cu: Ci Am 1 0 l.r i A a 1 11 ilii 3 i. tl.3 ff 1Y 4 ''Isoles ale -brsbFcrc' ign sni domestic Hard-wore, Sr.cdea nr.J Am cries v. Ear Sheet an I' Eoi'brlrc'n, lo which they ia- vit3 the ctten- tioa of couify dealers. 1 ts a ethers art tie foUoxdna cooJs. ton Snene American Bar Iron, 150 da English and do Hoop Boiler and, Sheet Iron; Ilolloauvare and Castings ass't WW da all sizes, Eraiies copper asst all sizes.
Nails assH Carolina Pane and Grub'Hoes. Axes ColOns Hunts, and oth- 10,300 tts 5,000 ke do er makers. lions. Bolting Cloths TV rcther with a full assortment of direct im 7ortation Foreign and Domestic ehef Hardware all of which will be sold on the most1 fa-vorabb terms. oct 2 3 Cm BlGeaces, A Ulcrr, old Ports, Piles, Fistula, Scald head jcJk.Tittcr,S can be by miltl -remtybs.
Old Ulcers, even of twenty years duration, can be perfectly cured by correcting the deranged constitution, upon which the i- fua depends. Fistula can be cured without the knife, car. stic, or Whether or nctti'e "Seeds" of Cancer ban bo eradicated from the system, its fatal progress can be arrested, as will be shown to those wishing such information -by a reference to persons cured many years ago. For particulars call on or addre.a FULLERTON. cct'25 Raymond Mississippi.
AILROAD corset3. Open front corsets French Corset3 -Cashmer-3 scarfs and smalt shawls, and merino ehawls! to and moda colored crape ska-. and Phid eu. c-dcobrcd, silk very rich and cheap; JPIad ct. ttnpru thes sihcs, and satin: JPlad and tri pe er an delanes' all price Pkd ztA striped chilli delanes and barege de-lanes 2iid all kinds of Good, Fanry and staple.
Yickburgoct23 GIBBS HOWE. Negro Blankots- 3flf Pair heavy Negro Blankets for sale by eiUl oct20 P. Takbopixe- Fine Old encli Drand v. ffTpWOhalf pipes just received and for sale a oct 0 D. Tambobiste, Soda IJiscuit.
rT EN borfs iust received and for at D. Tamborike's. 'Negro IClotliittg. TUS'T received a largetock of Negro Cloth-ihif- consisting of Jackets, Fants, and Shirts rlso Boots, shdesind Hats for sale by a'- D. TAMAOItENE.
-T superior Blankets just -J-L -U 4y received and for sale at ctJro POUXI.LHOBART'S I III I PAIR superior Fine Bed blankets Jlib hon bound just received and for sale a oct20 POWELL HOB ARTS. nT fXDS Carpettias just receiOed -LLX4' 4'an3forsale at oct20 FO WULL IIOB ARTS (DSD, H2s IPOHSaSMSD STEW ORLEANS. IJ. POPE, Aprent. YAZOO CIT -now 'prepare3 'to make cash addvances, or XL finish plantation supplies, on the growing cro planters who will ship their crops to the -abovo rm.
OlSce at Higinbothom Cos. May 2G2m "Wholasale and Retail Dealers In CHINA. Glass and Qaeeneware, cullery of al sllvep plated and brittania ware, clianic tools direct from the ruarmfacturer, Wl are now la receipt of a large 'audi well selected assortment of the above mentioned goods and they will be tuVposod of cheap. c6 0 POWELL HOBART: Ox thk corxkr: A tr November term of the Probate court Yazoo co- I will my annual settlement as admicLuator cf the estate 0 William r-iyle'decU-- H. HARRISON Adm'r octiD 4y.
Circuit irt to TernC 1854. Patterson, 4,1. LLm -f- trr is STr.oN3. i Attachment- in this casa having been into the. Office of the Cir- -1 1 cT It ciz a f.rderel '-1y executed.
ap-. Yazoo coun ty a to bo 3 ccurt house tobs I. "ty ca f--: A. D. 1851, I cf No-c i ths rst day or by cither in prcr cf sil 1 Vt'nt, J's srer or default '-rcl- for' tli3 1 1 1 i Cf fur orLMDr clothing.
