Clarion-Ledger from Jackson, Mississippi (2024)

Clarion-Ledger, Jackson, Saturday Morning, September 13, 1941 the military equipment, the food and the natural resources of each conquered land WHEN A MAN'S MARRIED-! Plant Chemistry and Its came into the possession of the invaders. Page Four Owued and Edited By R. H. HENRY Fifty years from 1871 to 1321 T. HEDERMAN Etor m.

HEDERMAN. JR. Manager nCTinrn TH V. A SSOCT ATED PRESS Value in Field of Surgery With victories attained at a minimum expenditure of human life and material re These instillations were continued By LOGAN CLENDENING, M. D.

serves, Germany has grown in strength, drawn from lands whose peoples have been reduced to poverty, starvation and slavery. I suppose it generally agreed by scientists that the greatest en by the patients' several times a day, the patient returning to the office weekly. In all eases, sufS-cient Improvement was noticed for But now, after two Germany is feeling the shock of war, its mercilessness. gine for storing energy in the world is the green pigment of leaves and grass, chlorophyll. It me to consider chlorophyll a vcryi valuable remedy." its agony.

For 'the first time since its is the only thing in nature which hordes overwhelmed Poland and establish The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for publication ot all news dispatches credited to It or otherwise not credited in this paper and also the local news published herein. All Departments Dial 3-2421 SUBSCRIiTION RATES BY CARRIER in Territory wktv J20 Three Months Restores Resistance In a number of cases of skhO captures the energy of the sun, saves it up and releases it at some later time. ed a rule of bestial cruelty, the Nazis are being compelled to pay the price of conquest. The Germans are at last beirier compelled disease it has also been found to be The sun strikes a rreen leaf and useful. The action of chlorophyll In some way the chlorophyll sepa seems to be to restore the resist rates water and carbon dioxide to throw millions of young men into the red maw of war and the people at home ance of the body cells rather than to kill the germs themselves.

are learning through lengthening casualty Dr. Clentening will answer questions of general interest only, and then only through Monthly .85 Six Months 5.20 One Year $10 0 BY CARRIER to all other points: Weekly -15 Three Months $155 Monthly 65 Six Months 350 One Year $1-80 LA. ROUTES (Daily by Mall Sunday by Motor Routes, where this service is available) Weekly .15 Three Months Monthly .65 Six Months 350 Two Months 1.30 One Year 7.80 lists, hospital trains and disgorging of maimed and shattered bodies in the cities ms column. and towns, and the summoning of more men to fill the gaps in the ranks of cannon and preserves them in the plant body. The chemist in his labora tory can do this only with great fodder, just what Hitler means to them in' difficulty.

terms of human misery. Meanwhile the krauts are havinsr a taste Weeks, months or years later this energy in the plant body can be used by man and other animals. of Coventry, of London, of Rotterdam and Warsaw. Berlin, together with other German cities, is being rocked and shattered The surar we eat, the hay the cat tle eat are transformed into the enerry of life. Coal and oil when R.

D. Mail in Mississippi One Month ,65 Six Months $2 75 Two Months L30 One Year 5X0 Three Months 1.50 Sunday Only, Yr. 2.60 Outside Mississiooi. 7 80 Der year, by maiL Back Papers If Available. 10c per copy.

No mail subscriptions accepted In towns where car- rier delivery Is maintained. Entered the Jackson, Mississippi, Postoffice as second class mall matter. Full Associated Press Reports used in engines are simply releas by bombs from the air, dropped not only by English but also by Russian fliers. In so far as Germany is concerned, this ing the energy stored by plants in this way years or centuries ago. Salts of Chlorophyll is now a radically changed war.

The Ger These discoveries are in the experimental stage but the doctors who are using them sre sufficiently encouraged to make them willingr to go on record with statements concerning them. The use of chlorophyll in the treatment of acute and chronic suppurative conditions has been tried with considerable suecess. Theoretically there is much to be said for it. Chemically it seems to adapt itself to this use. It has been used in surgical conditions, in nose, ear and throat trouble, in dermatology and a variety of con-1 di tions.

QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS L.G.M.: 1. "What is meant ly subnormal temperature and is at 4 dangerousr 2, "And is it injurious to your health to wear a I. Answer: 1. Subnormal temperature is a temperature below 98.6 degrees F. It indicates a pome what subnormal condition of vitality which may be due to dropped stomach or a poor posture, but is not dangerous.

2. A corsbt is of great benefit to the health of a number of people with dropped stomach and poor abdominal xnus-ties. man people, who have gloated while one It Is curious that chlorophyll has never been used very much in small nation after another has been crush medicine. Salts of chlorophyll can ed and destroyed, must now be prepared i to endure some of the agony that they have inflicted upon others. For the future safe be isolated and lately it has been used in surgical dressing in open wounds where putrefaction occurs.

ty of civilization, the destruction in Ger-1 A dressing of chlorophyll has been many cannot be too comprehensive. found to break up the cells which There are disloyalties and there are crimes which shock our sensibilities, which may bring suffering upon those who. are touched by their Immediate results, but there is no disloyalty and no crime In all the category of human weaknesses which compares with the failure of probity In the conduct of public trust. The breaking down of the faith of a people the honesty of their government and in the integrity ot their institutions, the lowering of the respect for standards of honor which prevail in high places, are crimes for which punishment can wrtr atone. are undergoing putrefaction, reduce odors and abscesses very promptly.

In all cases of open wounds the dressing has been Why Polls Err Even as Humans Criticism of public polls on the grounds that they are inaccurate and misleading quite successful. It has also been used in dosed infections such as suppurative conditions in the chest and infec nas now Deen given scienxuic support. tions of the sinuses of the nose, also in chronic ear infections. About these a doctor reports: SPAB Decision May Kill Petroleum Pipeline Project The new "Super Defense Board," offi "These patients had been operated on previously for mastoiditis, but unfortunately in some cases of this type there is a continuation of the discharge. The method of treatment in these cases was.

to EDITOR'S KOTBt Dr. nmAonlnt en pamphlets which tan obtained hf readers. Each pamphlet sell for 10 nta. For any ona pamphlet rinrired, et4 10 eenta in enin, and a elf-addrenoed envlrra tamp4 with ft three-rent Urnr, Dr. Iffn Clendenins.

In rara this papT Tha pamphlet arei "Threa Week' Kedue Jn "Indignation and "ReduHn and "Infant "Inatmrtkma for tha Treatment "Feminine Hyg-ient" and "The Care ot the llair and cleanse the canal by the dry meth od and instill the chlorophyll sola ormation Bureau, a Nazi propa tion until the canal was fall. In the report of Dr. Henry C. Link, a leading authority on applied psychology, to the American Psychology Association, he emphasized the possibility of error even if a million persons instead of only a few thousand are polled. He also stressed the fact that many persons will answer a poll without knowing their own minds.

The principal reason why polls are unreliable is that contradictory answers can be obtained from the same persons on the same subject simply by wording the question v. 4 For instance, the question: Do you favor war? would naturally elicit an emphatic "No." But so would the question: Do you favor appeasing Hitler? Yet, war might be the only alternative to appeasem*nt. And ganda agency. v. i Flanders Hall also publishes humanity Unlimited sup I 7 rAjtililsMMii posedly translated by a French woman, Jeanne Arc Dillon La fBANR COlBt Touche, but actually a book by WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND (Continued From Page One) ter being printed in the Congressional Record, they were reprinted and sent out under, the senator's frank to lists of Nazi sympathizers all over the country.

