Honolulu Star-Bulletin from Honolulu, Hawaii (2024)


1 Ve; i 1 t' 1 1 a-- SlUM'Al, cur v. ier lit. CTf daily via Radio Cor-tirat of America. 1S26 i ueca t. M3I IT tt.TCf 1t lit tt imi so ttctt i 7 Hf'J 1CSt li 1Ct 141 7 'ito ii jj Vj11 -n.

ii u.oJt ti 1 ea 1SM 14 1SM 2 tCi 15 1tf-J S3 tttil" CRS r'- reived 5'fi tii e. ClerK rrt ri 1 1 a ri it Mi; tVu: i ip.tr. en a ccvKtruc-t; W'AlAU AVAiALF to cf rertairl the cff.ee ir-- 1 I I (a Mil'. T. 11, true irtert r.

i ar.J tj-t to the s.ime on f. Use CierK ot ir.c cf Hor.olaio. The plJir.s ar.J form cf piikaticn City as! 1 irty -e rs r.r rsav be I v.po deposit tt Ikdhirs tJ-iC in cash or certifi cr.e at tne city county OrW's rffice. The Board cf reserves the right to reject any aii tenders and to wniv nl defect. tS I.

J. HOi'F. Dputv Citv nrd Court Cletk. Slav 21. 22.

24, 2 2, June 1. 2) NOTICE OF REDEMPTION OF BONDS OF ULUPALAKUA RANCH, LIMITED NOTICE TO CQNTRAC BY AUTHORITY i A 1 i i 1 i Tre t't ef ttock pr ce i f'irrtia cy As cf t'ra Yor crjtn.je 11 Francstco Stic i Bcrl Hcno ulj 6fcc 5 Bond Enchar-je, and Asncat Wm- i cr V'orx Curt th ot' at I 35 Pot Strtct. Sa Francisco. 42S 12tM Street Oiria-d. Cal.forma; Honciula jff.ee.

406 Pirst National 6an ccrner Bishop and King St. jj Honolulu Stock Exchange session i- C- Ca. Pac. Ciat 1 PrfC. Oas.

ii Suliirt- A ,1 jrtlt I Ayr. Co Cs. gar tan 5 5r i. r- i S-njir Co. Nortmu Sftfae Co.

40 utc 0 Suoir i KiujVj Kai3 Co. Co. Ayr. Co. McBrjtf Co- 1 a t.

Co. 15 12' Utd. S.c,,ir Co aa Sji' LtJ. i Onom-sa Sugar Co. jvaaiifau fei-ijar Plant.

3 i Pac Swear fV Ptpeenej Cs hi Co i San Cjf os Mid, -3 Ce. i A gr. Co. vVa-Uifeu a Co. I Co.

I WIS; El. LAN tCL -i Ca. Packing Corp. Cal. Cf pper Corp I Con.

A Co. I Hj.ku S. Pac. Co 3'--31' a 26 27' 8 3 a i awa'i Con. Ry.

7 pc. A Con. Ry. 6 pc. 6 Hawad Con.

com a a .1 Haa i a -a-a 1 -n Cannenes Co. Electric Co. in Piearte Co. 49 43' 4 rnn km. (u.viaefa fitted repre tert tho tJsclare-a on annua! tat or.ty.

divoensj riot I ttd.j NEW YORK STOCKS Yestsr- (Ji Today Div. May A a Rubber Alfed A Am C-in New Am Chair, Arn La France American Lcco Am Su Re 118 46 c3 -S 1 41 i 115 24 45' 1 37 33' 46-23 1 9J ta 41' 149' Pi' 45-' A Am A A irt A rn. Steel Fa Te; Woolen com. Anaconda Arm Co. Armour At Fe com.

Bald Loco com. B. -iit com Beth Steel Cora Ci iggs Mfg. Co. Bruos C1C0.

C. a 1 if ia Ftt Cerro de Pasco Crt a in -teed Prods Chesapeake O-. Chi fe No. com. Chi Rock is Chile Copper ChrysScr Motors Congoleum-Nairn Cont.

Can Cont. Motors 104 33' 2j 26 33 2 4 4 4 4 2.50 3 6.J 28 73 50 63 28 126' 2 73' 4 50 30 4 18 75 10' 9 29' 4. 17' 10 .80 a '29'' 2 24' 2 33 4 40 15 20' 21 39' 4 41 3 1 a 32' 4 47 0 40 11 in4 19' i 20 Notice is hereby psven that cf the R.u Limited, bearing the Iciiovvins ir. ters: JlOOOBvds Bond r-2'' S4 404 2i'2 23i 2K7 327 34S 4pi 2 'til 211 2s 529 54? 411 2i4 242 412 2i3 245 5HS sr. 2 413 2-U; 246 2'1't 3r.

4 33 3 414 207 247 2'." 24S 2J1 3-tt! e.3 1 1 29 243 2'? 41S 251 t'7 37 42't 211 Sit) JsiS 421 212 253 SCO ell 422 2i; 22 T.12 4el 423 220 23 343 Sut 424 224 23 7 34 341 4.2 423 22 S.5 405 225 253 3o'J 227 24 225 2rT. 211 229 312 2.10 2S 313 231 23 232 271 315 2H 272 2.U 276 31 23- 277 "21 21M 27S 322 237 21 321 24 ji BUILDINH PERMITS 1 V. K.i it: Co. 1 i I cl SI I AUTO LICENSES -K00 1 fr I.T: enstMrr. K.

Tak'kus -I. i 4" 'a a I'i 6714 5 Mr. M. V. Ford, ht.

1 ltair.n. I'rf, ri i i i7 r. Yi-kota. t'r A. J.

