GETS WINGS 1 0 Rapid City Journal Monday, Angutt 21, 196 State GOP Hears Ford Active Selling Fairburn Man Hurt In Crash Second Lt. Stephen D. Hoff. man, son of Mr. and Mrs.
I -aw. rence A. Hoffman of 1921 Hills- iimnmtmmmm (Cuts Chicago CUSTER Cherrill Jordan, Attack Freeman, Johnson view has been awarded S. Markets -Financial "I Air Force silver pilot wings uran MADISON (AP) Rep. Ger-illons more In non essential good condition Monday at Laughlin kfb, Grain Prices aid R.
Ford. the House spending." urnimwmy "V')' Mrs. Hoffman is the for. re-'minority leader, criticized Sec- He declared that remarks of tog craw Mary pottW( daughter of verted to a litS.moM Mtlw''7 of Agriculture Orville Vice President Hubert Saturday on Highw 89 poUer 51g New ufthe tram Sea Freeman Sunday as "polUi-phrey had encouraged defianceear the Black Hills rehouse' tkP Trad mer A un K101U1 1UIUI tro i selling Bluing (ka at riAMrwvn linn i Uttl UIU flOCll iOaVDl HlHf UM IW II 1. m.
cal ohrase-maker who was born of the law rimr rountv Sheriff i-rme New York Stock Exchange He predicted Republicans He predicted riav with lrlir advances foot In his mouth." Ford spoke to some 800 per- would pick up about 40 new trimmed and losses broadened. Soybeans, under heaviest sons at a KeDUbUcan rally in seats in me mis iau. Pepin said Jordon apparency fell asleep and drove off the road. The car, crashing against some large boulders, received an estimated $400 damage. Ticker Late' As Stocks Hit New Lows -i n.LJ.
ArrAriran wonlt ll are pres- NFW VOP.K (API Pellowlnt selected list at Mondev's tlock treniac. 1-4-D and WEED A BOMB Brotdlcif Wood and DtBdollon killou Trlsco Service Center riflb Omaha $42-1171 Itlea (Ml.) High Low Clote Chge sure, were down more -7 -y tier en HW New York tlock iachenge. three cent a bushel at the ex- community scoring me jwm- kuiB imui ui uw uwiihwu IV llVki ll'V- noriv'son administration on num- ministration. 7MO I takM Hot (ha High Llew Clooe Chfte. Ford also said the two cartv 07 Jordon suffered severe facial Lib MeNAL .91 Lie My I 45 Lilian Ind 04 Lock Aire lit 17 Lono I Ctm I 117 Lone Got il 57 aU its earlier gains but wheat i br of points.
il 4 4t" Ford said Freeman is "the system In this country would be lacerations. from the ig lir" eased only sligWly only secretary of agriculture in Jeopardy Kepubiicans don iLorlllard IN 1M 4t NEW YORK (APT-The stock market closed lower Monday in one of the most turbulent ses 4j- 4M 41 day highs. Carlot receipts were estimat-jjh -i'jed at: Wheat 52 cars, corn 621, 4J 4i''Aa, 17 rv rumA harlev 12. nov- M-N 05 K1. II 44to sions of the year.
who has ever publicly expressed win in lawL pleasure at the drop in farml prices." He added that Free-Tharjron MlNSterS man had "waged an 1 "IIIJICI) Admiral 4M 43M ill Allied Ch I Mb 147 36 AMI Mill! 1 13 5J 1 Allied Strl 11.1 ef 17 35 AMU Ch. 71 i 23 Alcoa I 10 7 73 71 Amerodt 1H IN 70 49 Am Alriln 1 21 400 It 17 Am Cm I 141 47 45 I 1 IA ItU. J4 '1 Hi iv I m'I'S "ock Tr S.OSf JIA Ik 1.40 ii5Z 1 iV.omo C0 I i)Zl MoroITt Oil IN 44211 ij May llr I a 4 32 4J The ticker Upe ran 10 late in the morning when i I iivt i beans 5. WE'RE HOUSECLEANIIIG II 11 44' 44'4j S3 4 stocks were battered down to war on American agriculture jn Map) TiiacHav which has driven parity prices lUCiUay Wheat, was l-Vt cents a 'lei lower at the close, Septem- It' 37 34'H 41 TT u.nM Ail Mt I a. nn.
1 new lows along a broad front. Um 174 34 mi Glamor stocks dropped several Jm ,.3 ft ftZ 31 37t 170 34 43 117 4l 41 -1 McKnUH 1.70 Der i.o74-oo; euro wwer from an average of 84 per cent under the administration of former President Dwight Elsen I4 Wfcx I. Mo V4 higher, September $1.44. 14 104 340 34'. Vm 71 -1 CHADRON, Neb.
