE SIMS. 488-6488, 483-4741.
NEW CONSTRUCTION 1424 TRELAWNEY (P8277) ONE-LEVEL LIVING in patio home by Heritage Builders. 3 Bedrooms; fireplace; formal dining; first-lloor utility. Upper $80 s. In Rolling Hills off Old Cheney Rd. BOB LOCKWOOD, 6623 BOXELDER IC4166) SKYLIGHT in third story family room of beautifully decorated 2-bedroom townhome; first-floor den; fireplace.
Picturesque setting in Lincoln Meadows at 64th South Sts. $85,500. JERINNE KIME, GRI, 3001 ORWELL (L6279) $3,000 REDUCTION. Oak bookcases woodburning fireploce in family room. Newer 3-bedroom 2-story.
Formal dining; breakfast nook overlooks private backyard. $86,950. In Seven Oaks at 31st Old Cheney. CHERYL SCHMIEDING. 1421 MANCHESTER (L6069I $3,000 REDUCTION.
Contemporary flair in spacious 3 1 bedroom home with view ot lake. Rustic stone fireplace; 2 skylights; neutral decor. Formol dining. $84,950. ANNE HI RSCHMAN, 488-6674, 483-4741.
2831 SO. 74TH ST. (P8452) $5,000 REDUCTION. "Curb oooeai" in attractive, 3-bedroom multi-level in Fox Hollow; wrought Iron entry gate shake roof. Formal dining; fomily room; fireplace.
$84,500. COLLEEN GRIFFIN, CRS, 5120 SO. 30TH ST. (C4116) $3,000 REDUCTION. First-floor family room with fireplace, for-mol dining eat-in kitchen in spacious.
3-bedroom home in Tierro. Well-decorated. $74,900. PHIL STINEMAN, 489-9505. 423-2373.
6000 QUEENS DR. (C4357) TWO Fl REPLACES In 3-bedroom home; built-in bookcases in lower-level family room. Vaulted ceiling in living room dining room. Patio deck. $71,950.
Off Old Cheney at approx. 51st. STEVE RUFF, 423-8549, 423-2373. 6921 BERNESE (C4197) SNAP IT UP! Affordable, brick ranch In prime location that you've been looking for. 3 Bedrooms; lovely fireploce; full basement.
In Colonial Hills one block south of Lo-Salle. $76,950. BRANDEE DWOR-SKY, GRI. 488-8998. 423-2373.
5310 SHERMAN (C4318) GREAT ENTERTAINMENT in dynamite family room with oak wet bar in daylight basement. Perfect brick ronch in SE neighborhood; lovely inside out. $73,900. TONY LITTY, 489-2804, 423-2373. 2545 LAFAYETTE (C4204) COUNTRY CLUB.
Charming Colonial. 3 Spacious bedrooms; master both plus full half boths. Formal dining; open staircase; brick fireplace. $75,000. MIKE POSKO-CHIL.
794-5135, 483-4741. 7711 HOLDREGE (L6530) EXTRA SHARP 3-bedroom ranch in good NE location. Full basement. Attached, heated garage. Nice fenced yard with patio.
Too nice to last long. VA appraised! $52,900. GENE WARD, 489-9101. 483-4741. 5800 OAKRIDGERD.
(C4304) WALK-IN CLOSETS In 3 large bedrooms of well-decorated townhome. Fomily room with fireplace. Double garage. Near Holmes Park. $59,900.
RALPH SCHOBERT, 423-5913, 423-2373. (L6435) $3,000 REDUCTION. Colonial Hills. 3-bedroom 2-sorv. Large ttchen with breakfast area open into family room With fireplace.
Formal dining. $104,000 Off Deerwood JANE HERMSMEYER, CRS. 488-6024, 483-4741 NEW CONSTRUCTION 3531 SO. HOPE CRT. (L6363) GREAT LOCATION for new, professionally decorated.
3-bedroom home. First-floor officeden with both for at-home executive. $122,950. At 32nd Calvert. CAROL CAMPBELL.
GRI. 489-1225. 483-4741. 4215 WATERBURY LN. (P8251) LANDSCAPED SETTING.
Lovely Ptnehurst townhome; 21 bedrooms; brick fireploce. Lower level fomily room 8, office. Deck 8. patio. Good financing.
$108,750. DON SEARCY, 475-5555, 483-4 1 5 1 7932 EAST AVON (L6377) OWNERS TIRED, resist-once low, reduced to $59,750. 4-Bed-room, walk-out ranch. Spectacular view from backyard kitchen. Oak floors, Vh baths, wet bar.
Patio includes redwood furniture. Need fost sale. DAVE BAYNE, 423-7940. (P8531) NEWLY REDECORATED 2-bedroom ranch with first-floor family room. On 2 5 acres off 84th south of Pioneers.
Owner offers excellent financing. $69,950. JEANNE CUBA, 435-0818, 483-4151. SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT (P8236) SHARP, 21 bedroom split-foyer in Hickman; family room; garage. $38,950.
