1 vwmr-wrmmrT IM THE TAMPA TRIBUNE TIMES, Sunday, Sept. 1968 NEW YORK BOND LIST OVER THE COUNTER STOCKS lW WisCe. 4s2004 9V VmPSv 3 93 924 t24 MIDWEST STOCKS (Continued from Page 9-D) 14. 4 (Continued from Page 2 14 94 4 NEW TORK IAP The folk) wing kid Durirtm ake4l notation with the prevara dhg Can irtday's aid. supplied ky I Raring Asa nal Association of fecronff listers, cktri Drugs are not actual transaction bat arc Economics La representative fnterdealer prices at wbiea Edgromfe Steel secartties could have beea pur- El Paso Elee raaord asked ar sold (bid I.
prices di Electro Craft ot include retail markup, markdowa ar Eiectranie Coat 6ys 24 U's 8 38 38 241 15 11' 9 26 31M, 14', 17 38' 254 36 19 27 13 32 6'4 16-4 1H 21 27 4 33 134 57 444 36 IS1! Scientific Control 44 19 ScientUic Indust 18 184 'Scope 44 254; Scott A Son 474 ZlVt Scrippa How Bdcst 29 16 Scrips lne 74- Seated Power 31 15 Searie b4 18'i Sea Train Lines X'jSea World 39 Seismic Computing 154 Seaway Food 17 Semteci) 17 Seven tp St 12 Scxtosu John St Cm 54' Shatterproof Glass 248 Shepard Niles 14 Shop Rite Foods 164 Sicks Rain Brew 144 Signal Finance 241 Simon A Schuster 59 244 39 17 29 444 31 15 43' 194 7 9 t' 284 38 Skaggs Pay Less Small Bus Inv Smith Transfer Snap on Toots Bonoco Prod 25 25 29 28 52 49' 24' 4 254 IS 47 37 erg Paper 2-l4 So Geo Nat Gas 144 85 77 31 294 lff4 15' ooutheastera Capital 19 11 Southeasteru Drilling 45 46 Soutbeastn Mtg inv Tr 54 51 Southern Airwavs 12 13' 18 244 2 25 224 174 8 154 344 37 4' 16 17' 184 13 S6 24 14' 164 144 24V 189 179 16 14' 44 I9 CC 4S' 32 19 51 254 49 17' 21 454 314 154 45' 29'4 8 94 98 28' 48 IS 49 38 214 154 154 l-'4 t4. 26-4 4U' I4a 18 3S' 26 39 274 134 33 fr'4 17 20' 21' 28 344 134 59 454 374 92H 74 891 88 86 858 85H 85 84 85 84' 84 96 857 964 7.V 1 47- 95 82' 3 83 91484 91V 21 4 75' 97! 85 954 Meeke 4s92 MacyCr 4stl Macy ev5s92 Macy MadSqG '4s87 MaineC 5's78 MaraOil 4s7 Md Cop 414s92 MaySKeal 5s77 MrCror V-aM McCror 5'87 MeCrory 5sSl MDonD 4X4S91 MrGrH TtsSJ Medusn 54s88 MichBe 4s91 MichCG 3's69 MiehCG 3ss9 Miles 's92 MplsStL 6s85 MSPSS MSPSSM 4s91f XKT in5's33l MKanT MoKanT 4 MoPae 5s204M MoP 44s2920f MoP 44s2030f MoPae 44s9 MPae 44s2005 Monon 6s2007f 13 194 151' 25 79'i 79 1 113 113 35 1184 1177 46 109 1 2 784 784 7 82 74 31 112 11? 89 89 53 116 113' 26 P3 844 98 6v4 7' 772 118 114' 57 99 96 156 139 128 29 75 7.V4 224 28 4 39 28 V4 43' 85 4- Va 55-a 158 41' 57 AV 21 19' 4 264 11 98 971 2244 1H 13 97 964 41 Va 30 V4 56 2641 21 Va 30-i. 807 1 247 1 44" 4 Va 4 958 947 5 86' 86 2 934 9344 56 56 10 77 33 32 65 53 3 4 65 7 53 149 64 57 62 61 624 21 68' 52 66' 8 80 1' 607 7 654 774 824 234 4 48 14 144 Va 19' V4 53' 2H 2-H MontWd 474s99 II 824 MtWdCr 78888 140 105V 104! MtWdCr 47s80 10 85 85 MorE 3s2OO0 17 444 44 MSL ev4s84 126 103 99 -N- 1154 1 45 1 54! 21 NAFI 5V4s80cd 25 1177 84 91 89 94 2 FOREIGN BONDS HU4 t2' Amster 5' Antiocj 3s78 Austral Auslr fn 579 Austral 5'81 Aust Aust fnS'sJan Aus fno'-zsOe Austr fn5'rs5 Austria 5' is8 Austra 51 tsMn Austral fn 5s72 Austral fn 5sS3 Austr So 34s69 Austri fs4s89 Belg fn 5I-2S72 Caldas 3s78 Chile 3s93 Colom 3s70 CopenC 5ks78 CopT fn5s71 CreditF 5ls79 CredF Cuba 4s77f Cundin 3s78 Denm fnSstt Europ Finland 6s73 German Germany 5s 80 German fn5s30 Gotavkn fn6s80 Greek 6s68f ItalCCon 3s77 ItalPCt fn3s77 ItalRep fn3s77 JapDv fn6sS0 Japan Mexico 7s82 Mexico 6thsS1 Mexico 64s78 1 92-8 1 74 74 7 89 89 1 88 14 86' 86 6 86 8V-8 9 858 54 1 fS 15 1 84' 1 85 55 4 84' 84' 12 94' 94' 9 84 84 10 96 96 8 85- S57 16 97 96''4 9 75' 75' 16 47-B 47- 7 95 95 1 82i 82' 5 83 83 4 9I 914 15 91' 91 35 21 21 9 754 75' 3 97' 97! 1 85 85 3 95' 951 14fl4 1W 89 88' 191' 95 108 108 98 27 14 1 1 778 "4 82 2 584 75V4 44 68 96' 89 132' 91' 92 "24 104' 84' V4 94 1 78 4 64' a 82 44 90 94 77 ''2 1014 -1 1 1008 100 2 107V4 1074 7 1074 1074 8544 884 46 73 80 95 87 46 73 75V4 80 95 87 93 8144 34 87 2 84' 85' 1' 94 934 958 9544 954 934 15 17 IS 174 15 78 84 7 45 oRi 44 33 34 33 21 rPi a1 15 IS 14 8- 9' 114 12- i 18 19 lHHt 33 34 34 45 4K4 45 15 1ST 134 174 14 108 ll'n I1 14W 144 144 1444 154 15 60 61 6i 56 67 13 13' 13 11A 12 iv-a 13 rsv4 74 7 10 11 104 13 14i 14 37 3a 3 Z54 Wa 26 7 7 7V4 56 58 58 26 28 Z8 144 15Ml 14 so xv- 20 1004n 1074 107 Z4'- Miss Rir Trans ns 14- Miss Valley Gas 84 Miss Valley Strict Stl 39 Missouri Beef Patters 37 Missouri I ulities Mite Carp 15 Mitron Resrch 4 Dcv 11' Mobile Gas Svc 9 Mogul Corp 27 Mohawk Rubber 41' Monarch Mark Sts 4't Monmth Pk JockeyCHib 174; Moore, 39 Moore Handley 25 4: Moore Prod 36 Morrisom lne 1 Morrison Knndsen 284 Mortgage Assoc 12 I Motor Club Amer 294 Corp 64 Murphy Pac MarSalvag 21' I Narraaiw'lt Capital i Nathans Famous Natl Chemsearch 15 2f4 194 24' 214 1 7- IS 33' 36 39' 15V4 16' 17 54 23-'4 13 154 14 234 24 271 59 234 81 30 16 134 1 vwwrcwr 5' Natl Food Prod Natl Gas St Oil Nad Patents Devp Natl Sees St Research Natl Semiconductor Natl Systems Nebraska Cons Neiman Marcos Nekoosa Edwards Pap Neuhoff Bros Packers New Britain Mch New Eng Gas St Elee New Jersey Natl Gas Nicholson File Nielson A Nielson Noland Company Nor Cam Nat Gas Nor Central Airl Nor Central Airl units North European Oil North Penn Gas 43 38 142 36 14' 95 19 164 91 294 6s 10 11- 4 12. 5 33' 154 24 19V 23 54 171 18 i 54 45 12- I 22i 74 10 33V 354 21 38' 17 20' 174 221 74 14 8-4 179 154 38 40 19" 32 25H 124 51 244 23 49 36 36 27-V4 9a 5 6 7z 13V Northwest Natl Gas Northwestn Pub Svc Northwst St Port Cmt 11 24-4 25 29 194 52 Noxell Corp Nuclear Data Nuclear Resch Assoc O-P-Q Ocean Drill St Ex pi 42' Ode II Inc 36 344 18' 184 304 54 58 25 13V 94 26 26 114 Offshore Co Ogilvy St Mather Intl Ohio Ferro Alloys Ohio Water Sve Oil Shale Corp Uld Ben toal Olga Co Omega Equities Optical Scanning Optics Technology Oregon Freeze Dry Fds Oregon Metallurgical 8844 8-D) Std Oil NJ s97 24 1014 l1 StdONJ 2474 14 84 21 91 84 1514 24 7 1 113 118' i 3H log 784 82 4' 112 5' 9 1 84'4 44 69 118 99 3 1281 4 StdONj 2ns71 SlOitOh 4482 Std Packg 6s9 StPkg cv5ls9 Staoff evt'M Stevens ev4s90 Stoke ev4's8 4 89 19 83 69 99 19 94 173 102 99 37 144' 140' Storer 122 111 197' Talcott 54s 79 14 90 89 a icott 54 89 83 88'4 TalcoU ev5s79 ll 101' 11 Taylor 4's87 103 103 Teledva 'ss91 27 95 938 Teledyn 3'-s92 201 1091 107 Tenneco 6'92 201 Wi 106' Texaco 54s97 28 99 98 977 96415-32 TexasCn 3a-hSt3 Texlnst 4.80s! Tex NO 3ns90 Tex Pae 5s2000 Tex Pac 3-s Trane ev4s92 TWA 's78f 2 3 1 2 26 17 89 77' 82 58' 754 79 96 90 77 82 58' 75' 4 68 96' 89 79 95' 58 86 V4 934i 14 56 32 65 53 63H 62 4 TWA cv 4s92 149 704 TwenCn 54s92 181 140! 