OUIT ABLE Tor the Fall and Wint-r tr CThey feel confld r.t that the Vcri ty en elegance cf their stock, mtkes it usually attractive, Purchasers penernllv, cu luviied to call and examine their Fall Fash ons. Their stock consists in part of--' Black and blue cloth Frock costs; JL'rown, green and olive cloth frock coats Black dres3 coats; Colored cloth business coat3. Cassimere business anr cilice coats; Colored cloth walking coats; Cloth bear and cassimere overcoats; Cloaks Talma3, Kabans and Opera cloaks. Vests. Black silk and satin vests; Black and colored cloth vests, "Fancy colered Black Velvet and Plu Vests Woolen, velvet cashmere and cassimer vests Fancy silk and white parts vests, Pasts.
Btack doe kincassmero pants, Fncy American and English enssimer pants New style fand French cassiraare pants. Uediam quailities cassimere und satmett pint3, Bot's Clotbikg. A complete' assortraeit of styles and sizes. Gentlemen's FuitsisniNG GooD3 A beauti-. ful stock of goods in the furnishing way, comprising every article in that line.
Hats, Fai 6 doz Moleskin Hats; .12 dozen Soft Zfats, 12 dozen Cloth Caps, TEUSSs.Talieceiand carpet bags Umbrellas and banes. India Rubber Goods. Black and Drab coats and Ponchos, Black and drab leggings. 6 dozeu Fee caf boots, 4 dozen Waterproof boots, 5 dozen Patent leather Oxford 2 dozen Patent calf Oxford ties, 1 dozen Boy's Montgomery. LAD FOR SALE.
T' I rsignc Executors of Wm. Lmu sale the following described lands in ww-aties of Ildmes, Carroll and Ia Holmes county, the south quarter of section 29, lots 9 and 10 in section 31, al! of section 32, and the south half of section 33, in to.vnship 17, range 1 east, containing 1.200 acres. The above land is on or near Little Riv er. Also in township 16, range 1 east, all of section 3, (except the east half of the north east quarter the northeast quarter and the east half of the'southeast quarter of section 4. containing 829 acres.
In Carroll county, the south halves of sec tions 11 and 12, in township 13, range 1, east, containing 640 acres. In Washington county, the west half of sec tion 23, the west half and southeast quarter of section 25, a of section 20, the east lialfcf section 27, the northeast quarter of section 34, and the north half of section 35, in township 19, range 6, west, containing 2,255 acres. The terms on which the above lands will be sold, will be one third cash, the balance in one and two years. For particulars, address Dr JUTLane, Yicksburg. E.
M. LANE. N. E. KLINE, Executors.
J.LUH, septS, 1852. I0-2m STE AEIEU W. P. SWin EY Triweelily Yazoo Filail Falicf fTnilE ne steamer W. Swix-ii ey, F- P.
Pleasant, Master, UvV will leave Vicksburg for Ya7.nni -a City, and all intermediate landings, on Tuesday Thursdays and Saturdays of each week, at 12 o'clock M. Retrnning, will leave Yazoo City on Mondays, Wednesday and Fridaj-s, a3 12 M. For freight or passage apply on board. ct6 MANTlXIiAS and CXOAKS, A LARGE assortment of Cloth, Silk and Satin Talmas, Manttles, for iadies and Misses, jnst received. Also; new silks, De Laines, Merinoes, Thibit Cloths, Hosiery, Ribbons, 't rimmings, and Ladies and childrens Shoes to ill of which attention is invited.
OutS GIBBS HOWE. Office Central It. Ii co, Holly Springs Oct 2d- 1854. TTnE Board of Directors cf the Company Jj have passed an order requiring the payment of 33 per cent on all stock subscriptions made since the loth of November last due and payable on 1 5 November next By order of the Board. Oc 6 4-t.
P. B. MOLLOY, Treasurer. Strayedor Stolen; TDIROM the subscriber, a Black- Mare Mule, jL a little above the medium size, mane and tail trimed last spring, no marks or brands remembered, she is well formed. 1 A liberal reward will be given sorher delivery to rne, or any information, so that I can get ber.
N. II. YICK. Lexington papers pteace copy one month. oct C.
lm. jTustKcccivctl. tJ New Btack lace application mantles Solid Crape Eerages and 4-4 Black silk Rch pmbroidered L. C. Handkerciefs, "Mull, Nainsook and Swis Mtiislin; White and printed Brilliaiuines; Cords and Tassels for curtains and mo.quito bar? on hand, Ryans English and Wer- siu's best Kid and lasting Gaiters and Half Gaiteri, Shoes, c.
Vck.r.;jyi: GfBCS HOWE. TaC- tr.re3 a a. Gur. 1 i luJ a. 0 4 If" -S G.