Rose Johnston, 423-8691. (L5939) FLEXIBLE FINANCING on 3-bedroom home in South. Glenn. Family room; fireplace. $59,900.
Movls Fowler. 483-6228. IP8370) $1,300 REDUCTION. Assumoble PHA loan on 3-bedroom home in Highlands; all appliances. $55,600.
Paul Bower, 488-8823 (L6378) ONE OWNER Home; 3 bedrooms; family room; garage. In Eagle, Ne. $47,900. Phil Murphy, 489 1470. or Gary 464-3852.
I L6409) 'NATURAL WOODWORK in East Campus home with large finished dormer; 3 bedrooms. $41,000. Ellen Yotes, (C379H LARGE KITCHEN plentiful cabinets in 2- bedroom home in Bennet. $44,950. Dorothy Hart, 423-5151.
(C4148) FHA ASSUMABLE on 3-bedroom, 1200 sq. ft. ranch. Single garage. $31,500.
Bob Donley. 785-2155. (C3807) REMODELED 3- bedroom home; updated plumbing. Randolph School $53,950. Judy Brown.
488-0778. or Carole Strieder. 475-1353. (L61S8I $5,000 REDUCTION. 11 APR financing on 3 1 bedroom home west of Country Club: fireplace.
$52 950. Marge Stentz. 423-2850. (C40851 NEW FURNACE in 3-bedroom. Souin bungalow.
Oak woodwork; newer corpet. $34,000. Dan Peterson. 423-7279. (P8IB3) RETIREMENT ronch; 2 bedrooms; walkout basement.
Peaceful setting in Autumn Wood. $52,750. Bernice Sullivan, CRS. 488-2431. C4067) $2,500 REDUCTION.
Assumable FHA loon on 3-bedroom home with family room fireplace. Nice! $49,950. Dixit Magee, 489-0032. (P8393I REMODELED 3-bedroom home In Milford. Formal dining; updated kitchen; 1 34 baths.
$39,900. Jacki Vilhouer, GRI. 488-9655. (P84261 GOOD FINANCING on newer. 3-bedroom home; lower-level tamitv room; oil ooplionces.
$48 950. Marty Lesser, (C42I2) ASSUMABLE LOAN on 3-bedroom home in good East Campus location. $35,000. Dick Young, GRI, 423-3429. (P7679) LARGE KITCHEN in 3-bedroomm wolk-out ranch.
Calvert School. $52,950. Jeanne Cuda, 435-0818. (P7912) FAMILY ROOM in wolk-out basement of 21 bedroom ranch. Zemon School.
$45,000. Marty Lesser. 423-9532. (C4231) NEWER FURNACE in 3-bedroom ronch; first-floor family room 8, fireplace. $46,170.
Gwen Searcy. 475-5555. IC4225) 2 FULL BATHS, 2 bedrooms, formal dining, 8 Pacesetter windows in bungalow. $24,500. Nancy nun, 488-1060.
(L62561 ASSUMABLE VA loan with large balance. 3-Bedroom home In Alvo. $35,500. Phyllis Knopp. 466-3079.
(P7985) NORTHEAST. Assumable VA loon on 3-bedroom 2-story. $36,500. Nancy Wilson, 489-5841. (P8101) AFFORDABLE 2-bedroom brick ronch; newer furnace.
Lease option considered. $34,750. Verne Griffin, 423-3606. (L6462) LAND CONTRACT on spacious. 2-bedroom home near East Campus.
$34,950. Jim Buckwalter, GRI. 489-4614. (L6426) NEWER furnoce. central air, plumbing, siding roof in 4-bedroom.
Near South home. $52,000. Carol Keitges. 483-1621. LOW BUDGET (L6260) REDUCED to $29,500.
Assumable loan on 4-bedroom, l'j story home. Gib Elev, (L6481) INVESTMENT bungalow; 2 bedrooms; Park School. $18,500. Ellen Yates, 794-5405. (L6505) NEWER furnace, central air, wiring in 4-bedroom, East Campus home.
$27,900. Ken Yates. 474-7848. (L6520) JUST $19,250 for 2- bedroom home; full basement. North Lincoln.
Gory Merritt, 464-3852. (L6513) ASSUMABLE loan on 3-bedroom bungolow zoned R-4. $29,950. Lilo Ageno, 488-7449. (P8347) FIRST-FLOOR utility in remodeled 2-bedroom, South bungalow.
$25,950. C. Scott Sipherd, 466-4513. (P8435) $1500 REDUCTION. Oak woodwork In 3- bedroom, South bungalow.
R-6 zoning. $29,950. Jeanne Cudo, 435-0818. (C40831 LAKE PARK. First-floor condo; one-bedroom unit.
No yard work. Storone available. $44,750. Jovce Critchfield, 423-4541 (L6564) FHA 235 ossumabie on 3-bedroom home; wollpaper accents. Central air; Single aorooe.
$51,950. Morge Stentz. 423-2850. (C4285) FHA 235 assumable loon on 3-bedroom home in Highlands; professional Iv decorated. $57,500.