130' CnCarb 5.30s97 CnEiMo 3hs71 I nEIMo 3'-4s32 L'nOCal ks98 CnOCal 47sS6 InOCal 2s7Q I nPac 2Vrs76 CnPao 2Vs91 I nTank 5s86 I nTank 4V4s73 97 914 5 92 5 724 61 lot's 27 85 91 92 6074 68' 654 4 80 4 824 724 103 84' 94 78 64 83! 90 934 78 64'4 824 90 105 4 85 44 101 Vt i InAirLin 5s 9 1 96 '4 934 754 I nitAL 44s92 445 784 Aire ev5ss91 144 1024 101 I Aire ev4Vs92 1262 85 87 84 85' 94 824 93 92 81 87 84' 85Vs 94 824 93 L'nGasCp 5s0 37 1 1 2 3 45 9 I'nGasC 4s78 LnGasC L'nGasC L'nGasC L'nGasC 4's77 4s72 4'4s78 3s71 I'nGasC 3572 12 914 CnMerc cv-s90 232 102 99'4 Nuclr cv5s88 149 109' 106V4 USGyps 47sSl 3 86 86 t'SSmlt 544s93 646 109 14 USSmlt 5s95 814 80 LSSteei 4hs96 378 824 817 139 854 844 34 82' 814 65 1034 107 L'SSteel 4'4s86 LSSteei 4s83 oitl til cv5s93 UnivOp 6s93 53 103 102 Vanad 44s76 -VaElPw 338s8 VirgRv Inc6s08 Virg Ry 3s95 16 844 2 95 12 967 2 564 844 94 96 5644 vornad cvjsSZ Wabash 44s91 Wabash 34s71 4 12 133 2 66V 66 92 934 2 Wag El 67s86 58 944 Ward ct5's87 8 171 14 43 169-44 Warm Wean In 5s93 WPenEl 3'4s74 Shore 4s2361 WShor 4s2361r WnAirL 5'4s93 Wn Md 4s69 WnPac 5sS4 WnUn 62s89 Wn Union 5s92 Weyerh 5.0s91 Wheels 3V4S75 38 90 59 59'4 77 84 2 90 14 607 6 59! 257 113 1104 5 7 47 31 25 974 9644 82! 82 9944 MV4 81 80 WVa 9U' 71' 70' 9 WhiteCn 5'2s92 178 105 WbiteMt 5V4S93 83 105 103 102 Whittkr 4's88 WmsBr 5sS8 WisCen 4s29f 520 92 90 56 2044 196 5 554 5o 46 73 -14 754 89 95 87 93 1 95V4 4 94' 89 91 2 9SV4 94 91V 97 88 92 1 89 88! 90 894 9T4 82' 94 82 -2 93 924 Mexico 6Ws 79 894 91 984 94 91' 984 88 93 89 88V 90 89 91 98 92 91 97 87 Mexico 6'2s80 Montra! fn6s69 NZeal fn64s86 NewZea fn544s NewZea fn5's NewZea fnSVs NippOnTT 6s76 N'ipponTT 6s77 Nippon fn6s77 Nippon Nippn fn54s78 Norw fn54s73 Norw fn54s78 Oslo fn 5'4s73 Pern 6s60xf portoAI 8s61st RioGdoS 6s68st SoEurP 5Vis82 SoEur fn5's82 Urur aj4's79 100 1V4 107V 14 86 1 1077 3t 80! 82 Va 854 814 Va 1084 44 102 2 89 88 90 8934 974 978 824 82V 94 94 84 4 95 96! 74 564b 1 108 1 83 132 2 89 89 10 824 834 12 84 82V 2 90 88 66 92 93' 16944 744 Copyrighted by The Associated 43 3 108 83 12' V4sV 27 30 19H 56 108 1 83 NatBisc 44587 15 86 85 85 1 Cash ev44S 128 1364 1337 134 24 NatCtyL 54s88 67 1037 10244 1034 1 Dairy 4ss9: 12 80 80 80 2 Dairy 2s76 3 924 92V 92V 44 NatDist 10 81V 80 80 I Nat Dist 4'4s92 177 934 92V4 934 1' Lead 48s88 2 794 79 7944 4 NEng TT 3s74 10 82 824 82' 4 NEnp TT 3s82 12 704 70 70 44 NJBeHT 10 65! 65' 65' 1V4 NJ PwLt 3s74 2 79'4 79'4 79 NY Cent 6s80 10 9544 95V4 9544 NY Cent 6s90 20 91 90 90 14 NYCent 5s2013 56 76V 754 75'4 NYCen 5s2013r 3 75 75 75 NYC 4s2013 70 694 69'4 14 NY Cent 4s98 41 65 644 644 NYCHR 34s97 3 604 60' 60' NYCLS 3s98 55 54' 55 Vt NYCLS 3'4s9Sr 514 51'4 51' NYCMC 3s98 1 54V4 54'4 54'4 NY ChS 3'4sS0 1 684 6.84 68'4 Va NYConn 27s7S 4 714 714 Va NYLaekW 4s73 6 67 66 66 2 NYSEG 244s7l 74! 74V 74' NYTel 4s91 30 82! 80' 81' 44 NY Tel 4's93 2 75 75H 75? 4s NYTel ZHsH 1 63 63' 63s i NYTel 11 76 76 76 NYTel 2482 5 684 68 68 Nia MP 47s87 5 84V 84! 84' 4 NorW 4.85s2015 10 74 74 74 1 4s 3 724 72' T2V NorARk 4V4s91 176 88V 87 88 NorCen 5s74 1 88V 88V 88' Nor NG 4 89 89 89 IV Nor NG 474s80 1 8444 844 84ft4 4 Nor NG 45hs78 24 87 867 867 Va Nor NG 4'2s76 8 87 872 87 Nor NG 44s83 5 7844 784 Vz Nor NG 2 87V 87V 87V Nor NG 34s73 3 85 85 85 NoPac 44s47 20 934 93V4 93' Vs NorPae 4s84 3 71V 71' 71' NorPac 4s97 21 70 68 68 VorPac 3s2047 27 50V 49' 49' Va NoPac 3s2047r 7 49V 49V 49V Northrp Cv5s79 5 217 217 217 1 Northrp 444s87 294 10544 104 105V 24 Nort Sim 6s98 476 85! 844 85 1'4 Press 18 viin hank runt ft or receivership or 83! 90 607 1 59' commission. A A I Carp Acme Electric Acme Indus! Arme Vis Records Amsfanet recess Adams Fosse II Addison Wesley Pub Adley Corp Advance Soss Aero Systems Affiliated Bosp Pds AG Foods Air California Air I ad as Airborne Freight Nat Gas Albertson's Ale Standard Alcoa Labs Aides Electronic St Imp A lie Land Devlp AHegbeny Beverage Allegheny Pepsi-Cola Allied Aera Allied Equities Allied Prod war Allied Thermal Cp AHyn St Be cod Aloe Creme Lab Alphanuraerie Alpine Geophysical Am Automatic Vend Am Building Main Am Dist Tel Am Elec Labs Am Express Am Financial Cp Am Forest Prod Am Furniture Am Greeting A Am Heritage Pub Am Instit Develop Am Maize Prod Am Medical Entpr Am Music Stores Am Nuclear Am Pipe St Const Am Realty Trust Am Rubber Plast Am St Gobain Am St Gobain pf Am Welding Mfg Amoskeag A ml el lne Anadite Anchor Cp Anderson Lab Anheuser-Busch Anixter Bros Anodyne Apple baums Food Mkts Applied Magnetics Applied Magnetics Arden May Fair Arden May pi Aries Corp Aristo Foods Ariz Biochemical Arkansas Mo Pow Ark Valley Indust Ark Western Gas Armstrong AJ Arrow Hart Hgmn El A it id a Cp Assoc Coca Cola Btlg Athlone Industries Atlanta Gas Lt Atlantic Utilities Atlas Press Automatic Fire Alarm Automation Sciences Avemco Corp A Corp Avers St Co Aztec Oil St Gas Babbitt Inc Bagdad Copper Baird Atomics Baltimore Paint Ch Bangor Hydro 1 Bard, CR Barden Cp Barnes Hind Pfaar Barrington Indust Barry Corp Basse Furniture Bayless, AJ Mkts Beaver Creek Indust Bee line Fashions Behlen Mfg Belknap Hardware Belle Isle Belmont Iron Wks Belmont Sav St Loan Bergstrom Paper Berkshir Hathaway Bernz-O-Matic Bets Laboratories Bibb Mfg Big Drum Billons Westn Pete Bio Dynamics Bi richer Cp Black Hills Blair, John St Co Block Bogue Electric beina; reorganised nnder the Bankruptry Act, or securities assumed by such cm panies.