The Chad-ron Ministerial Association will resume monthly meetings Tues- Aav at Q-TA mm In th SAV4mth points. The pivot key stocks were off fractions to 1 or 2 Am am hi 1 1 oats H-lVi lower, Septem 71 J5 U0IH 7V 10t SAVE hower to barely 79 per cent this Am nan 1.M mo-i ber cents; rye Vj-1 cent 1 Of 14 4 points. 30 01 WAM I 174 4k Oil 1 10 Wonwnlo 1M 2 Mom 1.41 30 mZ Wo" wr 2 Mof'OH JJP S' lower, September soy. tmoit 1 lrdin J- Prices Improved 77 J1 J17J M' 4 H'4 ii ji beans m-4'4 lower, September moderated in early Miersoon Am lot i 174 JH II II anm nslvcli Mmuki Am IIM 1.40 1 X1H Lit 447 lite l2 TT 1 1 Nn sue i to ult mw. CO 34 J5 herring to the Viet Nam Day Adventist Church.
War and reports that 400,000 The Rev. Gordon Frederick Is U.S. troops may be engaged in to be the speaker. New officers it by late this year, Ford said: who will assume duties is utterly fantastic when, day are the Rev. Gale Moon, we recall what President John- president; the Rev.
Stanley 40 I 40 session might have been some tin 3M t4 m. i roi.aifi md iui 47 7IH 34 11 i lAlmco sort oi seuwg ciunax, ow do Armour i.m oi il it' mTvi 1 40 52 5.1 ouiiii no ii Chicago Futures 71 71- 34 34 30 30 II 20 13 53'- 4fl)4 Ok fore long prices weakened again. Nit GvDt lb 44 S.TT NoI Lo4 tlit 103 IJ The level sans to tne lowest of ah nio'id ta 7h High ciom cion told nation just two Malgreii, vice president and pro- 4 ii jo' 54 Ave Corp I 42 43 WhOlt 133 41 44 44 Ml 54 71 34 Rev. Fred- the day near the close as trading resumed at a fairly active NY Clnt 30 vjw years ago when he was seeking gram chairman; and iff i election 'We don't want ourerick, secretary and and 1 17 Hi 1.3'j 100 Iff B-C NV Hon treasurer. 44 43 54 54 33 34'-l Dm 10 wr 42 41 I MM 43 43'- Jul 71 71 -I I Cor lBft rat 1 jo pace, Iff Ifl 1.14 1.15 ijjt lis American boys to do the fight.
Vnliim tnr rh rlov avcL LSov 14 iJ't 53 1... a Mr S3 44 Hnm U) IH 414. 40' 40 1 'v Bon a 014 mated at 10 5 million shares laon i.w 41 11 12 (all Shot Noil Alriln 40 aonc l.Tfto i 1.45 1.41 1.44 1 ,,4 Ml I 411 1 1 compared with 8.16 million on iMing 1 4 1.51 IBOIMco*kOd I 1.53 1.51 1,15 1.54 1.57 1.54 Friday, 54! The Micnigan congressman UiAf Daneli i said that Inflation has resulted II tlCrislOSa 1(811011 1 54 1.54 5a 1 O-P-R 5-4'0lln Moth I.M 103 4 41 Oil! iltv I 53 40 39 7H 0rtlM III I.M 73 45 44 15 r.AFi in 14 4o COMPLETE TREE TRIMMING EQUIPMENT eonalttlng of 1958 FORD MON TRUCK quipped wllh a 40 powar dri Uddar Model 740 McCULLOCH CHAIN SAW Model XL HOMELITE CHAIN SAW and other small tools, etc. 1-Used 500-gol. Hardie Preiiura Sprayer wllh ho, iioiiU and Wlieomin englnt electric Hart 1-Used 500-gal.
Bean Sprayer wllh hoe, neiile and Wlieomin engine electric iter! 335 13 51 Brn Airw Here was the picture near the close: from an administration attitude 120 3 Ml 7 7 14 15 Brllt My 1.M Bruntwk Sucy Er I.M .74 2 21 of spending as usual add- .73 .71 .11 .12 73 .71 fitKAs rj atvmw sliver nA Bud4 Co 14 14 144. 1.10) 2J If 5 Doc I Mir iMoy 41 -1 Jul OKI 44' 1 Sp 27" I iDoe MoT 31 4 Mny 45'-11 Jul 15 11 RvO Sll S'P 43' i Dm IfH 1 Mor 54'-2 Miy 34 Jul II 111 .13 in. "while Dumping billions in JJ II 31-J Pin Am I3M 54 11 3 71 17 Pirom ict II 45 45 31 1 p.rk. It 131 34 IS other high-priced Issues which Burroughs posted bi gains before the 1966 tfg decline Kot under way lost sev-lttn pry 24 1 I 14 55 51 to the Viet Nam War. The Johnson Humphrey Freeman administration dishes out bil- HERM0SA A purple ribbon calf was shot and butchered on the Don Hesnard ranch some four miles west of here Sunday at 11 p.m.