Linda Liebe. 423-6149. OVER $60,000 (C4301) FAMILY ROOM with fireplace in beautiful. 3- bedroom home in Cortland $74,950. Barb Ehrlich.
79? 7355. (C4273I $10 000 REDUCTION. Assumoble loon on 4- bedroom contemporary in wooded settinq. $119,900. Honk Doling.
483-4212. COUNTRY CLUB Perfect New England Colonial; 4 Sally Brodv, 489- 2519. (L6512) STONE FIREPLACE in downstoirs family, room. Lovelv, 3-bed- rooin fome in Gretna, $62 9i fill Larson, 421-i 2628. (L6283) EXCLUSIVE Echo Hills.
Dramatic. 4-bedroom home on large, landscaped lot. up-to-the minute kitchen $175,000. Marge Stentz. 423-2850.
(16419) GIC-ANTIC REDUCTION on king sized. 4-bedroom home in Rolling Hills overlooking park. Now $15.000. Marge stentz, (P8419) LOW PRICED starter home on full lot. at 3540 St.
$18,500. Kasev Hartman, 423-1160. UNDER $60,000 (L65811 CAPE COD. Permanent siding on 3-bedroom home; woodburning stove. Randolph School.
$59,950. Marge Stentz, 423-2850. (L6468) HALF ACRE. Newer 3 1 bedroom ronch; barnwood poneled family room. In Hallom, Ne.
$47,000. Norm Gutzmer, 488-5544. (L6479) NEWER FURNACE in remodeled 3-bedroom home In South Lincoln. $49,950. Gary Merritt, 464-3852.
(L6472) SUPER FINANCING on near new, 3-bedroom, brick ranch. Garage; basement. $57,000. Ange Monzitlo, 488-1027. (L5345) ALL APPLIANCES In shorn.
3-bedroom. SE townhome. Single garage. $41,900. Gene Ward, 489-9101.
(L6529) ALL APPLIANCES In newer, 3-bedroom home in West Lincoln. $46,509. Frank Fowler, GRI. 483-2604. (L6494) LENDER-OWNER financing on 3-bedroom, 2 bath home in Woverlv.
$45,000. Ange Manzltto. 488-1027. (P8170) TWO FIREPLACES in 3-bedroom multi-level near Zeman School. $49,500.
Rosemary Horner. GRI. 489-1372. (C40B9I HISTORIC MANSION on 3 64 acres in heart ol Lincoln. Swimming pool.
Jovce Critchfield, 423-4541, or Pace Woods, 1 1. 423-4509. (C4062) $6,750 REDUCTION. 4 Lorge bedrooms in brick ranch on half acre. 58 5 750 Dick Young, GRI, 423-3429.
(C3710I BEAUTIFUL, 3-bedroom Fo Hollow home. Lorge lot; shode trees. $104,750. Judy Brown, 488-0778. (L5831) CUSTOM cabinets 8, oak trim in 3 1 bedroom home in Colonial Hills.
Formol dining. $73,000. George Joy. CRS. 488-2895.
IL586) STONE home with 3 fomily rooms 6. 2 fire-p'oces. Huge lot Calvert 8, Pound Schools. $129,900. Mickev Mettger, 489-1644.
(L6405I JACUZZI family rooms in 4-bedroom multi-level in Trendwood $133,900. Mory Ann Runnings. 483 2281, or Ange Manjitto. 488-1027. (L6503) QUALITY crafts-monship in new, 3-bedroom home by Craig Bauer; superb kitchen.
$137,500. Befcv Sims, 488-6481. TL6536) FAMILY ROOM, fireploce. oak cobinets in 3-bedroom, 2-bath home near Zeman School. $62,950.
Betty Sims. 488-4488. (L6544) SUPER SPACIOUS brick ronch on gorgeously londscaped lot in SE. Fomilv room; first-floor utility. Land contract possible.
$129,950. Betty Sims, 488-6488. CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-453-1851, ext. 350 UUIOOQS BROS REALXV (C3268) ONLY $29,900. 3- Bedroom ronch; 1,078 sq.
ft. Large entry; country kitchen. Jerlnne Klme, GRI, 488-9140. (P8100) LOW COST. 3-Bedroom bungolow between UNL campuses.
$21,500. Verne Griffin, CRS, 423-3606. (P8326) DOUBLE LOT with 4- bedroom home; formal dining. $28,500. C.
Scott Sipherd, 466-4513. COUNTRY CLUB PLAZA 3737 South 27th 423-2373 OPEN TOD AY: 10-5 On Duty: George Backe, Tony Litty, Darrell Runnings PIONEER PLAZA 3201 Pioneers Blvd. 433-4151 OPEN TODAY: 12-5 On Duty: Jann Loerch Gaylord Becker LINCOLNSHIRE SQUARE 1630 South 70th 483-4741 -OPEN TODAY: 12-5 On Duty: Ange Manzltto Gary Merritt -j m.m 4 j.4 A jnirli.