xi Ex interest, ct Certificates, st Stamped, Dealt in flat, Matured bonds, negotiability impaired by maturity nd Next day delivery, xw Ex warrants, fn Foreign issue subject to interest equalization tax. HO'4 27 96s 82' 4s 99 Va 804 144 90' 44 714 44 103' V4 102 2 COMMERCIAL 924 1V4 200 7 55' 4s 18' 14' 14 26V4 .13 494 114 94 874 24 434 1544 27 34 I6V4 26 22 40 324 18s 9V 354 17 Vj 214 18' 29- 22V'4 191 40 11'4 25V4 114 8V4 8 42 434 411 284 83 254 2744 28V4 23 Oregon Fort Cmt Ormco Corp Ormont Otter Tail Power Overseas Nat Air 7' 64 91: 10 31 15 10 56 12 32' 29 104 154 18' 364 114 27V 69 17V8 92 28 184 16V4 111 32 64 37 8 9-4 5'8 ll'a 35 14'4 Oxy-Catalyst Ozite Corp Food Mkt PEC srael Econ Pabst Brewing Co Pac Automations Pac Far East Line Pac Gamble Robinson Pac Plantronics Pac Savings St Loan Pac Vegetable Oil Package Mach Pak-Well Pap Ind Pako Cp Palm Beach Co Panacolor Inc Panoil Oil Parkview Gem Parkway Dist Pauley Petroleum Pavelle Corp Pay Less Drug Pay 'n Szve Cp Peerless Tube Penn Controls Penn Engineer Penn as i Water Penn Real Inv Tr Pepsi-Cola Bot Wash Perini Cp Peterson Petrie Stores Petrolite Cp Pet bone Mulliken pf A Phila Sub Water Photon Inc Pickands Mather Pirkands Math pf Piedmont Aviation Piedmont Natl Gas Pinkerton's Inc Pioneer Natl Gas Plasticrete Plastoid Cable Porter, HK Inc Possis Machine Pott Indust Precision Instrument Preston Oil Princess Homes Profession a I Golf 18' 8'4 21' 372 l4 69 9V 40 7 12 21'4 43' 214 24 11 1444 31V 33 22' 22 iVb 34V4 15 28' 1044 39 15 61 45 58 68 MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE! Minimum Amount $50,000 Financing Equipment Financing Accounts Receivable 80 95 2 847 80 9 82 1 80V4 Leasing of Equipment Inventory loans 158 2 117 88! 4 89 14 ONE OF 83 82 4 82' V-i 77V4 3 80 80 7914 Va 80' 70 44 91 14 84'4 Va 77' 72' 2 69 8 1 77 2 81 78 AMERICA'S LARGEST COMMERCIAL-FINANCE ISfalter OF FLORIDA 900 H.W. 54th MIAMI ORLANDO JACKSONVILLE JUAN, P.R. KINGSTON, SEE OR CALL MYER FRANK Mortgage Specialist 3925 W. Kennedy Blvd.
Tampa, Flo. Phone 877-7487 COMPANIES 757-9551 MIAMI JAMAICA A 41 20'4 33' 268 13' 4 53 24 23 41 37 37 28' 10' 4 5'4 e7 714 14' 43V4 39 354 19 19 31' 6 62 254 144 98 27' 27 IV 19 15 15 134 50'z 12' 10' 4 88 V4 28 35 164 27V 23 41 334 19'4 9H 36 18'4 22 20 30V4 23 201 42V 12V 26 124 8V4 44 444 42' 24:4 114 15! 33 38 23' 23 14V4 35'4 15' 15T 13V4 18V IOV4 35Va 6V4 19iV4 32V4 40 38' 49 ouuiera Bakeries 6 Southern Calif Wat 164 Southern Conn Gas 38V4 Southern New Eng Tel 44 Southern I'nion Gas 29' Southland Corp 334 Southwest Airmotive 424 Southwest Forests 14V4 Southwest Gaa Cp 19 Southwest Gas Prod 21 Southwestn El Svc 174 Southwestn Inv 18 Sovereign Indust 14V4 Spacerays 174 Spedcor Electron 12 Speedring Cp 2444 Spencer Packing 38 Sperti Drug 15 Springfield Gas Lt 2UV4 St a lne h' i 194 33 26 134 51 24 38 32 32 25 94 fi1 7 13V 12 25V4 26 29 20', 57 Std Computers 45 Std Register 25 Std Screw 284 Stanley Home Pds 37 Steel Improvement 15 16 43' 39 34 18 17 3044 5' 59 244 154 100 27' 26 124 20 144 144 siepnensoa Fin 23' Strawbridge A Cloth 57 Subscription Telev 114 Sun Electric 34,4 Superior Electric 28V4 Supervised Inv Sve 12 Industries 11' Szabo Food Sve 12! T.I.M.E. Freight 24 TCO Indust 53 Tally Corporation 41 Tamar Electronics Tampax Inc 189 Tappan Co 37 tastee Frees 16V4 Taylor Wine 55 21'4 20 4 Technical Animations 44 27'4 28 Tecumseh Prod 120 Telephone Util 147 Tenn Nat Gas Lines 14 Texas Amer Oil 10V4 12 494 11 V4 94 8fi 15 Texas Am Sulphur 22 Texas Capital 14V Texota Oil 14 Therm Air Mfg 104 Thermotech Ind 8V4 3' 4 3' 444 43 15V4 14H 284 34' 14V4 26 22V4 40V 31 19 10V4 344 14V 24 18 29V 21-4 184 39V 12 2544 1144 94 9V4 41 38V4 41 2544 82 22V4 27 27 22V4 12' 20V4 41 22! 1044 17V4 31V 35 22' 23V 13V 33 14 Thrift Drug 46 47 Tidewater Marine Svc 48V 49V niiany to 28 29 Titan Group Tokheim Corp Topsy's ntl Torginol Indust 14V 174 24' 2V4 51 14' 15V4 194 1444 27 3044 31 19 31V 144 25 39 19' 20 30' 22! 1844 32 38V 7 14' 28 11V4 23 12 36V iracor Traid Corp irans Texas Airwavs Transcont Gas Pipeline Transport Motor Exp rave lodge Corp Tremco Mfg inco Products Tridair Industries Trinity Industries Tucson Gas St Elee Twin-Dis Clutch Tyler Pipe Cnimed Inc Union Financial Cnitec Indust Cnit Artist Theatres I nit Convales Hosp Cnit Dollar Strs Cnit Illuminating Cnit Investors Cnit McGill Banknote Crown Envelope Envelope pf 32 IT Finance Sugar Truck Lines 44V 40Vz 24 137 Universal Tel University Computing Univis Inc I8V4 Upper Peninsular Utah Const Min 27V4 96 84 22V4 13V4 14 26V 1V4 2'4 19V4 54 51 23' 15 -32 6V4 32 29'4 1V4 104 12 so1 30 18 13' 244 114 15' Utah Shale Land Util Indust Valley Gas Value Line Devel 154 2844 28 Van Dorn Co Van Dus Air Sun 27 2544 12 184 14 74s 17 15! Vance Sanders Veeco Instruments velcro Indust Ventron Corp Vermont Amer Victory Markets Va Chemicals Vitramon Inc Vitro Cp Am Viviane Woodard Vogue Instrument Volunteer Nat Gas Vulcan Inc 25V 40 9 33' 344 307 33 95 58 544 42V 84 Wabash Cons Waddell Reed A Wadsworth Publishing Waldbaum Walker Scott Wallace Business Forms Walter Reade Organ Waltham Watch Wang Laboratories 74s 1844 45 55 23 85 Warner Elect 2VM Warshow Sons 14V 25' Warwick Elec 1344 Washington Nat Gas I8V4 Washington Scientific 13V4 Water Treatment 11 Wayne Mfg 31 Wehr Corp 15 Weisfields Inc 24' 4 Wellington Mgt 384 Wells Gard Electronics 17V Wems nc 20 Werner Trans Co 18' Werner Trans pf 16V4 West Ohio Gas 21 Westn Kentucky Gas Westn Mortgage Inv 84 Westn Oil Shale 13' Westn Publishing 28V4 Westgate Calif 14 Wiley Sons 34V Will Ross 47 Willcox St Gibbs 12 Wilson Freight 10 Wings St Wheels Exp Winslow Tele-Tronics 5V Winter, Jack 944 Winter Park Tel 27 Wisconsin Pr St Lt 224 Woodward St Lothrop 25 Worldwide Energy 64 Wrather Corp IIV4 WTC Air Freight 1544 Wyandotte Chem 25V -X-Y-Z- Yardney Elec 12V2 Yellow Transit Freight 47 Zions Utah Bancorp 10! 