4 1.1 tern J. i -tj tv- nor docs ho to d.cciva tUe rulihc vy cfiigiiint to th'i3 rcmcd? fjr crtics whicu it cocs net pc It t.hnirabb extcr has been introduced, tbs' crrroba'tioo of all classes," It has Lea reccir.mcnded by "physi cians a3 possess mg healing virtues of extra frdinary qualitiesj and power ia diseases tor which it is recommended. Prepared Vithsrreai care bv O. O. VOOD- MAN, Yicltsb-g.
Sold also by JAR VIS vvuu MAN, New Orleans. 7 1 r7iss T. RUS3ELVS eminajy fo Youn? LadiC3 will cnen Sectember 4. 1854. Suitable Teachers will be provided for tne tufier- nt branches, and every attention be to the morals and manners of the pu- pus.
lazoocitj, aug 1B04, TT.R. KENNON. the Dronrietor of the Castiuan Springs, respectfully informs the public that he has established a line of coacues ueiween uexingioa anu uie springs to leave Lexiugton luesday and Ihursday mornings, returning the same Au.or. 18., Not i co. US Rec ived, and for sale, a large and splendid assortment of Fall and Winter Dry Goods, Consisting in part of a superior article of Laf dies' Cloaks, Talmas, Mantillas, Chimizetta o- all qualities; French Merinos, Cash meres, bilks.
A general assortment of Bonnets of every variety; asp ondid assortment of Trimming. Also, a good assortment of GEEITLEfi BtM CLOTH 1 1X0 Boots, iShoes, Hats and Cap-; all of which we will sell at very reduced prices for cash, or to punctual paying purchasers. WOOD BRONW. scp 20 1854. Just Received, D03 black Pomade in jars do Pomades assorted, in jars 6 do li.ick Pomade in stick 4 20 4 4 4 do Cologne, gilt bottles, very fine do ass'd sizes and eclci do Orange Water do Toilet very fine do RIellefluer, very fine 4 do, bottles French Bay Water 12 do Jules Hansel's celebrated Extract for the toilet 2 do Otto Roses, large and small 12 do Cooking Extracts, ass'd 2 do Liquid Hair Dye 2 do Pulverine.
2 do Oleophane Shaving Soap, large 2 do small For sale low for cash, by sep2D PETER B. CO OK is Vv. Lost. TrnETWEEE Yazoo City and the Toll Gate, iO a fine Colts Repeater. Any persin findiag the same, and leaving it at the VV hig oSce, sha 1 be liberally rewarded.
sr p26 SoKictliins KcwV JU received and now opening by GIBBS Radismore Silks, Plaid and Plain Poul de Soie, Striped and chine silks. Plaid Challis, Plain and dotted chilli delaines, Canton cloth, Printed de'aines, great variety, pretty and cheap, French and English crapes, Persian twills, Gro de Rhine, Gro de Nap and Glasco silks, Brocade Poplins, Merinoes, Alpacas and Chintz. Vicksburg, sep. 15 RES3 GOODS. We have very handsome Hlusioa Party Dresses and Robe, all co'or3 ---'i A few patterns of Delaines and our assortment of ilks is beautiful in a ivor we do not think that we transcend the limits of moderation, when we say that some of them are epitomes of the habiliments of the Sylphad Queen Whose vesture was the purple relPd At twilight in the Urest afar.
Twas tied with threads of dawning gold, And buttoned with asparkling start' COWAN, CHAPIN 4- JACK. Vicksburg Sept 15, HANDLES and SOAP: 75 boxes, 53 half boxes, 25 quarter boxes Star candles, 50 boxes soap, assortee, for sale by aug ib 11 VERNON Tip ACON, PORK, HAMS, and LARD HJ 100 barrels Bless Pork: 20 casks Ribbed Sides; 20 casks cleftr Sides; 10 tcs Dulllelds hams; 10 tcs Usher's IJam3, 10 tcs Davis' hani3, 10 tcs Family Hams, 100 kegs Lard, 5 fcbls. Lard; For sale by august 25 J. VE RNON. vv iiuam tit i ugu, ii viriue oi a coerce in BY vs.
the above stated case to Allen Brashear,) ma directed from the Hon orable the Middle District Chancery Court of the State of Mississippi, I will sell to the high est bidder, for cash, on Monday, the day cf September, 1S54, at court houso door in Yazoo city, within the hours prescribed bv law, the following property, viz: Lots 13 and 14 in Pugh's Spare" in Yazoo city, condemned to sals to esttsfy said decree and costs of suit. M. A NKINS, commissioner. Yazoo city, aug IS, 1854. 8-Gt.