Vri(hi rd. if Km, ftrci 1 I' on. l-'or. o-fi. Ala I BUREAU OF CONVEYANCES Documents entered ef record May 2" 1925.

to May 26. 1926. at 10:30 a. m. Documents left for record to May 14.

1925, are now ready for delivery. Deeds Arthur K. r. wf to Ji-, K. a lid f.4:!7 ft.

Hili, Ilwnoiid.i; Slav i. i John AV. Lij.pertz and to Ai.l'mi.v A. Seto. lot 7, New hi Trad, Honolulu; Alay 22.

1 2'inl. Correction Deeds 1 and wf to SI B'l. ft. land. HKaii; Alay 22, 1 $1, I and wf to I.

f-'iki. I3.72 s.i. ft. H.iw.iii. Afrjv 22.

$1 te. n.a- Henry W'w i Trnt to itr.Kaue J. leira. 4.MHI ft Jr. Ai.ikiki Honolulu; Slav 21.

I'2i: $2700. Christina I widow to I'avid 1. 41,325 mi. ft. land Hoiioiui.i; 21.

J.ily hahaul. din jmd iisl, jls In N. Kah ileioitia. arioioi i ere, Alolokai; May 21. $1.

Iwal.mi A. I hi nsori hl." "tci Harry ft. STfi5 s(. ft. of lot 1fi.

Poloke Iits, Honolulu rr 1.125. Hale to S. K. Kekoowai. Kti! 5 Wailati, Alolokai; June 3, V-lt: 'avid 1-.

and wf to Yuen Lin l.au. ft. Tract. Honolulu: Alav 21. 1 hulu .1.

Hooiltii and ia to Slcrreru Nishikuni. lot 4. Amori AVai-luku, Mortgages Havid K. AYood and wf to Ouardia (S. Ixian 5415 ft.

ft 1-ini Msntiinae Hill, Honolulu; Alay IS' $50tl. Julia Kawaa to Alaire.on Brother: 1, int let 20. t.lk Khi. inland Tract, Honolulu; Stay 15, 'hrisfoplier A. Steward and wf to Bank of Bishop pors lot 1.

hlk S.I. U.lirs.. View Tract, Honolulu; Slay 21, BC'ti-jiono. Manuel L. Carvalho et al to The of Hawaii.

2111 ko. ft of J. 4422. Knl. Knl.

Puwaa. Honolulu $22i't Harry Alu to Hank. Ltd hit in lot Kifi of JVahi llui IJn(' 1 laniakua'oa. Maui; AI.iv 24. $rini' Iiose and hsb to Bi'nk of Maui.

li A land. Kuau. Hama-KiKipokn, Maui; JO. Jfl'fi; Josepli llraea and wf to Batik of Hawaii, 4nu0 sn. ft.

land Ka. p'oiani Tract $27)a. Honolulu; Alay 24. 1S2J; Harrv k-tt, Jr. Kul.

Alay 24. Lewis f'ohn ef Ka hooka no to Joseph A land of It. p. Ap 2, River Honolulu; 192S; $1000. A.

Alay and wf to Alton J. al. lot II. blk 20. Kaimnki Tract etc.

Honolulu; Alay 25, 192B; $1000, Releases of Mortaage The Bun of Hawaii. C. Oouveia, mtsre recorded paRe 114; Slav to in Fnion Trust to James TC Knulia and wf. mtce in book 451. race May Hank of Bishop X- Ltd to V.

B. I'ittman ef al. mtee in hook I'aw 213; May 24, Bank of Hawaii. to H.iftip in booJ.8l2. page 3l; Pacific TniFt Ltd to Alt.rrt Lloyd, mtste in book 71.

vane 21i-May 24. lP2rt. Anrone Oouveia et'al to Slannd L. Carvalho et al. nitse recorded in honk KS'i.

page 25; Slav 25. i2. Rohtrt I. Randolph to Honolulu Trust migi. recorded in L.ook 1 37; Alny 24, J.

Baldw in Bank. to nihi Co mtse recorded in book f.15, 35 x-Alay 25. Igi'tJ. Brtlilwin Bank, to P. Onod-ness.

mtfre recorded in book 7x, page 74: Alay 24. 1 Baldwin Bank. to Kinu STat-sumoto, mtue recorded in look SI Pat'" 41; ATay 24. 192H. Fnion Trust to Si-i Chin Tai et al.

mtse in lxok 727, rac 3 lt-Alay 25,. ln. Partial Releases Bank of BUhop Ld to Lippertz et al. C2.125 ft. land Manna.

Honolulu: May 24. 19''ri Papaaloa ATercantil Ltd. to FHrm Loan Board of Hawaii, t'ote of Kuluiki Pohaku in book I'Rije S9; Alay 2 jncs; Bill of Sale on Hamm-Youns lira noli, to Kong Shfe trsifk. Slaui; Alar. 22.

132'5. Wonir Aling- et al to On Yonsr, leasehold, livestock. Knnia Kwa. Cahu; Alay 21. 1C'2'; Lease Ioniz Medejros to Kcloa Sugar Co K.

Vi-. for flume over Ap 2 of Kul' 63j3, Koioa, Kauai; Alay IS, ld'2. Agreements Ardonp RodriKues ard wf to SchwerrUfPE-er to s-ell foj' fi.v.o' 2n73 ft ft. land. Amvaiolimu Lots, ilono-lulu; Alay 24.

192H: 70'. On Yongr to California rackincr Corporation, re planting and sfdhn r.t pi leappies jsrown on -pcs land. Kir-, etc Fwa. Oahu; Slav 21. 12i; Agreement cf Sale Tai Quan Chins and wf with Oenrs A.