32 28 27 52V4 27 20 27V 32 17' 2744 844 2444 14V4 844 25V4 4444 24 37 38 1244 83 25 3144 10 13i 44 14 12V 13 125 144 21V 17V4 44V I8V4 36 12 19 64 174 44 308 34'4 43V4 15 194 21V 174 184 18V4 134 254 39 16 21' 7V 47 26 294 39 59 12' 35' 29 13 12 13 25V 55 42' 104 192 3T44 57 444 124 154 104 25 15 15 114 15 I8V4 30' 244 53 15V4 16 15'4 27' 31V 33 20' 32V 1544 26 3944 21' 21 23' 19Vz 3244 3yz 7' 15 29' 12 25 12' 37' 46V 41V 25 142 19'4 28 98 8 23! 1344 14' 27' 18V4 27V4 20V4 56 52V 24V 16 33' 644 3244 30V4 12 844 11 yixi 52 32 19 14V4 3044 12V4 17' 86' 224 144 14'4 18' 14 11' 32 16 2444 39'4 18' 22 19'4 17 214 23V4 7' 14V 39 144 35' 48'. 12V4 ltM4 10 6 IOV4 29 23' 2544 1144 1KV4 26' 13 48 11V4 29 87 26 28' 29V4 24 12' 20V 444 Electronics Capital Electronics Memories Electronic Modules Electronisied Chem Eliiabethtown Gas Eliiabfthtown Water Elk Horn Coal Empire Gas new Empire St Oil Energy Resources Ennis Business Forms Eoa Corp Epsca Incerp Equity Oil Co Erie Techno Prod Evans Inc Farrel Cp Farrington Mfg Federal Nat Mtge Federal Sign it Signal Fine Organics First Boston Cp 137 35 134 98 181 16-Hi 9 31" 64 12 11H 44- 33 15' 234 1HV 23 5H 19 184 54 41' 52' 74 12 22 74 10H 34 139 36 n' 102 191 16 '4 10 32'a 7's 10' 12' 124 5 34 16 2U 23' 51 20 19' 4 54 43 54' 8s 124 23 77 ll'a 35V 38 21 38 First Mississippi Cp First Mtge Investors First Republic Fst Small Business First Surety Cp Fst I'nion Realty Fst Wstn Financial Fisher Foods Fleminr Co 304 tsm- Flight Safety Florida Pub I til wv Florida Tel Cp 40 40 10 37 16V4 42 28 52 144 234 23 84 liV4 7-8 12 24V4 54 204 2W 44 18 fcO-4 49 22 1744 28' 28 154 42 18V li'4 24 114 13' 4 134 1U 57 22V4 33 18V4 25 14fy4 26 154 74 Food Fair Prop Fort Worth Stl St Mch Foster Grant Fotochrome Four Seasons Nursing Fox Stanley Photo Francbard Cp Franklin Cp Franklin Elec Franklin Mint Franklin Realty rise hi Restaurant Gannett Co Garfinckel Garrett Freigbllines Gas Service Co Gateway Transp Gay Gibson Gelman Instrument ST-s 204 37 1674 174 19'4 20 164 17-'4 221 24'4 Gen Atronics 74 8'4 Gen Automotive Parts 14 Gen Cp Ohio 8 Gen Devices V'. Gen Electrodynamics 8' 4 Gen Gilbert 64 Gen Kinetics 10 Gen Real Est Shrs 94 Gen Shale Prods 32 Gen Tel SW 5.10 pf 15 Gen L'nit Group 104 Geotel 94 Gerber Sclent Instrn 58 GFI Computer 114 Glatfetter, 33' Gleason Works 281 Globe Rub Prod IQV4 Gould Properties IS 14' 8'.
74 9 ll4 10V 324 151 ll' WV 62 114 341 29V4 11 Govt Employees Cp 19 20 Govt Employees Fin 37 38 Graham Mfg 104 H1 Graphic Controls 26 27 Graphic Sciences 70 72 Grass Valley Grp I6V4 17 Gt Southwest 90 95 Gt Wash Ind Invest 28 29 Green Mt Power 184 19V4 Greenfld Real Estate 16 17V Grey Advertising 121 13' Grinnell Cp 112 115 Gross Telecasting 32 33' Grove Press 7 74 Growth Intl 40V 41' Grumman Allied Ind 8V4 9' 4 Guardian Chem S7 9s Guidance Tech 51 51 Gulf Interstate 12V4 Gwaltney 35 36 Gyrodyne Co Am 14' 15V4 -H- 21 39 17 19 18V 2m 74 19V4 434 27 39 VM 204 5V 12 8V 23 134 Hamilton Cosco Handmacher Vogel Hanover Shoe Hardees Food Sys Harlev Davidson 17 84 22' 36'4 19l 72 9 40 7'4 20 25 12 384 15l4 44 58 174 9U 24 37'4 204 74 104 42 21 24 26 12' 394 16 62 46 62 64 114 13V Harper Row Pub Harrell Corp Hartford Gas Haven Indust Hawthorne Financial Hawthorn Meliody Heath Tecna Cp Helio Aircraft Henredon Furniture Herff Jones Hexcel Corp Hi-Shear Corp Holmes El Protect Homa Hoover Co Horizon Land Houston Fearless 36 2V 23V4 27'S 11-J4 51V 18V2 11 81 10', 33' 32 41V4 334 34'4 20V4 3 3V4 15 33V 62 Tllh. 16-V4 234 224 21'4 40V ll'2 24 24V4 31V2 354 26y4 13V2 Howell Instruments 134 Hubinger 18 14 isy4 Huck Manufactring 14 Hudson Palp Paper 284 144 2H4 Hudson Pulp Pap 2pr zt'4 Hugoton Gas Tr Units 15 Hugoton Product 53 21'4 16 55 Ilikon Cp 9V4 94. 8'4 25'4 20'4 64 17 40 12', 17 12' 82 744 24 234 19'4 8 144 34' 44 Income Properties 74 Indiana Gas Co 25 Indianapolis Water 194 Industro Transistor 6V4 Infrared Indust 16 Inland Container 39 Intermountain Gas 12 Intl Rank Wash 16 Intl Book 12 Intl Ch Nuclear 77 Intl Energy 7 Intl Milling 23 Intl Svstems 224 Intl Systems pf 184 Intl Tape Cartridge 7 Interst Securities 14 Intext 33' Ionics Inc 42 Iowa Sou Ctil 28' 16-4 61 234 27 50 75 75 6V la 9Vi 25 14 29 Irwin RD 21V 22V 16' 20V4 jK-L- Jacquln. Chas Et Cie 104 Jamaica 291 Jamesbury Cp 13V4 Jantzen 33'4 Jarre II Ash 11 Jergens, Andrew 38 Jiffy Foods 91 Johnson E.F. 20' Joslyn 21 im 30' 14 34'4 13 39 10'4 214 22 69 23 213 28 294 15 13 331, 15'4 12V4 25 'a 3y'4 22-4 25Y4 Kaiser Steel Kaiser Steel pi Kalvar Cp Kaman Corp A Kans Neb Nat Gas Kay Windsor I Cp Kearney Natl Kearney Trecker Keene Corp 68 22 205 26'2 14 27 28V 12 33 28'4 28V4 30 69 38 76 32V .30 1444 104 31 5544 25 17'4 22 83 148 117 29 34 29'4 29V4 31 71 9V 26y4 25V2 Kenwood Kelly Svcs 39', 77 33'4 23', 31 15' 11V 32'2 56' 26' Kentucky Fried Chicken 11 19V 10V2 35 i 60V 43 Vt 29', 35 37 36 1414 31 30 7'4 154 37'2 15 27 24V Keuffel Esser Keyes Fibre Keystone Cust Fds Keystone Port Cem King Kullen Groc A King Radio King Resources Kingsport Press Kirscb Oo 32! 