Bundles of 500 to 1,000 were made up, unad- cially known as the- Supply Priorities and Allocation Board, i3 reported in a Washington story to have refused to grant priorities on steel plates for construction of a 1500-mile oil pipe line from the Texas fields to the New York refinery area. The story quotes a SPAB spokesman as saying: that this means that the pipeline will not be immediately constructed, that if it is built it will be made of seamless tubes drawn from steel billets which would slow construction so that the pipeline could not be completed before late 1942 or early 1943. The SPAB reportedly voted to refuse these priorities despite Defense Oil Co-Or-dinator Harold L. Ickes vigorous advocacy of the pipeline project. And we believe the SPAB decision is wise.

Reinhard Frank castigating the SATURDAY CHECK UP British and distributed by the German Information Bureau. Santa Cruz: Out here we hear PEQUOT pronounced And on the back of many of these Is this correct? S. c. books is an open letter addressed "Dear Fellow which Answer: The correct pronuncia among other things says: "Ours tion Is: rEE-kwaht. the overwhelming majority of persons who would answer, "No," to an unqualified Young has been ill for the past flx is a patriotic task for which we dressed, sent to German-American.

TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO TODAY September 13, 1916 mcnuis, out nas now xuuy regimea reely ask the support of all those Knoxville: Please pronounce question on war would reverse their answer if the question were Would you favor war who believe with us in AMERICA his health, ana his iricnas are welcoming him back on his old Job. VICHY for us. The radio boys can't organizations in Chicago and New These organizations wrote the addresses on the franked envelopes and mailed them free. FIRST AND AMERICA ONLY." seem to get together on it. Bess.

BIO BLACK RIVER Answer: The name does not MRS. FITZHUGH WILL BE BRIDGED rhyme with fishy. Accent the sec WINS TOURNEY Nothing is said in this patriotic appeal about where the money comes' from to publish these books, or who wrote the original versions. Big Black River is to be bridged NOTE: The free mailing was given congressmen as a ond syllable and say: vee-SHEE. Stroking a brilliant round of 3 between Yazoo and Hinds counties free means of getting legitimate over the course of the Jackson at Clark's Ferry, near Morey, i Yet several congressmen, either if an aggressor attempted to invade the Western Hemisphere? Everyone would answer, "Yes," to the question: Should prices be kept down? Yet, many would answer, "No," to the question: Should there be a ceiling on wages? They would answer that way although excessive wage boosts tend to boom prices.

St. Louis: So many ceoDle here country club, Mrs. Ben Fitihuch. personal information to the public, not to be passed on for the use too careless of the distinction they say, "My hair are getting of Vicksburg, yesterday won the hold of being. duly elected repre Fiease comment.

I. r. of. others. stop on tne x.

m. ana v. near Flora. The contract has already been let. Cost of the steel to go In the bridge will be (9,000.

championship in the Invitational tournament for women, defeating Answer: Hair. In a collective sentatives of the people, or else deliberately cooperating with Nazi These were the speeches written by a paid Nazi agent, registered sense, takes a sineular verb, as: Mrs. C. H. Johnson 8 holes up and agents, have lent their endorsem*nt iny nair is getting 7 to play.

to this publishing house. PRESS OFFICIAL IN CAPITOL CITY with the state department as re ceivlng $1,000 monthly from Ger many Nazi speeches mailed free And other congressmen, more Hollywood: Please nronouneli the Jackson football fans will have Use of the personally conducted postcard polls by members of congress and others prominent on the public stage is a dangerous practice. When resorted to in W. Alfred Bean, of Amory, one names of the German battle crui zealous oV personal pride than of guarding the reputation and pres of Mississippi's best known news postage, after being delivered on the floor of the most revered legis a full schedule this season with 10 college games booked to be played sers GNEISENAU and SCHARN- paper men and secretary of the tige of their own distinguished body HORST. either here or la Clinton.

state Fress Association, was in lative body in the world. Lord Lothian vs. Lord Lothian appropriate $5,000 to investigate Answer: The Nail warshina public, debate the polls cease to be merely meaningless and silly: they become mis Jackson yesterday. He. like all newspapermen who expose one of of-? the nienteenth century.