T. Spencer, to sell for $40.10. lot Kuakmi St. Tract. Hiiiinlntn- l2o: $400.

clerk, will be anions? the j.assenaf-rs leaving for Pan Francisco on the President Taft this evening. Vaiile is gohitr to New Haven. to attend the f.Oth annual of his class st Yale nniverjsitv. i I I TING PROPOSALS FOR ITXOOXOC AND COUNTY CF HONOLULU ERRITORY CF HAWAII PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT BONDS, 1525 "AT.F i i 1- re: 1 r. 1 ry H.iV at t.e i Street.

Nei J'o I i rru.t ri i. t' tt: o. It CiT a i Tt be i date 1 Jur.e lis jr. Jun- 15. reserved ty tne to ti- 1 alu 5.

jTiteiti-t -est Vo jay-of th Tr-aearer vv! the u. City uvl Ccun-y J'jr. jmya'-'e and inte ttie City ar. C. I ri- the i r.o i ted vr.y it the 1 fie cf r.

at the I States ef New York Ti.ei-e bond are. 1 aijthor.ty id an Act of Ft ited States, entitle to I'ri'Vide a Co.iverr,i!iCi Territory ff Hawaii. April iJl Stat amended 1 an Act of Co proved Slay 27, 1310 i443; and us atnereJed bv ler the 'tiTltresS "An Ai lit fur the a pro e.t 141), as nrrress np- Stats, an Act I'liicP'sn approved Juiy 9, 1W21; an Act of Territory 1 nt to tin tie Lf H.iwai pr sla OV ISIoti ure of the "An Ae to Sleet the Public Health Kmeracncy at Honolulu b- Author-irini; the Count ructi-m cf Needed Sewer and Water Improvement bv Special Commission with Fund Fro ba by a Bond Issue." ap-IToud Aprti 29, 1325 Aet 150. L. 11'25).

Fnder these statutes the.e linds are the absolute unconditional obligation f.f the City and of Honolulu and a direct charge upon its consolidated revenues. L'rider the Acts of Congress, the approval of the President of the Fniterf States is required before the issuance of these bonds, and this approval has been obtained and in on file in the office of the Secretary of the Interior. The Jot if issue approved by the President was for 1 Ou. The present offerimr is for the wliolp or any part of l.Pf0.OKi.ie. These bonds are exempt from taxation tinder the Federal Income Tax law and by a decision of tin-Fnited States Supreme Court are exempt from taxation by any State in the United States, or any municipal political subdivision of any such State, the same as bonds or other obligations of the United States.

(See Farmers' Slechan-ies' Savings Rank of Slinneapcdis vs. State of Minn. 23-' U. S. 316.

The bonds will be passed upon to their locality bv Thomson. Wood Hoffman, of New York City, and will be prepared under the supervision of the Fnited States Trust Company, who will certify as to the of the signatures of the municipal officers and the seal impressed thereon. SuK'eessful bidders will be furnished with the opinion of Thomson. Wood Hoffman, that the bonds are the Iepal and valid obligations of the City and County of Honolulu, and are exempt from taxation. Each bid should set out clearly the total par value of the bonds desired and the amount, together with accrued interest to date, of delivery, the bidder offers to pay therefor.

Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check upon solvent bank or trust company to the order of the Treasurer of the. City and County of Honolulu in the amount cf two per cent of the par value of the bonds for which application is made. Checks of unsuccessful bidders will be returned by mail aftty the opening of the bids. Checks of the successful bidders will be retained until delivery of tho bonds awarded and payment i therefor is made. The failure make such payment will forfeit all right to the.

bonds and the check accompanying the bid Will be collected and its proceeds retained as liquidated damages. Fnless otherwise stated in the bid, each bid will be understood as an offer for alt or any part of the total amount ot bonds for which application is made. No bid can be accepted for bss than SS per cent of the par value of the bonds bid for. and the ripht is reserved to reject anv and all bids. Bonds will be delivered as may Tie mutually agreed upon by the purchaser and the Treasurer of the City and County of Honolulu.

D. Sf. WOODWARD. Deputy and Actinic Treasurer, City and County of Honolulu. Dated Slay 27, 1926.

(Slay 27, 2S, 29, June 1. 2, 3, 4, 5, 7. 8, 1, 14) RESOLUTION NO. 180 (1926) BR IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of the City ami County of Honolulu. Territory of Hawaii, that the sum of Six Hundred Thousand Dollars f6oo.oon.on Ik, and the same is hereby appropriated out of all moneys in the Permanent Improvement Fund of the Treasury of the, said City and County and transferred into a fund hereby created and to be known as Special Fund for Krontae Improvement Number Twenty-Three; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that from said Special Fund the sum of.

Hundred Thousand Dollars be, and the fame is hereby appropriated for an account to be known as Cost of Improvements' Fror.taae Improvement Number Twenty-Three, Bishop Street Widenintr and Extension. Alien to Berttania Streets. A p-ortion of the above appropriation is in the nature of an advance, and is to be returned to the Permanent Improvement Fund just as soon as the excess amount over and above the City's share for this improvement shall have been determined, from moneys derived from payment cf assessments and bond iSS'je, Introduced by IS) BEN HOLLlNGErt, (S) A. R. CFNHA, WILLIAM SI.

AHIA, (S) JOHN EFFING ER. Supervisors. Introduced Slay 23, 1926. I hereby certify that the foreso-insr resolution passed First Heading1 and was ordered to print by the Board of Supervisors at its meetinjr he'd Tuesday. May 1026, on the foilowir.rc vote of said board: Ayes: Ahia.

Cunha, Effinger, Hol-lintrer. Total 4. Noes: None. (SEAL) Si L. K.