33V4 58 61 KMS Indust Knape St Vogt Mfg Kora 204 47 23-4 24 100 29 7 40 194 16 52 25 41' 344 45 25 .20 28 20s 48' 24Vit 25 105 294 T4 41 211 17 C4 26 43 4'4 48 28 21 13' Kroger Co pf Krueger, WA huhlman Corp Laclede Steel Lance Inc Landa Indust Lane Co Lane Wood Larson Indust Lawter Chem Lear Jet Lee, Lehigh Coal at NaT Leisure Group Levin Townsend Lewis Bus Forms Liberty Equities Lilly, Ell St Co Lin Broadcast Lindberg Cp Lob law Loft Candv 11 24 12V 24'4 33 174 22V 23 31 4V4 29V4 30V2 13' 18 13 125' 126' 26V 11 12 6H 7Vv 124 13' 91 10V4 124 274s 15' 314 Pubco Petroleum 89 14 82' 82' 90 67 1 i i 1 65 IV4 534 Va IVi- 37 3V8 67V4 4 33' Va 31' 336! 7 32 227 1 838 338 56V 4 214 88' 444 39' 71V 2V 10 65V V4 29 345 214 4- Va 39' 74 12544 62 44 8V 314 2244 46 72 1 13 Vt 62' 274 I6V4 39 V4 74' Va 54 247 14 58 2544 V4 5144 1 4844 744 25 V4 6o7 2Vs 57' -1 24 Va 184 1 4544 P- OakEIec 44s87 142 83 80 OgdenCp 5s93 840 974 Ohio Edis 3s74 3 84 Ohio Ed 244975 3 80 OklaGE 44s87 30 82 94 847 80 78' 80Y4 244 4 887 Va 38V4 1 67 23 1 22 1V4 OklaGE 244S75 2 80V4 Outlet cv54s86 39 163 158 Owen III 4592 145 118V4 116 5s89 88' 864 5s91 Pac GE 44s92 Pac GE 4s86 Pac GE 4s90 Pac GE 4Vs93 PGE 4s96JJ 89 83 824 82 77V4 80 80 79V4 807 70 87 83 82 82 7714 80 80 794 80's 70 91 84 1054 V4 25 1V4 53 47' 49'4 2V4 37y4 PGE 4'4s96KK 122 3' Pac GE 4ss94 3644 Pac GE 34478 13 14 317 46' 44 5744 244 1274 34 38' Vz PaGE 3s71 3s74 3s77 3s79 3s83 Pac GE 244s81 PasSwAir 6s87 44s88 3V4s78 3'4s87 2s86 PAA cv47s79 PAA PAA cv4'4s86 ParkrH cv4s92 PenCent 6'4s93 921 844 77' 77' 74 72' 694 68 79 81 73 644 69 68 77 67 IV2 81 78 64V4 66 284s 3'4 2 24 61 Va 444 31' V4 364 314 30V4 59 14 514 y4 404 1 29--J Va 70'4 -14 65 Va 66 2 285 285 64 155 145 132 8244 814 91 87 85' 27 94 93' PenDix cv5sS2 739 110 1(M4 Penney 4'4s93 741 102V 10044 Fenney 5s87 36 89 8V Penney 22 784 784 3s75 9 81V 81 142' IV Penn RR 5s68 369 99 31-32 99 7-16 99 Pen RR 44s81 38 76' 75s 46H 44 277 i 207 V4 3474 32'4 14 Pen RR 4V4584 31 74 73 Pen RR 3Vs8S 4 62V4 62 PenzCn 7'4s88 201 105 1044 rermar a-sSO 1 70' 701 PhllaBW 5s74 3 92' 92' 27 3244 144 21' 1' 274 -144 21 r-Vi 2844 PhilaEl 6's93 62 1044 1037 PhilaEl PhilaEl PhilaEl 6s97 35 100 100 5s39 4s86 3s83 2s7l 2V4S74 88 88 82 82 83 82 PhilaEl PhilaEl 70 91 70 90 81 83 31 66-4 364 I1 47V4 6434 44 72 4 514 14 PhilaEl PhilaEl PhilaEl 81 2s81 684 68 9714 85 744 824 5s70 5s75 974 87 744 PCC SL 3s75 Proct 37581 PubSEG 8s2037 PubSEG 82' 3 24 7 1237 1214 1087 18 8 85 84 9 904 89 2 834 83 17 89 10 89 ft8'4 22 121 120 742 100 99 43 108 106 '4 2 454 454 84 101 99 49 1084 107 107 87 85 70 994 97 79 117V 116 5 80 74 44 694 68 I 63 63 97 PubSEG 4sT7 93 Va 24 46:14 451 -14 32 -2 474 46-14 37! 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Bonds IS7 37 NEW YORK (AP) Over 327 ji4 37 U.S. Government Treasury ADVERTISEMENT 21 3 12 I8V4 Pub Svc "New Hampshire 28V4 Pub Svc New Mexico 25z Pub Svc Nor Carolina Publishers Co Purity Stores Putnam Duo Fd Cap Putnam Duo Fd Inc Putnam's Sons 13 18 14 71 17 15! 26V4 382 9V4 33V 33 300 134 284 20 14'. 56V 9 8 254 19' Racine Hyd St Mch Radiation Dynamics Railweight Inc Ranchers Exp ft Dev Ransburg Elec Coating Raychem Corp 64V4 Vs 66 1 285 8 145 13' 82' 14 87 7'4 93V 14 107 2Vj 102'4 4 89 2 78V4 81 1 17-32 75V4 Vk 73 2 62 2 1044 701 92'4 1044 IOOV4 V4 88 82 1 83 1 70 Va 90 1 81 68 44 29 44 8 31 184 GenPCem .89 Pah I 1.56 GenTelEI 1.48 Gen Tire 1 51 29 84 2 23 22 154 18 19 23 9 55 31 2 15 2 49 156 14 17 26 x86 224 284 404 2JU 43' 85 56W 22' tr 39'4 28 42' 85' 544 l4 4 wiGeece 1.69 IGa Pacific Gillette L29 iGlen Aid 157, 144 'Goodrich 1.72 41' 418 57 55'u 41 Good rear 1.59 314 144 43 194 Grace Co 159 Grain Bit Grainger 1 Gran Stl .69 43H 27, 24 41 30 S64 271.4 21' 314 814 254 4114 41H 18'a 264 22S 4 TaiGrayDrg 1.29 a4 i.3va 30! 5 26H 21 34 79'n 2474 49 9 GtLakDr 2.29 Gt West Finl Greyhound 1 Grnmn Aire 1 Gulf Oil 3 Gulf Stal .88 GnlfWlnd r.4 39 154 47 21 14 11 4a 5 Hammond .79 Heilemaf! .89 Hem ern .59 HellerWE .69 HessOilCb .39 Hoiidylna .30 Honeywel 1.10 HoustLP 1.12 x49 300 13 24 234 4ft' 464 144 1444 19H 19 53' 511 12- iV-4 39-4 14-s 4 17 39V4 88 67 604 44' 4 2914 185 117 4 1147 8 46 8 44! 33 41 HuttigSash 2a 11309 57V4 544 14V4 184 204 lf4 -I- III Cent 1.59 IilTool Wks 1 Imp Cp Am Ind Genl .80 661 5374 17 37 67V4 5 5344 16 354 67 18 1444 17 InMch pf4.125 1322 13V4 nland Steel 2 83 34V4 31' 334 31! 264 39 15 204 7' InterlkStl 1.80 4 IBM 2.60 28 340V 332V4 Int Harr 1.80 104 33 32 Int Miner 1 7) 23 214 Int Nick 1.20 10 39V4 388 Int Paper 1.35 35 331 3244 Int TAT .85 x82 564 56 IntersPw 1.24 10 2U 21V4 ltek Corp 8 89 88' -JK-I- Jewel Co 1.40 16 39' 38' John Man 2.20 x34 71V 70V4 John 452 24' 29! 35 14 24 56 1144 33V4 28V 12 ll'4 12-54 4 11775 10V JonesLau 2.70 8 654 Joy Mfg 1.40 5 294 Kais Alum 1 12 344 KanPwLt 1.12 1 214s Kennecott 2 20 40 10 65 29 34 214 39' 12544 25 57V 44 11 KerrMcG 1.50 3 126 KimbClk 2.20 Knapp Monch Kroger 1.30 Lacl Gas 1.39 Lear Sieg .90 Leath 1.70 Leh Val Ind 196 628 62 7 13 20 5 s950 32 23V 46 73 134 62y4 1644 40 8844 73V4 74V 55V4 247 58 26V 7 31' 2244 454 7oy4 13 59V 15' 39'4 185 35y4 16-8 15' 54 4 127 LibOFrd 2.80 LibbMcN 144 Ligg My 2.50 144 10 23 15 14 94 71 45' 51V4 27 154 18V 30' 28 51 16V 15 194 14V 30V 31 18 31V 15V4 25 LingTVgt 1.33 Litton ind 70H 74V Litton ptc pf Lockheed 2.20 548 LoneStG 1.12 244 57 25Vi Loriilard 2.70 LouisCem .90 M- Magna vox 1 Marathon 1.40 Marhoefer .30 Marq Cmt .60 MarsMcL 1.50 Marsh Fid 2 Martin Mar 1 MasseyFerg 1 McDonn .40 Means 1 56 534 53 487 72 744 28 26 51V4 48' 74 2444 637 57, 2344 1714 44 5 65 584 247 184 4544 5 X236 6 141 Z2000 16 3 15 s600 2444 90 38V4 7 23 2244 24V4 8844 37 6 23 Merck 1. 