Sound 11. Am a a other editors and publishers, Is be their members. me in uneisenau; tne last leading and confusing to countless citizens One of the speeches written for Lundeen by Viereck was called "Lord Lothian vs. Lord Lothian." ginning to worry about the rising syllable rhymes with how. as: Q'.

Jimmy Roosevelt's Stenog There is a young stenog in Wash prices of printing supplies. Peanut Growers Face Hay-Wire Shortages ATLANTA. Sept. 12 (INS) NY- zuh-NOW. Scharnhorst is pro This was printed in.

the Congres sional Record of June 19, 1940. nounced; sttAHRN-noerst. ington who will probably remember the incident all her life. EX-FAIR HEAD IN JACKSON But tnree months later this same Captain Jimmy Roosevelt, eldest S. Louis: Is it corrupt tn 'T The peanut growers of Georgia are faced with an immediate thort- speech showed up in book form, O.

E. Wilson, of Philadelphia. son of the president, is doing some have been waiting on you for an formerly president of the Neshoba wuu we earnestly trying 10 xninK ineir way through the complex issues of the day. To avoid being taken in and misled, the wise citizen will regard every poll questionnaire with suspicion. Before answering, he will make certain he understands the question and he won't answer it at all if it is worded in such way that it presupposes a reply that permits of no extenuating special work in Colonel William this time written unaer me name of James Burr Hamilton.

The name nours?" u. q. Whether an actual shortage of gasoline exists along the. Atlantic seaboard, as a result of diversion of oil tankers to the British trade, is still disputed. The charge that only ten days supply.

of gasoline for that section is available is answered with a contention that this is that the states affected consume so much gasoline that storage facilities are not available for more than ten days supply. The railroads, meantime, proclaim that more than enough tank cars are available to ship all the gasoline needed to the section concerned, that it won't even be necessary to build mdre tank cars. Diversion of labor, steel and other materials to the proposed pipeline, which would cost $80,000,000, has been and is opposed by many leaders who contend that such labor and steel are needed worse for vital phases of the defense program. Admiral Land, chairman of the Maritime Commission, for example, opposed the project on the ground that to give priorities on steel for the pipeline would- handicap ship construction, which needs all available steel plates. This appeals to us as a logical argument, and the SPAB's decision is wise.

Railroad tank cars could meet any gasoline shortage, at least temporarily, and, if necessary, barges of "concrete could be constructed to transport gasoline to the Atlantic seaboard. First things should come first, and the need of the fastest possible construction of more naval and merchant ships is a "first" need in the defense program. age of hay-wire that may ruin a million and quarter dollars worth County Fair Association. Is In Donovan Office of Information. Answer: No.

Onlv rvnt watt Jackson today, having come over of cattle feed lor the coming win Requiring a stenographer for of the book is identical with the title of the senator's speech "Lord on you. One waits for a friend. to attend the sessions of the State rush job, Jimmy sent word to the Lothian vs. Lord Lothian." And Democratic Executive Committee. "stenographic pool" to send him Los Angeles: How should wi nrru the contents of the book are al one.

nounce orient and ENGIGN? VANCES MOVE HERE most identical. The speech, how The young lady selected was e. c. FROM KANSAS ever, was that of aU. S.

senator from a small town, had been In Answer: Orient Is: OH-r-nt. James A. Vance and familv of and the book was signed by James Washington only a few weeks and Engisn, in Navy usage, always Is: Burr Hamilton. Jimmy was the first big-name fig noyi, is-ansas, arrived la the city yesterday. Thev will become ner.

ure she had seen close up. She Key to this mysterious identity is to be found in the registry of the state department. The book manent residents of this section, seated herself alongside bis desk LOONY LOfilfJ ter. On account of the Federal government's priority onteei for defense purposes, the farmers Georgia have been unable to obtain $105,000 of 6mall steel wire required to bundle the' husks ot this year's crop. Senator Russell has assured Tom Llnder, commissioner of agriculture, by telegram that the wire requirements of Georgia's peanut growers will be placed on the "must list" of the steel priorities committee in Washington.