N. B. above sale 'is postponed until 'TT'i' (i 13, i 1 cr.lir for tl )3 rr? i.3 L3 ell ClU if i v.hici ha given to much satisfaction out the Union, as eh-o b'team Powers of all sizes and kinds, horse powers, Geist JIills, corn and coa cruskes, together with varioua otner machines and impliments to economise xauor Since their circular eaw mills were invented by and patented, to their senior partner, they have made many improvements which render them periectm all their details, and justly en title them to be considered among the greatest abor saving inventions of the age. Aphampkt containing full discrpti ns of their three classes of mills, prices, terms capacity for sawing, vviH De sent to any gentleman applying for one by letter postpaid. Having recently obtained damages in an action brought in the circuit court for the Piscrict of Maryland, for infiiflrment of their Patent Right, they do hert by forwarn the public from purchasing mills, bimilar to theirs, from unauthorized builder or their agents.
Address, GEORGE PAGE co. Sehroeder Hear' Bailimorest. Bal inure Md. L1SK cr HARRIS Agents, Yazoo City Miss junelG-50-6m, AA First Arrival in Yiclburr. COWAN, CIIAPIN JACK have just received their first importation of Fall Goods, which is also the first opened in this city Heretofore there has been a great scarcity of many articles in our business, with which we can now furnish our friends.
Below we enumerate a fevr of the articles' received FRENCH NEEDLE-WORK. Thread, Jaconet, Swiss and Valenciennes Edgings and Insertings; Embroidered Collars, Handkerchiefs, Sleeves, Chimizettes, Jaconet, Cambric and Swiss Flouncings; Surplice.ilanchette, JLaltcso and Tatlanthe Collars and Chimizet-tcs; Black Lace Veils, Leisses, Jaconets, Swiss and Plain i1uslin3. A superior and comprehensive assortment of Glares ana iiosery. BOOTS and SHOES Ryan's Gaiters, Buskins, Slippers and Boots, and a good assortment from other manufacturers. 1 GENTLMEN'S WEAR-llaU fine cloth Cloaks Black and Fancy Pants and Vests, Over and Under blurts, Drawers: Half-Hose, Gloves Cravats, Boots and Shoes.
Vitk'bg, sept 1. D. C. DOWNING D.N. MOODT.
MMX KCXXE3 GEO. SUEDES CO. Cotton Factors And Commission Merchants, NO. 42, UNION STREET, New Ojheass. tltO.
Agents for Geo. Smedes New Orleans. Sundries. BAGGING Rope and Twine, India and Ky. Jeans and Linseys, Lowells, 4-4 and 7-8 Mesa Pork, Bacon Sides and Shoulders Hams Sugar-cured, bagged and plain Boots and Shoes, Russett Heavy Negro Blankets vVhiskey, ourbon, very old Brandy, pure old Otard Whisky, rectified, bbls arid halves Salt, coarse and fine Candles, Soap, Lard, Lard Oil, Vinearar Beef, Mess, Spiced and dried; Beef Tongues Rice, Molasses, bbls and bfbbl3.
Sugar, loaf aud crushed Sugar clarified and brown Fresh family roe Herring lion, Tennessee and Juuiatta Steel, cast, German and blisstcr; large full and coraplets assortment Nails, Spikes, Horseshoe Nails Axes tobacco Stone ware Flour, choice Family; Flour superfine and fine Hoes, Trace and Log Chains lime cement ond tar Corn, Hay, Oats and Bran Coffee, Java, Rio and Havana. Jj: AGENCY FOR THE BALE OF AliCQodi Gin Stands, and also forVtcVs 100 tontton ecd. For sale by sep29 GEO. SMEDES 1 RO. Dowjnrirvo, moody co.
13 WATnii MATCFRS lO and Jewellers, Washington St. Vicksburg, Miss. sept 1. O. 0.
HCNXEWELIa O. O. V. OBHIAN CO. WHOLESALE and Retail Drng- gists dealers in Paints, Oils, Window and Station-C li ary, 2 doors from Vvrashingtcn Hotel, Vicksburg, Miss.
sept. 1 copies Odd Fellow's llanuel. 12 do Montgomery's Poetical works Assorted, 10 do Holy Bible, htrge, very fins, i2 do do Asserted sizes, 24 do do. small rncrocco, gilt Willi 24 do Prayer Loci's, ntcrccco, gut with cb: 4 do ller.dl3y Trcnvrcll, 4 do do lliscclbneou, 4 do do cf DIL 4 do ilj i do ilo 0 do do Co Gdo do Ii ilV 0 1 1 Ai.V i 1..0 CO CO in I inv! Ci, crri 1 in .3 l.l t3 C2 I. ca c.