STERLING. Deputy City and County Clerk. Olay 20, 27, 2S). 1NV MART AND EX 1 1 A Local Stocks and Hands Trade and Finance Husincss Notes of I fr. 4'.

lor. I at an it i is. i St, fer to i rid do 11; re- ii 17 Vi l.il jo.ld. ere unci. I i ed.

i N. Y. MARKET, TODAY (A. P. by new or i i iri'f- of Radio Corporat.on) Slay 27.

S. ed upward i. a Vol--1'it .) ir; in a f1 pro 1 1 list. nimodi- of the for thi.s It! 1. ill the el steel t.

pi i king ing r- ord railroad -oa -ofl, -lutein f.l nts. and ram ires re- fa Vorabh eon tin iH'it provide having. mr.il Electric i basis soared i 5 points. Several independ nt rose, about a point alt UloUn't. The buying of railroad shares ex-pu tided in the late ti siding, several from 1 to 3 points.

The close was firm. Total sales pros tiiKi ted 1 1 oof shares. SUGAR (A. P. by Radio Corporation) NEW YORK, 27, Spot raw iiu.ir at 4--1 dtlivered today.

a ile he rnily buii of ('ill. all mi'iil at 4.27. iw Hiiu.ir point, higher on wan of for late June 3,000 ship- it ures opened one cover Ins anil trade olivine, hut weakened under selling. SHdduy pi wore lift inn hMiiKi'il to two points lower. The close was -asy.

Sales approximated 29. 000 tons. Closing 'l "'a ions were: July, 24'i; t-pt -sii tur, I teetnbef, January. 2.74. Kefineil simar was net litii hyinKeil to points lusher, makinsc list priipH for fine ia tiula I el Z.

to A sooil iniinirv van reported. BOND MARKET 1 A. P. by Radio Corooration) "NKW VOI1K. 27.

The J.on.1 market steadily advanced today. Improvement in financial and business sentiment, following the stiffening- of prices of staple commodities, fciiin.s tn railroad earnings, and increased litiyin.tr of obligations of industries, all were con-tii'uutincr factors, Stowaways on city of l. a. sent back Tvvo ptowa ways, who concealed themselves aboard the steamer City of Los just before she sailed from the mainland for Honolulu last Saturday were transferred to the t'alawaii and returned to the mainland, according to advices received here. The stowaways were found a few hours after the pt.

earner had left last Saturday. As the Calawaii had left Honolulu for L.os Anireles it was decided by the commander of the City of Los Anpeles to transfer the towaways to the Calawaii in mid-ocean. This was done nnd the stowaways were returned to Los 4 1 BREVITIES Stevedore Injured Takeyo Ta-eretia, stevedore, received laceratiors aluiut his foot when he was struck by a backing truck while he was loading suear on I'ier shortly be-fore noon Wednesday, C. BREWER COMPANY, LTD. (Established 1S23) Insure Your Home Your Household Effects Your Business Your Automobile And don't forget Marine Insurance Phone 2622 Honolulu, T.

H. ALEXANDER BALDWIN, LTD. Sugar Factors Commission Merchants and Insurance Agents AGENTS FOR Hawaiian Commercial Suaar Co. Maui Agricultural Ltd. I Kahului Railroad Co.

Baldwin Packers. Ltd. Hawaiian Sugar Co. McBryde Sugar Ltd. Kauai Railway Co.

Kauai Fruit Land Ltd. Kahuku Plantation Co. Ulupalakua Ranch, Ltd. Maleakala Ranch Co. at 1 "fs.

Fu. t-cr herir 1 Ctu xt, 1 IF-' I -jl 1 Fi BY AUTHORITY SF.ALFD UP clock TKNPr.Ks lo re-to versed at 12 cvi tt-e ly or June, the ofLie cf the Clerk of at the City an! 01 rictus K.11 iolard Fuildirc. for the CONSTRUCTION' OF A YVATKU SLAIN IN KAALAWAI AM Y1C1N1TV. The f-Un and form -f rrcrefl tnay l-e hav! f.p!H-t;.:n depciit of Ten Ivd- Tars 1 at id The, 0- in tho fice. ard 0 i eh or and ce; tifi" a County Cl'o re- the i to reject any or and to waive all defects.

tSi I. J. lk'l'l. Depute Citv and County curk. Muv 27, 2.

June 1. 2. 3. 4. RESOLUTION NO.

1S1 (1326) F. IT RF.SOLVI ID by the City O.i rd of Supervisors cf an C.omtv of Honolulu. Territory Hawaii, that the sum of One Thousand, Two Hundred Eighteen arid ji.io Dollars be, and the same is Let1 appropriated out of ail moneys in the Special Fund foe Front tue Improvement Number nt -I'our in the Treasury of the s.iiii City and Court for an account to be known Cost of Improvement- Frontage Improvement Number Twenty-Four, Youok Street. Between Punahou Street and Makikl Stream. J1.21S.10.

Introduced by i si r.EN" HOTLINGER, tS) A. K. CFNHA. IS) WILLIAM SI. AHIA, Uf) JOHN EFFIN'IKrx.

Supervisors. Introduced May 23. 1926, I hereby certify that the forcjro-injr resolution passed First Iteadini: ami was ordered to print by the of Surwrvisors at its meeting held Tuesday. Slay 23, 1S26. cn the following: vote of said board: Ayes: Ahia.

Cunha, Effinger, IIol-linter. Total 4. Noes: None. (SEAL) (Si I. K.