The Rhortage has boosted the price of steel wire from one dollar to four dollars a roll. moving on tne larm of Rev. w. while he pored over a pile of pa Infantile Barents. O.

c. of Hous. Fred Long, north ot the city. Mr. "Lord Lothian vs.

Lord Lothian' pers. When Jimmy looked up to ton spots this Jewel of nurest water was published by Flanders Hall vance a orotner of Mrs. Long. begin dictating, he was startled to Does Wiedemann Boom New Airline? The arrival of Capt. Fritz Wiedemann, former German consul general at San Francisco and close friend of Adolf Hitler, in Rio De Janeiro significantly coincided with growing concern over preparations for the establishment of a new commercial airline between Dakar, Africa, and 'Natal, in a newspaper caption: "Mr.

and Mrs. for the first time since State department records show find the girl shaking like a leaf. Flanders Hall to be subsidized by "What's the-matter?" he asked. COTTON SEED ON FIRE AT BUCKEYE tney were born four months ago. George Sylvester Viereck.

Further "Are you 111?" are allowed to hold their auadrun. At an early hour this mornlnff more, James Burr Hamilton is the She wasn't 111, it was merely a lets!" (Send in your Loony Logics firemen were still fighting a fire pen name of George Sylvester bad case of stage fright. Sitting xva au in iun.) tne new steel warehouse of the alongside the tall, debonair son of Viereck. Thus we have an agent of Ger Buckeye Cotton Oil Mill where a the president of the United States LAST CALL TODAY for mv smouldering cotton seed fire was was too much. many ghost-writing a speech for iree farts OF SPEECH Pamph Brazil, under the ostensible sponsorship of the Vichy government.

Captain Wiedemann said he was "on a burning. Firemen found the blare "You'll have to excuse me, Mr. a U. S. senator, getting copies of i difficult to put out, and estimated let mat explains in simple, easy to understand laneuaee how to id- sent through, the mails free, then turning round and having it issued Roosevelt," she blurted out.

den't think I can manage your die that the loss would be consider special the nature of which he entify nouns, verbs, adjectives etc able. tation. I'll ask them to send an in book form by a publishing com at a gaance. Beissuea by popular demand. Everv reader should haw other girl." pany registered as a German Blushing furiously, she dashed agent.

TEN YEARS AGO TODAY September 13, 1931 this helDful namnhlet. It's vours out of the office. for the asking, but act today. Send smilingly refused to disclose. If it had anything to do with the new airline no one acquainted with key activities for Hitler would be surprised.

Information available in Washington is that the Dakar-Natal line is included in a a stamped (3c) self -addressed en veloDe to Frank Colbv. in care AMITE DRY RAIDS NET 10 PRISONERS (Copyright, 1941, by United Fea ture Syndicate, Inc.) This might not be Important since Senator Lundeen is dead and gone were it not for the fact that his speeches and the book are still being broadcast over the country both by Nazi agents and by Southeastern Shrine Meet in Atlanta ATLANTA, SepO 12 (INSI Three thousand nobles from fight states were expected to register today for the opening of the seventh annual convention of the Southeastern Shrine association. Representatives from nineteen shrine temples will participate in the business session and( entertainment features of the two-day meeting. Highlight of today's program will be two elaborate Etreet parades which will see the cally clad Shrin-ers in their coloriul temple costumes march through Atlanta's streets. McCOMB Deputies for U.

S. this paper. Ask for PARTS OF SPEECH Pamphlet. Leaflets can Future Events May Reveal Importance of This Seizure Canada announces officially that Canadian, British and Norwegian troops under Canadian command have occupied Spitz-bergen. Norway, one of a group of islands 500 miles north of the Norwegian mainland.