0a MGM 1.20b Metro Indust Mickelher la MidSoUtil .82 Minn MM 1.45 MissRivr 1.20 MobilOil 2 Modine 1.10 Monsant 1.60b Mont Ward 1 Motorola Inc 1 MSL Ind 1.60 Nachman Nat Airl .30 Nat Bisc 2.10 Nat Can .60 NatCash 1.20 Nat Dist 1.80 Nat Gyps 2 Nat Homes NatHomes wt NatLead 2.25e 39 214 12 107 12 25 66 54V4 y950 4744 84 49V4 x26 38V4 1054 237 35' 52:4 21V 20'4 474 47 37 32 23 18 29! 3HV4 64 164 23! 12-4 23V 12 3 122 122 4 364 364 102 13 IT 20 317 304 75 47'4 46! 1 57-Y4 5744 14 130 127V4 7 384 37 109 67! 6344 67' 3378 30' 6144 44 324 364 314 304 59 4044 2944 35 2612 465 27 24's 604 424 31 36 314 30V4 58 50 404 294 70' 65 41V 3944 24V4 143 33 Nat Steel 2.50 x230 NoAmCar 1 14 16 NoAmRock 2 NorlUGas 1.60 NorlndPS 1.08 NorNGas 2.60 Nor Pac 2.60 Northrop 1 NStaPw 1.60 Nwst Airl .80 NwtBanc 2.30 Norwstlnd 2e 17 108 xl2 25 2 x2 22 16 27 85 9y2 22'4 13! 14 2544 17 25 20V4 58 50 23 17V4 31V 72 65 42 6 141 0pQ Occident 120 47 45' OhioEdis 1.42 OklaNGs 1.12 OlinMath 1.20 Outbd Mar 1 Owenslll 1.35 Pac EI 1.40 PacPetro PanASul 1.50 Pan Am .40 ParkeDavis 1 Penney 1.60a PennCent 2.40 Peop Gas 1.96 PepsiCo .90 Pfizer 1.20a Phelps 3.40 PhilMorr 1.80 Phill Pet 2.60 Polaroid .32 Potter Engle ProcterG 2.40 PubSvcColo 1 Pub Svc Ind 2 Pullman 2.80 Purex Cp QuakOat 1.20 RCA 1 Raytheon .50 RepubStl 2.50 Revere 1.50 Revlon 1.40 RexallDr Reyn Met .90 ReynTob 2.20 Richman Roy Dut SafewayS 1.10 StRegP 1.40b Sangamo .40 San Fe Ind wl Schenley 1.30 Schering 1.40 SCM Cp Scott Fets .72 Scott Paper 1 SbdWorld Air SearleGD 1.39 Sears Roe 1.20 Seeburg 0 Shell Oil 2.30 Sinclair 2.80 SouCalEd 1.40 South Co 1.08 SouthPac 1.60 SwestPSv .64 SperryRd Square St Brands 1.40 Std Rolls StdOilCal 2.70 StdOillnd 2.10 StOilNJ 2.60e StOilOh 2.50b xl4 28' 277 3 207 35'4 32' 63V4 337 214 287 22 284 83 67 377 474 65V4 72' 2044 34' 307 62V 3234 20' 274 21 2744 79 63 364 464 644 68V4 494 72 13 12 8 41 x44 13 16 11 259 19 7 6V 29 26! 11 6 744 104 12 49 30 17 14 27' 1144 15V 90 654 6244 XlO 1087 106 22 9 10 94 13 1344 19 19 7 18 18 934 247 46'. 46 33' 475 92:4 24 46 45 32 47V 46V4 37' 42! 31' 854 3314 39-V8 347 50V 18 13'4 10-Ms 31 2 13' R- 23 36 103 47V4 129 39 18V4 19 7 3 51 167 78 90 43 32' 85 39' 354 40 37 20 I8V4 I6V4 21 2244 7 14V4 61 50V 274 13 34V x2 22 5 1 7 1 24 15 258 2 19 20 128 XlO 18 31 20 36 10 35 72 1 28 32 73 167 18 1 2 1 X48 x4 311 5l X41 27 32 51 33! 55V 73 37V4 25 28 284 42' 66V4 33V 69 79 34 27 35 14 47 21 434 21 65 53 79V4 61' 18 344 494 39 79 50 974 2974 274 324 50 334 42 10'4 644 10 9' 5' 5H4 73 3578 27 244 22V 25V4 28 284 414 63' 297 68V4 78 33 26 337 13 45 20' 43V4 20 64 52 78 61 18 33'4 49 3 77 49 9V 27 7 IOV4 1544 244 11V4 474 10' Std Packas Stew War 1.65 Stud Worth 1 Sunbeam 1.16 Sundstrnd .80 Sunray 1.50 Sup Food Swift Co .60 Tektronix Inc 5 48' 484 Tenneco 1.28 91 92 44 92 10 X17 52 38 17 19 2 18 29 9 32 11 360 Xl8 x5 26 8oy4 26 787 26 30 94 55 52 16 Texaco 2.80 TexEastT 1.20 Tex Sul .40 27 31 $5 557 527 17 Tex Instr .80 Tex Util 1.60 Textron .80 Thiokol .40 Thor Tool Timk RB 1.80 Toledo 1.48 TransYYdAir 1 Transamer lb TriContl 2.51e TRW Inc 1 Twent Cent 1 208 So Ltal 1 157 37 327 37 68' 30 50 34 20 25 47 43 22' 15! 37 327 37 67' 30 49 32- 19 23 47 42 CMC Ind .72 Vn Camp 1.72 I Carbide 2 Vn Elect 1.20 I OiiCal 1.49 L'nOCal pf2.50 Union Pac 2 Cniroyal 1.20 CnitAirLin 1 Cnit Aire 1.80 L'nltFrnit 1.49 In It Nuclear CSGypsnm 3a US Indust .40 US Smelt lb US Steel 2.40 Unit Util .84 UnivOilPd .80 UpjohnCo 1,60 Varian Assoc Walgreen .99 Warn Lamb 1 WVaPulp nl Westn Air 1 Wn Banc 1.20 WnUnion 1.40 Westg El 1.80 Weyerhsr 1.40 Whirlpool 1.60 White Mot 2 WisEIPw 1.32 Wis PuhS 1.10 Woolworth 1 154 X41 21 7961 59 16 78 77 20 11 80 13 6 8 99 85 37 101 Xl8 170 10 16 12 11 116 3 X5 31 20 55 X41 x5 79 X20 57 55 60' 59' 367: 34 60 59 48 484 324 88 28 5 39 26 39 46 26V 31 51V 29' 34 39 38 73 65 55 46 24 197 28 31 84V4 27 60 38 26 39 45 25 30 51 27 33 38 37V 71 65 53 46 23 19' 27 23 Wrlgley 3a 1 107 107 -X-Y-Z- Xmx Cp 1.60 2 276 275 Yates Am 1.40 sllO 21 20 YngstSbT 1.80 61 36 35' ZenMhR 1.20a 133 54 53 Copyrighted by The Associated ANAGEMENT ENGINEERS 22 23 68'4 69 381 39'H 441 46 ll1 37-4 34 13' 14l 39 41 28 52 29 54 15 244 24a 184 7'4 14V4 24' 61 Z9 21' 471 67 57 24 18W 28'- 281' 45 18V 25 VM W'A 14'4 104 58 15V4 23 32 19 25V 154 28 16 7 21V4 15 234 23is 8 174 64 12V 24 .55 1Sva 23' 46l 164 66 55 22 18 271 27' 154 43 17 19' 244 114 13 134 94 56 144 22V4 31 18 24 144 26 15 64 20V4 39Y4 174 17 184 17 20 19V4 45 27 374 8 20 44V 74 21' 154 114 134 38 264 J83V4 30 11 55V Zl'Z 13V4 10'4 81 im 33V4 32 8V4 16 34' 62 18V 21 8V4 ISHai 46 28V 382 84 21 45' 12V4 8V4 23' 164 12V4 144 42 274 24 Vz 31V ll'X 5714 22' 134 lla 84 ll'4 34 33V 43 9 17 35'4 Bolt Beranek Newman Boston Capital Boston Her-Trar Bowser Inc pf Braun Engineering Brenco Inc Bridgeport Hydraulic Bristol Brass Brockway Glass Brown Fin tube Browning Arms Brunswig Drug Brush Beryllium Buckbee Mears Buckeye Intl Buehler Corp Business Funds Butler Mfg 21V 22V 164 17V4 244 254 224 21V4 42 11V 25V4 24 31V4 35V4 25V4 13V4 10 63 234 22Vz 44 13 26 V4 25 32 36V4 264 14 im 65 23 27V 48 78 78 7 181 31 10 28'4 14J4 154 21 17 14 34 16 13 27 41 rm 26V4 27 V4 IV 14V4 18 22Vk 83 151 121 31 9V4 27'4 264 13 21 8V4 124 38 Calbiochera Calif Water Sve Cameo Inc Cannon Mills Cannon Mills Capital Bancsharet Capital Southwest Capital Wire CM Capitol Food Ind Capitol Intl Airways Capitol Products CapTech Inc Caressa Inc Cm hart Photo Carolina Freight Carson Pirie Scott Cascade Corp Cascade Nat Gas Cent Tel til Cent Transformer Cent Vermont Pub St Champion Products Chance A Channing Financial Chem Leaman Lines Chesapeake Ctil Chester Elec Labs Chi Bridge iron Christiana Secur Christiana Sec pf Cincinnati Enquirer Citadel Industries Citizens I til A Citizens t'til City News Print Clark JL Mfg Clayton Corp Clinton Oil Clow Corp Coca Cola Btlg LA Cognltrouics Coleman Engineering Colonial Stores Combined Pap Mills Commerce Clear House Commercial Shear Common with Gas Commonwlth Nat Gas Commonwlth Tel Compnents Cp Amer Computer Equip Computer Usage Conn C.G.