STERLING. Deputy Citv and County Clerk. (May 2C. 27, 2i) RESOLUTION NO. 179 (1926) BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors cf Die City and Oountv of Honolulu," Territory of Hawaii, that the sum of Two Thousand Four Hundred Ninety-Five and Hollars (I2.4y5.99 be, and the same is hereby appropriated out of all moneys in the Permanent Improvement Fund of the Treasury of the aid City and County for the following purpose, to wit: AVaikiki Sewers (Unpaid Claims), 2.4'.).fl,J.


Supervisors. Date of introduction: Honolulu. T. Slay 25, 1926. I hereby certify that the foregoing1 resolution passed First Beading and was ordered to print by the Board of Supervisors at its meeting held Tuesday, Slay 23.

1126. on the following- vote of said board: Ayes: Ahia. Cunha, Effinger, IIol-lincrer. Total 4. Noes: None.

(SEAL) (S) L. K. STERLING. Deputy City and County Clerk. (Slay 26, 27.

2S) NOTICE OF INTENTION TO FORECLOSE AND OF SALE Under and by virtue of sale contained in mortcavre dated tho of the power that certain 2nd day of by LAI LUSI February, 1023, made SHE K. Widow, as nioilcacor, to CITY SI ILL COSIPAN1'. LIMITED, as mortgagee, and of record in Book 767, passes 344-347, Hawaiian Registry of Conveyances and pursuant to Section Chapter of the Revised Laws of Hawaii, 1923, the undersigned. City Slill Company. Limited, mortgagee, hereby gives notice that it intends to foreclose the said mortgage for condition broken, to-wit.

the non payment of the principal and interest secured by the said mortgage when due. NOTICE is hereby likewise given that the property conveyed to the mortgagee by the said mortgage and subject thereto will be sold at public auction at the auction rooms of Harry Armitace and Company, S3 Slerchant Street, Honolulu aforesaid, auctioneer, on Saturday, the 12th day of June, 1U2S, at twelve o'clock noon. The property conveyed by the said rnortgace to be sold consists of; All of that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, situated cn the Northeast side of School Street, Keoneula. in Honolulu aforesaid, the same being a portion cf Grant (P. CO to P.

Silva, and more particularly described as follows: Besrinninjr at the South corner of this piece of land on the. Northeast ef School Street, the true azimuth and distance from an cut in rock markir.s the initial point of Lor 2 of Land Court Application No. S77 teine 231 57' 40" 4.6 feet and runnir.tr bv true azimuths: 1 1314 57' 4a" 41.43 feet alone the Northeast side tl fccnooi Street; 2. 20 fS' 10 feet alor.ef the South side of 3 foot lane; 3. 235 40' 37.33 feet alor.s the re mainder of Grant (P.

to P. Siiva; 4. 66 40' 50.15 feet nlor.fr same to the point cf beginning and containing an area of 2,302 si. The same tie in? all the premises that were conveyed to the Slort-c by deed of Henry Kw an Wal Loo, dated December 27, 1324, and recorded in the office of the Registrar of Conveyances at Honolulu in Book 759 on pages 123-136; TOGETHER with all improvements on the said parcel of land; TERSIS: Cash. United States Gold Com; deed at the expense of the purchaser.

For further particulars apply to I. SI. Stain back, 77 Slerchant Street, attorney for mortgagee or to Harry Arn.it.ire Company, Honolulu, Auctioneer. Hated at Honolulu. Slav 12.

1325. CITY SI ILL COMPANY. Slortgapee, 91? Kekaulike Street, Honolulu. May 13-20-27. 68' 4 25' 4 38 23 i 77 67' 2 40' 4 1227a 15' 4 46' 2 52' SIS'2 122 47' 2 74' 8 19! 54 5t 13 78 36' 2 574 11 t4 37 34i8 62' 4 6 39 1274 714 39 725, 4534 2S'4 45 487 464 25' i T3 77 67 C'i 123 ..4 14-8 44i 52' 3 316 122 47 74' 4 19' 3 55' 2 EC 2 5 Crucible Steel 2 Cuba Am.

Sun Cuban C. Sug. pfd, Dodge Bros. A 5 Electric Stor Bat. 5 Endicott-John.

Erie nt Pfd 8 Famous Players Fisk Rubber 2 Fleischmann Co. 4 Gen. Cigars 8 Gen. Electric 7 Gen. Motors 4 Goodrich Rubber 5 Gt.

Northern pf3. 1 Hupp Motors 4 Int. Cement 2 Int. Comb. Kelly Spqfld.

com. 4 Kennecott Cop. 3 Ligget Myers 3 Magma Ccpper 4 Marland Oil 1 Miami Copper Mo, K. T. cool.

Mo. Pacific Mcntgom. Ward 58 37 33' 4 60 7 8 6 8 37 71 2 .75 Mother Lode 2 N. Y. Canners 7 N.

Y. Central 5 Northern Pac. 3 Pacific Oil 6 Pan-Am. P. T.

2 Pan-Am. Western 4 Philadelphia 3 Phillips Pet 1.50 Pure Oil Radio Corp Republic I Schnlte Ret Stores. 1.20 Seagrave Corp 2' Sears Roebucy 1.40 Shell Union com 1 Simms Petroleum Sinclair Od 6 Southern Pac 7 Southern Ry 2 Stand Oil Cal 1 Stand Oil com 6 Stew Warn 5 Studebnker. com 7 St Louis St Louis 3 Texas Co 3 Timken Roller Eea 7 Tob Prod, com 10 Pac, com Ind Alcoh Rubber 5 Steel, com Wabash Ry, com 5 Wabash Ry, pfd A Willys Overland, co 4 Woolworth Co 71 39' 4 724 46' 45'8 48' 2 46' 2 1338 47i3 26 20' 2 22B 10V 1131, 58' 4 45 71 50 94', 2 69 2 50 102 150 50 52 12734 42 73 21 142' 4 46 257 197s 23' 4 101' 112'4 45 715b 94 4 675, 50' 2 102' 150' 4 51' 52' 4 122' 2 42 725i 142, ADDITIONAL N. General Asphalt 3' 2 Hudson Colorado F.