1 This was done "for various purposes" but principally to keep the German forces in Norway "from utilizing for their own war purposes Spitzbergen with its rich coal Marshal J. C. Tyler, of Jackson, in conjunction with Sheriff N. B. isolationists.

not oe mauea unless self-addressed envelope bears correct amount of Dostace. Travis, and his deputies, made sev Banks Will Change To Standard Time Monday Morning Furthermore the Flanders Hal eral raids in Amite county Fri publishing company has been ac (Released by The Bell Syndicate program of airline expansion throughout North Africa, calling for between 8,000 and 9,000 planes which are now under construction in plants in unoccupied France. The route to be followed would be the same as that used by the Italians when they operated a line to Brazil and in South Amer- day night and early Saturday tive with other congressmen, na ma.) morning which resulted in the cap ture of nine white men and one The banks of Jackson will re negro. Brother Sees Kin For mely Representative Day of Illinois and ex-Senator Holt of West Virginia, who agreed to write but has not yet written two books for First Time in 39 Years sume operation on standard time Monday morning, September 15, setting their clocks back one hour at. midnight SeDtember 14.

accord WOOD SPEAKS AT NATIONAL MEET la. What gives reason for American anxiety them. NOTE: Interesting fact is tha TO ARMY Secretary of State Walker Wood NEW ORLEANS, Sept. 12 (INS) ing to an announcement made this will be one of the nrinciDal sneak Joseph Moon of New Orleans, it is the isolationists who are drawn magnetrlike to the Nazi- mnrniner: Governor a. jonn.

who hadn't seen his brother, F. E. era at an interstate meeting of the son has set midniarht Mondav ni2ht sponsored book house. Moon of Center, N. in 39 years, National Exchange Clubs at Mem for the end of Mississippi's ob Faked Nazi Translations phis, September 22.

His theme will servance oi aayngnt saving time. recognized him on sight today and "could have picked him out of a Among the isolationists playing ball with Flanders Hall is, the fa mines." One immediate result of this action was that a number of Norwegian miners and their families were enabled to reach Great Britain, with the men joining the Norwegian forces or the Norwegian merchant marine. Seizure of this island, however, holds many more possibilities. If, and when Britain and her allies attempt an invasion of the continent as a necessary step before Hitler can be crushed, Norway may be the first objective in that invasion, and this island might be used as a base for the Allied forces. crowd." oe of Laws." ROBERT YOUNQ Jesse James Arrested NATCHEZ, Sept.

12 Twenty five young white men will be inducted into the service of the U.S. Army during October, according to announcement made by the Draft Board of Adams County. The selectees have been called for examinations and will leave on October 2, it was stated. The next call will be made for draftees on October 19th. They will be carried to Camp Shelby, for induction.

However, no crowd was handy. F. 63 years old, was on a visit BACK ON JOB Hauling 'Moonshine is the obvious fact that Vichy is not in any position to be undertaking anything of this kind without Berlin's sanction, or at Berlin's bidding. The new airline would be for all practical purposes a German airline with Vichy as the front. Preparations for establishing the route have been going on quietly while world attention, including that of the United States, was focused on the Russian front.

Even from this distance not much figuring is necessary to see how art airline from Dakar to Natal could serve to get more Nazi agents' directly into Brazil and to pro to New Orleans and to his brother. The many friends nf linnprt mous Mrs. Elizabeth Dilling who calls Roosevelt a "Red" and who sent copies of the book FREE to her regular mailing list. Father Cough-lin also gave a big boost to "Lord Lothian vs. Lord Lothian" in his He would have come sooner, he Young, will be glad to learn ATLANTA.

Sent. 12 (INS) said, out: mat ne is back on his old job la fl Jesse James was under sentence "I got so busy I couldn't get downtown department store. Mr "Social Justice." away." today to 10 months in prison he-rgiK hr ent mixed un on a little F. E. admitted he wouldn't THE STATE OF THE NATION The Germania Book Shop and Westermann's of New York pushed have known Joseph "from Adam." technicality known as an automo- hllf license.