CljJll fr Elict anj cclcrci cLth packs: P.ltck au 1 cloth palctU; Black and colored cktli Heaty casa frocks'and packs ''Velvet coat'; ovrncoxTS: Caper castor beaver frocts and sacks; Blue pilot, Engineer's beaver frock and packs; Drab and co'ore 1 Whitney frocksand Drab ind colored Petersham frocks and sacks Drab and colored Bearskin frocks and sacks Fancy A'eggerhead frocks and sacks; Fancy double frocks and sacks; Blanket frocks and sacks; Black aud colored cloth surtouts, lack and colored cloth ve-Ats, double collars Fancy velvet and plush, double collars; Fancy cashmere, double collars; Black silk and satin, double col'are; Fancy silk, double collars. doe skin cassimere pantsj Black and blue satinett pants; i ancy cassimere pant; Heavy tweed ponts; tyn Negro Suits of different qualities. I'urnishiiisr Good. Hosery -Merino and Lamb wool Undershirts Merino and Lamb's wool Drawers; Silk, cotton, Flannel, and cashmere Under shirts, and drawers; Merino, cotton and woolen half hose. Shirts.
Linen and linen besom shirts; Wove and embroidered bosom sh*ts; Fancv muslin shirts. Gloves. Buck, cactbr, kid and colored gloves L-hamios and silk lined colored gloves, Gauntlets and diving gloves. Toilet Articles, -Combs, brashes, Razors, strop, port monaies, soaps Canes and Umbrellas. Boots Fine calf sewed boots; Fine waterproof sewed boots; Heavy Boots; Shoes Patent leather and Calf Oxfords; Calf sewed and pegged brogans, Hat.
'Fine mole and beaver hats irbide-a-JVakes, N. N'a and Hungarian. CjF9 Cloth caps and eilk civers; Glazed Silk and Muslin caps. 03" Childrens clothing as usual. Every to complete a gentleman' wardrobe at octl3 No, 2.
Washington st eet, Vicksburg Successor to Halsmith Co nsnQUAtiTi, Comer of Mulberry and South streets, Vidisburg, Miss, AGENT FOR OA KEY IIAWiaS, v. KEW FILL furnish all kinds of Plantatiou sup- plies and make liberal cash advances on cotton shippe through me to my friends Oakey -w Orleans. -Agent for New York Zife Insurariie iEtna insurance co, on sZavea Harfd State Marine and Fire insurance co, Pa Hudson River jlarina and Fire Insu'e company, Granate Insurance company UticaJ w3ngust4 1854. PAIXTS AND OILS. 1,000 lbs.
pure White Lead ground in oil, 50 do Paris Green do do, 50 do Chromic do do do, 50 do Amer. Vermillion, TOO gals Linseed Oil, 100 do Spts Turpentine, 500 lbs. Putty 30S lbs Whiting, 1 Just received at the Yazoo city Drug and Book fotore, by aug 25. M. Emaseel.
Executor's Notice. TT ETTERS TESTA MEMTARY npon the lost iJLi Will and -TeFiament of Benjamin Towers, deceased, ha v'n been granted to the undersigned by ih 8 Probate Courl of connv, State of Missisnppi, at the Term. 1854, of said Cour', N'tice is hereby given to all persons hav in? claims agai.m said estate, to the pnrr.e wunin ir.e uroe p-eFcnoeu oy law, or mey i i ve burred. L. HYATT, Ex'r.
rpilSS JARS! Glass Jars! 25 doz Gallon Jars, 50 doz half-gallon Jars, 50 doz quart jars, 50 doz pint jars, 50 doz half-pint Jelly doz Fruit bot'ls, jast received by sept 1, A Gexellav 000 pair of Shanghaes for salewarrantcd pure blood by C. B. Swasey. august 4.1854 8f 'sacks Rio 5 sacks Javar 10 sacks Havana; 10 bales Limey, 40 bales jeans-, 100 bags dr bags buck shot, '100 barrels Reboiled Molasses, 50 boxes Claret; 10 cases R'usytis, 25,1000 Cigars, assorted, just received and for sale by aug 25 VERNON. rTt uu i.Ti 25 barrels Ttags Head premium tlo .25 barrels Four Aces flout, 100 barrels Ohio flour, 25 half barrels Louis flour, for sale.
rta 25. 1CSL II VERNON TAZUO Cli DRUG BOOK UININE 500 doz. Fulph Quine which will b3 c. la BCtall lots, low for Lnt.3 dialing in tho article 11. E.iiANtrix' U5f.