2 Leews Schuberts 4 Amr Radiator NEW YORK CURB 1 Oil STOCKS 66' 4. 617a 413 371 63' 2 1CS' 4 66 62' 40 J4 37 614 108 STOCKS .203 2OI4 34'. 8 347, 65 647 32' 4 32' 1 Intl Petroleum 2'? Stand Oil of 1.40 Stand Oil of 3 United Verde Ext. 2734 SAN FRANCISCO Associated Oil Co. STOCKS 53 2 6 5 3 6 8 1.80 2 Cal Pack Corp Caterpillar Co.

Gen Petrol, com Pac Gas pfd 134 12C 63-1 4 134 64'i 9734 121 46' 97 Pac Gas com 121 Union Oil 47 Union Oil Co 4478 COMMODITY PRICES -Cent. Sugar, N. Y. 2' i Copper 13 Call Money 3' 2' 2' a 13 DUISEIIBERG VIGHMAR 0 COMPANY STOCK Wembert New Vor Stoct Exchangt San Francisco Stock A Band Exchangt Honolulu Etock A Bond Exchange t'soclata Wembert Wew Yort Cura MEMBERS Direct private zcire conneC' Hons to New York and other principal cities Conservative Margin Accounts Accepted San Francisco: 35 Post St. Honolulu: 4C6 New First National Bank corner Eishop and King Sts.

Phone 12S5 24 tea i.iti i I Hut tr Of TOTtl. 0i-D Daily Paid Ave 4i14" .16,390 Saturday Paid Avg.lS,414 ri UA' it iIf 1 in t-isi rrta-v i- rt J- ,1 The Honolulu Star-Bulietin rr i t1 tnd IK i i It it. S. HiywarJ Ccnrl Bjsir. Sir.aer.

Kiiev tl. AI'n Editor. Jow.b IL MAntlaJ EU.tvr. AS cf SUBSCRIPTION RATES DAILY Horn. V.S.& Itiai-da Canad p.l'll I (' 4 00 $V9 Fcrf sn Ji OA C4 4.00 Tear Moilht MfiAhs SATURDAV ONLY Tear Hanaltaa luianci Wfc Afar-Canada, Xej Continental U.

S. nJ Tear orelpn I Entered Seccrd Cass Matter at the at Honolulu unOer iBt act ef March Any errora found tn 1ertlaaint. should be reported Immediately Not for mora than on incorrect insertion. No advertisem*nt of certain rr. pnetary medicines i'I accepted.

In replying to advertltemetita. ai dresa your repllea exactly ttated In th If you ara a tebphone auhscnber phone your advertisem*nt; arill chars It. 1ST CIRCUIT COURT NOTICE. ROBERT KAJERDT. v.

AGNES NICHOLSON KAJERDT, Libellee. Territory of Haw aii to Asms Nidi ol-on Knjerdt. You are lict.by noufied that libel for divorce, tiled n-iin in this oitrt by your husband. 1 ert K.i jet dt, will te beard before iu.hie, in bis court t-Judb-iarv Bulidimr. Honolulu.

T. on Tuesd.iv. Julv 6. at th9 you th tn, II. th 1926.

botir of 2 p. in. Datrd; Slav 5, By tho Clerk. Couri David K. (May Jr 27) NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS BY AUTHORITY SEALED TENDERS will be received op to and opened at 13 o'clock noon on the 9ui day of June.

t26. at the office cf the Clerk the and County of Honolulu. Kapiok.nl Building, for the furnishing and paying for all tools, equipment and labor necessary for constructing and to construct a 1-CLASS BOOM SCHOOL. BUILDING tor KA1MUKI GKAS1-SIAR SCHOOL. Eighth and Avenues.

Honolulu, City ami County of Honolulu, all according to the true' intent and meaning oC the plans and e'pcciflcatlona pertaining to the same on file in th office of the Clerk cf the City and County Of H'ltlDllil'J. The plans and specifications and form of proposal may lie had upon application and deposit of Fifty' Dollars (f30.f'0) in cash or certified ehecii at the City and County Clerk's Office. The Board of Supervisors reserves the right to reject any and" all tetwlers and to waive nil defects." (S) I. J. IIOI'I'.

Deputy City and County ClerI6" (Slav 21. 25. 26, 27, 2.3. 29. June 1.


Territory of Hawaii to Hawaiian Agricultural Company, The" Catholic Church in the Territory of, Hawaii, a corporation, the Territory of Hawaii, William B. Lynier, At torney General of the Territory of Hawaii. Samuel M. Spencer, Chairman Board of Supervisors, County of Hawaii. C.

T. Bailey. Com-sioner of Public Lauds, Sirs. Kahl Wahd.ako, the heirs cf Alohikea, the heirs of I'alapalou, J. T.

Unea or his heirs. Kala or her heirs, and th" bcir.s at law of Kihkina Un" and. to all others v.lium it may concern. Whereas an application has beerr prpaented to said Court by "Corporation of the- president Tim Church of J.us Oht i-l of Latter-Day Saints," a orporat ion, to register and cr-nEiia its title in that certain parcel of land Situate at' Slaka ka. jn the District of Kan, Hawaii.