DEBT WRITTEN The Georgia Jesse was arrested its saie. Another interesting feature Flanders Hall is its other publica in a smaller auto bearing license MINNEAPOLIS. Sept. 12. P) plates issued to a larger venicie tions.

One of them is called "The Hapless Boers supposed to be Germany Learns of War And Doesn't Like It After two years, the war, in harrowing aspects, is catching Adoiph Karkula dldn just therat its more written by a Dutchman, but act en to post names of former tenants he claims owe him rent. He posted Officers also iouna in me rear the car 10 gallons of moonshine. HOME, SWEET HOME ually translated from "England with able end dishonest as the Germanswhich is an auful thing to say about anybody. Personally, ue wouldn't give a dime for a wheelbarrow load of Russian I. O.

Let's help Russia, yes, but let's not kid ourselves, and waste time, paper and ink keeping books against her. i up them and in seven-inch letters. una die Stephen Schroe by Olin Miller The federal government is contemplating lending Russia funds with which to buy war machines and materials in the United States. In a way, this Is understandable. If a skunk were to attack a rattlesnake that was endangering your life, you would feel kindly towards the skunk.

But this wouldn't alter the fact that your ally was still a skunk. The communlstle Russians are probably almost as unreli A five-by-six foot sign on Kar der, a German. PATTONSBURG. SeDt. 12.

kula's front porch named six former vide opportunity for the development of an avenue of approach over the shortest route between Africa and South America. How successful Washington is in forestalling the plan will depend mostly on how cooperative Brazil is. Fortunately, recent disclosure of numerous Nazi organizations throughout South America has stirred public opinion down there. And the record should be sufficient to show that anything sponsored by Vichy is controlled by Berlin. tenants.

Beside one name was "Not Ralph Sims, enroute home on Another smear on the British is "Democracy on the Nile" allegedly pay rent 5 mo." Other names sim furlough from Asoury pane. w. drove the 1,500 miles without Germany, which has been touched by the conflict to an infinitely smaller degree than any other nation involved. For the Nazis the war had been a succession of easy triumphs. One nation after another fell before the military might of Hitler's Reich.

The wealth, the manpower, ply bore the notation, "not pay Dy an Egyptian, Sayid Halassie but actually a translation of "Ens rent." Karkula, widower and fa ther of nine children, says he's been lands gewaltspolitik am Nil" by Paul Schmitz-Kairo. Both books That is, until he was two blocks from home. His was one of three Squire Perkins says: "A feller has to face kth' rmulo when his back's again th holding the sack since 1912 la one were published by the German In instance. machines in a three-car collision..

Clarion-Ledger from Jackson, Mississippi (2024)


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The Clarion-Ledger is located at 201 S Congress St., Jackson, MS 39201. Mailing address: P.O. Box 40, Jackson, MS 39205-0040.

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About The Clarion-Ledger

The Clarion-Ledger, Mississippi's largest newspaper, was founded in 1837 as the Eastern Clarion in Paulding in Jasper County.

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The Clarion-Ledger
LanguageEnglish (American dialect)
Headquarters201 South Congress Street Jackson, MS 39201
Circulation15,500 Daily 16,422 Sunday
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The Woodville Republican is a weekly newspaper published in Woodville, Wilkinson County, Mississippi. It is the oldest newspaper, as well as the oldest business, in continuous incorporated operation in Mississippi. The Woodville Republican was established in 1823 by William A. A. Chisholm.

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The Arkansas Gazette was a newspaper in Little Rock, Arkansas, that was published from 1819 to 1991. It was known as the oldest newspaper west of the Mississippi River.

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In 2018, GateHouse Media bought the newspaper. On November 11, 2013, the Akron Beacon Journal printed its last paper in-house. It subsequently used the presses at The Repository in Canton, Ohio, also owned by GateHouse.

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Article information

Author: Kelle Weber

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Author information

Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.