Consol Paper Consol Rock Prod Contl Computer Contl Screw Contrafund lne Conwed Corp Cooper Lab Cor en to Corp Cornelius Co Corporate Enterprises Credithrift Financial Crescent Tech Crompton Co Cross Co Cyber Tronics Cvnress Comm 22V4 264 46 75 75 18 30 9V 27a 14 15 20 16 13 33 154 1214 26' 39V4 22'z 254 26V4 174 14 17V4 21V 81 148 117 29 9 264 26V4 UV 204 74 12 36V4 604 614 40 42 9 9V 28V4 29V4 35 39 36V 38 37 15'4 31V 31 84 14' 36Va 15V4 29 28 10-4 25 13 264 344 184 22V4 25 32ls 5 30' 32V4 13 23 V4 36 14-V4 304 30 7'4 14 35 1444 284 26 10 234 121 25'4 334 18 21'4 23 31 4V 29'4 31V4 124 224 -D-E-F- International 21 2V4 35 13V4 17'4 144 114 17 974 vm 691 3V1 47 17V 11 Vi 9t l'B 404 12V4 19' 18'4 21V4 17y 274 7 im 22V 17 7 11V4 52 49' Dallas Airmotive Ind 34 Dalto Electronics Damon Creations Danly Mch Dasa Corporation Data Products Cp Datronic Rental Davis Food Svc Dayton Corp Dayton Mall Iron Dearborn Computer Decorator Indust Defence Elec Delbl Aust Pet Delhi Taylor Oil DeLaxe Check Printer Denver Real Estate Inr Detrex Cbem Inds Detroit Canada Tunnel Detroit Intl Bridge Dial Finance Diamond Crystal Salt Dia pulse Cp Dickey WS Mfg Diebold Tech Dfgitronlcs Cp Dillon ft Sons Direr a Inc Dixie Dinettes Dixon Crucible Dolly Madison Ind Donaldson Inc Dorchester Gas Prod Dorse tt Electronics Dow Jones St Co Downtowner Corp Do vie Dane Bern SPA Inc Drew Nat Cp Dncommun Dumont Corp Dun Bradstreet Dune an Elec punk in Donnts Duplex Product IVt 164 14'4 11 164 94 25V4 68 30' 45V4 16'4 11 94 1H 394 114 18-14 17-'4 204 164 26-4 6 21 18 21V I6V4 6 104 50 48V 31' 4 254 644 108 fl7 2RV4 17V4 13 22 64 .44 28 39V 13 Wi 26' 6(4 110 104 28 17 134 2244 7 444 32 40J 134 40V4 Rapid growth mobile home and recreational vehicle manufacturer seeks competent engineers for managment in new plants we are establishing in the EAST and WEST. Experience must be extensive in manufacturing mobile or prefabricated homes. We are only seeking people able to join our aggressive top-management group, and who feel they are capable of further growth and greater responsibilities. Compensation to $30,000 plus excellent profit participation. Reply in strictest confidence to Box A-282, co The Tampa Tribune-Times, Tampa, Flo 33601.
15V 8 174 16V 2714 40! 34 17 37'2 12V4 15 13 75 6V4 19 23 184 Raymond Corp Recognition Equip Reece Corp Renwell Indust Retail Credit Reutcr Revere Racing Assn Rexach Construct Reynolds Reyn Rich's Richmond Newspapers Riley Stoker Cp Ripley Co Rite Aid Rival Mfg Roadway Express Robhins St Myers Roberts Co Robertson, HH Robo Wash Rocket Research Rockwell Corp Rocky Mt Nat Gas Rotron Mfg Rouse Co Rowe Furniture Royal Castle Sys Royal Dutch Pet Corp Rucker Co Russell Alum Russell Milts Russell Stover Candies Indust Sadlier Inc Safe Flight Instrm Safran Printing Santa Anita Cons Sargent Indnstries Saturn Airways Saunders Leasing Savin Business Mch Sawhill Tubular Prod Scam nstrument 308 36 85 63 54 42! Vt 19 441 55V 25V4 26 33' 26V4 27V4 52 27 .184 28V4 31V4 1811 27 8 TWa 37 38 134 834 24V4 32 11 13V 4344 14 12' 37V 87 65 44 104 8' 46' 56V 26 27' 35! 27 28V 53 31 19V 29 184 27V T4. 134 33! 45 29 21V Iff- 30 13V4 11 38 21 211 7o'a 22 208 27 28'4 12 3344 294 27V 25 68V2 13 15V4 120 14 20 17V 46V4 1844 36 34 74V4 32V4 130 23 30 14 10-V4 31'2 38 41 33 11' 144 14' 16 14' 18' 47 37 Miil'li) 571 Scantlin Electronics 12' 19 25 314 62 28 21 47 23' 244 100 29 7V4 38V4 19 I6V4 Schjeldahl Stocks in NEW YORK (AP) Week's twenty Yearly High Low 156 1244 Cont Data 564 42H Schenley 18' 12' Glen Aid 55i 48 Am Tel Tel 144 124 2(H4 '4 1944 1248 1944 the Spotlight Interest compounded and credited quarterly. Withdraw anytime with 90 days written notice. Minimum $1000 and add anytime $100 up. most active stocks.
MARINE BANK 9714 1 85 2 74'4 824 121' -1 64 1 89 1 83'4 89 89 y4 120 2 994 1 107 4 454 1004 1 108 2' 854 1 99 2 117 3 80 7 69 63 V4 106 1 135 4 1W1 3 103 -1 mm Mr 974 108 88 3' 105 87 -1 86 95 84 -1 91 -3 84 -1 90- 107 1 GOLDEN PASSBOOK SAVINGS 110' BU'8 i1 75 100 74 63 85 1 86 984 79 84 y4 53! M) Va 74 65 120 3 81 99 1 81 104 1 984 84 100 Vr. 100 85 1 81 tbe Counter prices, tne .1 5.37 5.09 5.21 4.62 5.14 4.68 5.09 4.49 5.12 .3 .1 .2 .4 .4 .4 .4 .2 .4 4.64 .6 5.16 .8 5.16 .8 5.20 .6 4.74 .8 5.16 .8 4.77 .8 4.75 .4 5.20 .6 5.23 .6 5.24 .6 5.28 .4 5.06 .16 5 27 .16 5.15 .20 5.09 .12 5.01 or call .20 5.23 .24 5.04 1.4 5.19 .12 5.08 .20 5.18 .28 4.27 .24 4.75 thirty- and 107.65 .22 49.57 .52 66.44 .31 98 86 .17 HARVESTING Libby, McNiell 5 to 10 years supervision of should be and fleet truck supervise harvesting and negotiable, fringe benefit will be based hi supervision of For an Mr. R. O. Ocala.