Ji-Iand and Ter-f Hawaii, befpg th- land Cm: ritc-ry of dc.sct il and more 11 Grant 2693! to Alohike.t pat tlcui arly described as follows; Reeir.nir.sr at a concrete montie rtlfiit at Iii East corner of toil piece, the true azimuth and distance to S'jrvev Triff. Station "Alili" 136 40 J074 9 feet and run 1. r. true azimuths: 50' feet along Grant to ii. to a inch pipe; 2.

16' 317.9 feet 204 6 to Kahaw alone Grant to a lss inch pipe: 3. 207 02' 1502.1 feet nIor.fr Gjii-ernmt-nt an I to a inch Pipe: 4. 7 353n.fl ffcft along Grant 2' 04 to Uh to point of beginning. Area 121.54 Acres. are re'cy cited to appear at the tel Court, Judiciary Building, siu, of Jiawaii, 1 ii Juiy, A.

D. 1926. at clock in the forenoon of that Hot ol tf.C Zl r.ir.e day. to show caue, if any you have, why the prayer of said application should not be granted. And unless you appear at saW Court at the titne sr.d place aforesaid your default will be recorded rind the said ppphcation will taken as coafssed imd you will bo forever barred from contesting said application cr any decree entered thereon.

WITNESS" the Honorable ED- WARD K. SKI of th Land C-urt. th cf 5n th" vear 1126. (SEAL) J. If.

FISHER. Registrar, seal of the ATTEST with. Court. A. F.

JUDD. Attorney for Applicant. day 20, 27, June S)- Hrlo Ui Liaht Co. Home l-isurance Cs. Honotol-i Gas Hero 1 Gas Asses.

1 Con. Co. i R. T. Co and S.

N. Co. Pineapple Co. Teleprtcr.e Co. I Co.

Horo'ul Honolul I nter. I Kohala Mutaat Nortn Oahu Hawaiian Sumatra Plant. Pahancj Rubbsp Co. Seiama-Dm dings Tanjori- Olak Rubber LIBERTY BONDS-Lib Loin 3's pc. Lib Loan 1st 4 4 pc.

1947 Lojh 2nd 4 4 pc. 1942 Loin 2nd 4 4 pc. 1942 Loan 3rd 4' 4 pc. 1323 Loan 4th 4-' a pc. 1933 i da Lin Lib Lib TERRITORIAL BONDS Hawaiian Territorial 3'j Hawaucn Territorial 4s.

Hawaiian Territorial miscellaneous bonds Am. Factors, Ltd. 7s Cal. Haw. Sug.

Ref. 10? 106' 7s 1G6.I Catton, Neill 6' Ccrs. 6s Davies Ref. Imp. 6s.

East Maul Irr Co 7i Hamakua Ditch Co. 6s 102 1C2 Hamakiu Mill 7s IHawi Mill Plant. (Hawaii Con. Ry. 5 pc.

Hawaiiao Electric 6s Hilo Electric Light 73 Hawaiian Irrigation Cs Hilo Electric Liht 7s Hilo Gas 6 pc. Honokaa Sugar Honolulu Gat 5t 101 79 Hon. Iron Wks. 7 pc 1128 Hon. Iron Wks.

7 pc Hon. Iron Wks. 7 pc Hon. Iron Wks. 7 pc 1526 1927 1326 K.aual Railway Koloa Sugar 6s Lihue Plant.

7s Makee Sugar 6s McBryde Sugar 5e Mutual Telephone 5s Niulii Mill 6s 103 103', 100 91 "98 Oahu R. L. Olaa Sue. ar 6s Union Mill 6s 3S 89 Waiakea Mill 6s Between Boards 10 Ewa, 37' 15 Hon. R.

15; 15 Ewa, 37(u: 100 O. R. 32; 50 O. R. 32! $150 4th Lib 4' 4s, 101! a.

Session Sales $1000 Waiakea 6s, 97i $i000 Waiakea 6s. 97'i: II Haw, Pines, 49; 15 San Carlos, Sugar quotation, 96 Ceg. test centrifugals. 4.21 Cubas. CURB MARKET (A.

P. by Radio CorDoratlon) NKW YORK, sr.ty 27. Bullish, iictivities in iii.iny stocks caused broadening of the buying movement on the curb market today. Slany Mocks rose miterially, but the movements in the various groups were not uniform. Continental Baking and a few other industrials showed conspicuous weakness.

The baking stock dot lined three points to 72'. Estate of ROSALIE RANDALL PUTNAM, Deceased. Probate No. 6871. NOTICE TO CREDITORS.

The undersigned, hereby gives notice to all creditors of Rosalie Randall Putnam, Deceased, huvins claims against said estate, to present same with proper vouchers to her at the office, of E. A. SO 3 Hunk, of Hawaii Build -insi, Honolulu, within six months from the first publication of this notice. Claims not presented within said six months will be forever barred. Dated.

Honolulu. May 27. 1025. MAt: RANDALL AVF.1R. Administratrix of the Kstat" of Rosalie Putnam, Deceased.

H. A. A 1 1 r. Administratrix. 1 Alay 27.

June 3, 10, 17, 21) NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS BY AUTHORITY SF.ALFD TENDERS will be received up to and opened at 12 o'clock noon on the 7th day of June. 1926, at the office of. the Clerk of the. City and County of Honolulu, Kapiolar.l Building, for the furnishing and raying for all materials, tools. 1 equipment and labor necessary tor constructinar and to construct a standard FIVE-CLASS ROOM FN ALOW AT THE ROYAL SCHOOL.

Emma Street, Honolulu, T. 1I all according to the true intent and meaning of the plans ana pnecnicaticns pvrnunipg to til the cn the in the office of City and County of Honolulu. The arid specif icat ions and form of prorosi! may be had upon application and deposit of Twenty-Five Doll.irs ($25 eO) in cash or certified chock at the City and County Clerk's Office. The F-oard cf Supervisors re serves tii i-ht to rt any and all tenders ana to wa I. Tx r-'-'y Citv and ve all defects.