A I cl sugar cure lhi in and chicd Beef ju.t received t.nd sab by ug 13. Powell IIcsaet. SARATOGA VATEIl. 2. rll I.J V.lll I.
f' i 'Dye rainUanJ Oiii. Window Class and Window sish of til th'-e, fine Can! seeds. Whith an i '3 f. a. 4.
Every effort will macfj-1; tomers, bjth as to the qaull h'i 1 sr. articles tiiey wish to buy. public generallr. ere rs If. i I tj cah and examine fur therc.telrcs.
OtT Physician' prescription! be ttU tended to with promptness, et all hour! by or night, and put up by a regular and exceri-enced Drcgsiet The old eutomter3 of the it ho- will continue their patronage to the new lishmen June2 ly Powell I US 1 09 ii. V9 it iincjuin auu taiitj i.iaulOVC!, Ladies and Genss tuak Umbroidered cambric handkerchitfj, a'so Hernsticbe and tape troliered, Bonnette for the million. French Work sleeves, French collars for ladicj and mi tcs, French chimisetts, Edgings, laces, ruOing, bandj fcnequald la the city. 200 doz. Hosiery for ladies, ent.r, miisci and children.
Gingbamsand domestics of every variety; Red. blue, white and yellow Flannel, Sheeting bleached and unbleached, Irish linen a 1 prices, Linen sheeting and pillow linen. ,1 Worsted damask for curtoins, French Engti and Amcsican prints, Table from 50 cents to ALsO Perfumeries in great perfusion. All oi which have been bought in New York Bo ton and Philadalp'; end are bound to ba sou on go" terms ti I had v. est cr" thc.
J.Ic. call and examine for yourselves, v.s Corner of Mam and Jeffgrson streets oct 13. co's: FAJ1ILY MEDICINS. 7 DOZ Indian Expectorant -U-S do OrieitalHairTonio 8 do Alterative 4 do Fever and Agc3 Pills 4 do Fcraah chsui 6 do Pile remedy 12 do Carminative Balsam 12 do Tonic Vermifcga 20 do Indian Lunative Pill 4 do Healing Salve 8 do Cherokee Linamcnt For Bala by P. B.
COOIv CO. Wholesale Druggists, Aheznists end Sellers." Yazoo City, Oct. 13 TIjc into of YAZOO cocTr. ProbaU Court, Ttrrs, 1S54. AGREEAALY to an order of the Probata Court of aid county iVoiice ii tertby glrea to il jeront interested in the lends, tc'cinenti ond hereditament! of Rcbrcca Fauikt nnd Wik liam Faulks, minors of Ya imtv, to be and appear baPon the Probaie Court of iaid county, to bel.tid on the foann Monday ol Octo! er next, then and there to show cauao, If any ihpj can.wl.y an order fhouIJ nat be made for the pale of ih real estate cfeei-i Riinorc, Ijinj Bd hrin in the county of Yazoo and Srate ol Alisjiesippi known aa the soHih-east quarter of section and the north-cast quarter of the north-east of section twenty-tlx, nn twenty acres on tie fa.vt side of the cost half of fouth Wftt quarter ol tec lion iwcnty 'hree, ailia township ten ran-o on west; It bren Piiggtsisd to our till Coiit by Tiipley i'aulks, pu.irdipo forfait! miners, that it will bo grt atiy to their tttcrcit to sell iJ 1 And fu-thrr oidered, llmt p'iMiratJon of il ia citation be mace in the Yazoo City hij fur ir wcckfceiuc'tsivrlv ILin.Geo.
B. Jv I robot of the of the 4th Monday of Ci'pucibcr, antl Oi the Couit. Issued'tlsa 23 day Sepfffaher, IflSl r.f:i. H. EELLCbrk.
sep20 lf.54. LlA Last Will and Testament cf Er! uuice, deceased, having Leen granted t- undersigned bv the Proh county, at the tV; Tern t' 1 all who -are I tjs-iil quested to i -r'Ltj gence camiut 1 i nave claims required ted, within t. notice will be ply 1 i ep jv. IT1I AH.