Fla. TRUST COMPANY MADISON FRANKLIN TAMPA F.D.I.C. ADVERTISEMENT Week's Net Sales High Low Close Chg. 5 1,600 1323 124V4 131 3 460.100 56 51V4 564 2V 388.200 15741 144 15' 378.300 51H 50:4 51H 7 327.100 67' 63 288,400 MH WA 1 254,000 474 451 46' V4 247,000 53' 414 5244 104 241,600 277 26 27 Va 230.800 1744 164 17V4 J4 217.800 46 44V4 45Vt 214.600 12 11' 12H 202.600 334 29-" 30 199,000 364 341 35' 184.100 35 30V 3444 3 181.400 831 774 7844 -4V4 181.400 457 41! 421 1' 179.600 42 39 417 176.400 32 30! 31' 171,800 43 42 4 86' 531 Penn Cent ll-'n 4'4 Welbilt Corp 29 Occiden Pet 639 304 Global Mar 48 26 Ea.stAir Lin 19 4 121 Brunswk 59vs 43V McDonnD 127 8 Livingst Oil 33Va 19V Seeburg Cp 4IV4 34! Fed Str 59' 4 30 Gulton Ind 864 51 Boise Cas pf 457s 3 Cater Trac 38' Beech Aire 494 30 Tex Glf Sul 50! 40' 8 In Carbide 52 244 41 3' 44 26 20 12V 125 2344 NEW TORK (AP) Werk'i DEPT. SUPERVISOR bonds, weekly ten American leaders.
67 high. low and closing asked 30 net change from the previous week Yearly Week'i Net High Low Sales High Low Close Chg. 20' Comwth tn 361,500 1978 16' 17' 2 25V HV4 W'alth Prec 234,800 25Vj 20' 25'1 2V4 10' 5 Christiana 230,700 10' 9 94 747 31V4 Reliance In 224.800 73 5 68V4 -44 87 Cdn Homstd 207,300 8 7 5-16 8 3-16 13-16 20' 9 CS Leasing 205.100 20V 18' 19' 1'4 23 Transcn Inv 180.000 204 16 19' 3 42' 18' a McCull Oil 173.100 32 27' SO11 1H 8 3 Gt Bas Pet 162.500 6' 5 5 9 6 Airlift Intl 153,900 7V4 6 Libby requires an individual with of successful experience in the citrus harvesting operation. Applicants experienced in recruitment procedures techniques, labor camp management, operation, and have the ability to personnel. The salary ii open based on prior experience.
Our program Is excellent. This position the Clermont area and encompasses statewide harvest and hauling operations. Interview appointment please write IIV4 10 9-V4 54 58 48 48 50 48 52 53 46 381 40 40' 29 30 294 34V 36 30 28 29' 3I 134 14 1344 23V 24' 24 14 18 18' 16V4 17' W4 19'4 65 68 65 36 37 35 944 10 27 28 26V 15 15! 14V4 55 57 55 29' 30! 36 35 37 35' I 5' 51 54 8l4 31' 3044 83 86 84 32 32' 324 36' 37' 37 24 25' 23 48 50 47 95 97 93 13V4 134 134 94 10 9 12V4 124 1244 38 41 38 26'4 27 24' 1544 164 15V 12 12' 12 24V 25! 24' 32' 3 15'4 16' 17 1544 Iff 4 16' 7 V't 64 1144 12' 11' 221 23' 22' 1T44 18' 18 6 68 5' 47' 48' 47 25' 26! 24V 3544 36V 354 974 504 1 rlnsinr asked nrire and Yield. 374s 68 Nov 99.23 99.22 99.23 33'4 1 68-63 99.9 99.6 99.9 99.15 98.10 98.26 97.10 98.16 97.2 97.30 94.30 20 24 4s 69 Feb 99.16 2s 69-64 Jnn 98.10 4s 9 Oct 98.26 99.14 98.10 98.24 97.8 98.14 97 97.30 94.28 96.24 96.2 9 .2 92.8 95.24 91.20 91.8 94.26 94.30 94.22 94.30 93.24 88.20 84.24 80.12 79.28 88.20 79.12 86.12 84.24 84.20 47 3 42 22 I4 59 -2 2 28 69-64 Dec 97.10 4s 70 Feb 98.16 24 70-65 4s 70 Aug 2'4s 71-66 4s 71 378 71 4s 72 Feb 97.2 97.30 94.30 96.28 96.8 77' 3 56 1 59 96.28 35 -H4 96.8 96.8 92.10 95.28 91.24 91.12 94.26 95 94.24 95 93.24 59 V4 48 31 96.8 2'4s 72-67Jnn 92.10 4s 72 Aug 95.28 2'4s 72-678ep 91.24 2s 72-67Dec 91.12 84 3 27 64 47 39 4s 73 94.26 26 48 73 4 4s 74 4 'is 74 378 74 4s 89 3' 4s 80 3f 83-78 348 85 4' is 85-75 3-s 90 4V4S 92-87 4s 93-88 4s 94-89 3s 95 3" 98 95 94.24 95 93.24 89.4 85.4 81 80.8 89.4 80 87.8 85 85.4 39 457 35 I 31 -1 89.4 85.4 81 80.8 89.4 51 29 1 33 38 80 87.8 85 85.4 37' 73 1 65 55 3 46 23 19 27 107 80 80 quoted In 79.12 79.12 80 80 Prices seconds. dollars and Lorn as St Nettleton Finan Long's Drug Sir Lowe's Co Lums Inc Lynch Commun Syst Lyntez 21 35 14 17 14V 12 15 10 27 66V 31V 45 17 1044 9V4 144 39' 114 18V4 174 20' 16'4 26' 6' 18'z 17 23 16 64 IOV4 50 46 '4 Mac Derm id Inc Macrodyne Madison Gas St El Magic Chef Magnetics Maine Sugar Indust Malllnckrodt Chem Malone St Hyde Management Assistance Marathon Securities Marine Pet Trst Volts Marion Laboratories Martha White Fds Md Shipbuilding St Maust Coal Ck Meyer, Oscar St Co McCormick Co McLean Indust McQuay Inc Medalist Indust Medicenters of Amer Medtronic Meister Bran Melpar Inc Mercantile Indust Merchants Accept Merchants Mot Line Metal Goods Met node Electronics Midas International Mid Cont Mannfact Midland Canital 30 27 108 3 Midland Guardian 18' Midtex MV Midwest Companies 22 Midwest Gas Trans 7' Midwest Rubber Reclmf 44'4 Miller Brothers Hat 30 Mfllipore Corp 43V Milton Roy 1344 Minneapolis Gat The Week's Statistics The following table list operating results in major lines of business and finance in the latest week, with comparisons with the preceding week and a year ago: Steel prod, (net tons) 1,963,000 2,032,000 2,401,000 Freight carloadings 548,140 558,523 552,585 Freight ton-miles (billions) 14.2 14.5 13.8 Auto prod, (units) 13726 76,597 176,392 Soft coal prod, (tons) 11,390,000 11,235,000 10,957,000 Crude oil prod, (bbls.) 9,210,000 9,227,000 9,401,410 Paper prod, (tons) 412,000 438,000 413,000 Paper board prod, (tons) 479,300 496,100 448,700 Business failures 135 190 260 (Final three ciphers omitted in following) Elec.
power prod, (kwh) 28,950,000 26,799,000 24,142.000 Bank clearings 64,536,272 70.694,497 52,071,491 Demand deposits $117,473,000 $118,877,000 $106,818,000 Business loans 68,655,000 68,787,000 Excess reserves 140.000 503,000 260,000 Treasury gold stock 10367,000 10,367,000 13,044,000 Brokers loans 2,722 000 2,753,000 1,944,000 Money in circulation 48,190,000 48,252,000 44,918,000 Member bank borrowings 74,000 619,000 46,000 Draper, P.O. Box 1118 Tel. 904-622-3216 NEW YORK (AP) Standard Poor's weekly 500 Stock Index: High Low Close N.C. 275 4 21 1 425 Industrials 107.78 197.52 35 I 20 Railroads 53 55 1'tilittei Press 1968 500 Stocks 49.57 49.38 66.53 66.35 98.94 98.74.