J. II OFF. County Clerk. 2S, iS, June (May 24. 23.

1, 4) 1ST CIRCUIT COURT NOTICE. Estate EDWARD C. ROVVE, Deceased. No. 7060 Bishop Trust Company, Limited, having filed its petition praying that a certain paper writing, dated April 1925, thouah lost or destroyed, be.

upon proof of its contents ar.d execution according to law, admitted to probate as the Last AVill sr.n Testament of above named decedent, and that Letters Testamentary issue to it as Executor. FRIDAY, JUNE 2'. lfot. at 2 p. before the presiding judae in hi courtroom.

Judiei.iry lijildip.sr. Honolulu. T. is appointed the time and place for Kearir.a: all parties interested. Feted: June 21.

I)y the Court, YVilliam IIoo-pal, Clerk. 22, 27, June 0, 12). have been drawn for redemption and arc hereby called fop redemption and payment and will be redeemed and payable cn and after June 20, 192ti. at the office cf the Hawaiian Trust Company, Kaui-' keolani Buildinsr. 120 S.

Kin S-treet, Honolulu. Territory of Hawaii, par value plus two per cent i-'i premium, all In accordance with the provisions of th 'nod dated December 29. 1922 from ts.iM Flupalakua P.anch. Limited. said Hawaiian Trust Company, Limited, Trustee recurlnpr said bonds.

Interest on bonds hereinabove designated will cease on Juno 20, ULUPALAKUA II A NC 1 1, LIMITED, By (s) J. P. COOKE. Its Treasurer. HAWAIIAN TRUST COMPANY, LI SI ITED, By (s) U.

J. F.A1NALTEK. Its Treasurer. Dated at Honolulu, T. II this Sth day of April, 1920.

LAND COURT, TERRITORY OF HAWAII. REGISTRATION OF TITLE. APPLICATION NO. 659. Territory cf Hawaii to Hawaiian Agricultural Company, AVil-11am It.

Lyrner. Attorney General of the Territory of Hawaii. Samuel SI. Spencer. Chairman Board of Su pervisors, County of Hawaii, Sirs, Kala AVahihako, the heirs of Alo-hikea, the heirs of Palapalou.

J. T. L'nea or his heirs, Kala or her heirs, and the heirs at law of Kihkina Unea and to all others whom It may concern. Whereas an application has leen presented to said Court by "Corporation of the President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints," a corporation, to register and confirm its title In those certain parcels of land situate at Slakaka. in the District of Kau, County of Hawaii, Island and Ter-ritorv of Hawaii, being the, land described in R.

P. on L. C. A. 10549, Apanas 1 and 2 to Alohlkea, and more particularly described as follows: LOT 1.

Beginning at the West corner of this piece, the true azimuth and distant v. to a concrete monument at the East corner of Grant 2698 to Alohikea, beins 120" 55' SO" 1030.3 feet, and the coordi nates of faid point of beginning- referred to Gov't Survey Tri. Station "Aim" being 3420.6 feet South and 3611.7 feet East, and running by true azimuths: 223" 1' 122.76 feet along Grant 2460 to AlohiKea; 26' 294.36 feet along Grant 316 2460 to Alohikea to a 2 inch pipe; 43 00' 143.50 feet along Grant 2460 to Alohikea 4. 141 31' 292.52 feet alonir Grant 2460 to Alohikea to point of beginning. Area 0.91 Acre.

LOT 2. Being V. 7950. L. C.

A-10549, Apana 2 to Alohikea. Beginning at a 2 in pipe at the South Corner of this piece, the true azimuth and distance to a concrete monument at the Eaet corner of Grant "SiS to Alohikea. beiner 56 00' 1120.0 feet, and the coordinates of said point of referred to Gov Survey Station "Alili" being 2264 7 feet South and 2636.5 feet East, and running by true azimuths: 1. 131" 03' 30" 411.7 feet alone Grant 234 to Una to a 2 inch pipe: 2. 215 e9' 569.5 feet along Grant to Uha to a 2 inch pipe; 2.

259 29' 30" 3S4.0 feet along Grant 2s94 to L'ha to a gaiv. spike "in bottom of Ruleh; 4. 32 a' 71S.0 feet alone Grant 2S94 to Uha to point of beginning. Area 5.97 Acres. You are hereby cited to appear at the Land Court, Judic iary Building.

Honolulu. Territory of Hawaii, on the 3rd day of July. A. D. B26.

at nine o'clock in the forenr-on of that day. to show cause, if any you have, why the prayer of said application should not be granted. And unless you appear at said Court at the time and place aforesaid your default will be recorded and the said application will be taken as confessed and you will be forever barred from contesting said application or any decree entered thereon. WITNESS the Honorable EDWARD K. SIASSEE.

Judge of the Land Court. th: the rear 1926. day of Slay, (SEAL) J. IT. with the FISHER, Registrar, seat of the ATTEST Court.

A. F. JL'DD, Attorney for Applicant. (May 20, 27, June I PERSONALS MISS VKHXICE recently conr.eeted I'aeific I'tiion, will steamer President CLARK, until with the Fan-leave on the Tat't for San Francisco this even inc. is re- turninsr to her home in attle.

F. V. VAILI.K. thief rnihvTV FOR RENT For business purposes, a ground floor location 60x64. In center of town: well lighted and vntiiated.

Well adapted for use ef manufacturer's sgent. Can be subdivided. Apply Star-Bulletin. 1.

Honolulu Star-Bulletin from Honolulu, Hawaii (2024)
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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.