according to a report from the Custer County Sheriff's office. Jerry DeSheuquette of Rapid I4'- p. Kft J.40 111 33 30 31 17 34 10 II 14 15 II 10 41 51 5 100 77 30 1 37V, 1 31 I.W i.4i 1.40 1.34 1 37 1. 1.40 f.Jf lit 1.34 1 3f 1.41 l. 114 1.37 1 .31 114- pKt Co I.M COn foe 1 150 Cirrlor I 1J5 45 43 IM 41 5 54 54 51 25 14 era! points.
As selling snow-balled, the Si i' 1 114 35 444j 44' I Soytoom I4J 44 ticker ran as much as 10 mln- cro Co i 3 32 32 iP 1 37 141 J20 20 1471 145 137 131 I'VNoy 3.17 131 124 1.24 1.31 0f 4f' 1 un 3 4 143 3.20 1.17 3 74 3 31 121 3 25 1 30 3 31 1.31 3 21 UHa Mir. kXRIllV OUtaiJiMB NAJ III InnlioA IIVa Bolllna A On 17' 1 Pn.lpt 1.400 30' 1 ptniip Mor 140 7tl IX II l.piii,bury 1.15 11' poiorold .20 11 Prod A 1 M'-I PC A .10 "-3 Rriall 30b 72- p.yn Mot .71 13 o.w Tnh 1 City was arrested by Clyde 17 47 45 45 1 MOT 440 33 31 44 13 13 104 11 13 54 40 111 35 33 17 34 1 41 44 117 74 73 41 3 Miy 41 Aduddell, deputy sheriff st Her 131 IX I.If 1.31 Johnson May Hit Trail Again SAN ANTONIO. Tex. (AP) or one of IX SUVO Clt-ILnrytior 1 33 -l JUI 1114 43 175 34 131 21 33 mosa, and Ernie Pepin, Custer 11 ua i Citt I.M 24 1 34 40 34 iiuucs rwin.u uiry uiuuik wuuiu coco Colo 1 ft hot rwwWl Ia rUar trui air ruk Co Pol 00 County Sheriff, after being iden Ml 47 ID 14 45 13 13 Chicago Produce 34 tified as being at the scene of Royol Out JfO 307 30 30 A 1-Used 300-gal. Hardie Preuure Sprayer 15 14 43 41 fore solid recovery could 'fSS 43'.
Suitor unovont wholoitlt buying nrlcn 40 1 12 the butchering. According to investigating of S-T IM 35 ajunchongod to lower i 11 tcoro A A 73; a 73i to a 717 701 con Sofowoy It 1 24-l Com SolCorp Fears of tight money and conusor i more of the same were domi-jcm oi" toti President Johnson planned to close up shop at the LBJ Ranch Monday and head back to the White House, but there are in S'Jol Llld I.M 70 30 34 ficials, a passing motorist saw Ml si i-ii mm rii SIRog Pop 1 40b If If 2f' 4 40 31 00 55 10 31 14 II Epgi ttiody to firm; wholeitlo buying 32 30 41 55 11 30 17 If V.i 17 the calf being butchered and no 51 21 17 1 Schenley 1.40 as stocks feU on a broad t' nam uncnongea to I nigner; per cent S3 14 I u. scm 40b or better Grade A whltei 43; mined 41; tified Hesnard. Hesnard report' front. 24 24 modlumi It; tttndordi 35; chocki X.
CowIm Com .50 CurllM Wr I 1044 51 17 334 SI 10 4f 110 51 Polaroid lost IBM Xer- 1' a Scott Poo 1 II It Seen Rfb It ISenon Shell Oil I tt Sinclair 140 II 51 10 1041 17 17 54 54 1 Sioux Falls Livestock ox about Coming Glass Mc-I D-E-F-G edly went to the scene and when he arrived, an unknown number of persons left. Hesnard then notified Aduddell who called dications he may be on the road again before week's end. Several points have heard reports as yet not confirmed by the White House that Johnson may be coming their way this wpekpnrl Summergville. W. If If' 21 It M't oi Sol Salic 40b 1.
.1 it 1 ViltM 1M. il ttt iT.i r. ItT i.iZ itiZZ Cottlo- .00. Ilamhter itieri and keif. ft 10 40 II It 21 II 42 41 451 50 41 45 45 44 154 27 24 aiCOZk tnu Par 1 to 177 Ten Jt If moitly lower, cowl tttody to 25 Deert VMo Del Edit I 40 Dliney Doug Aire lb Dow Chem 1 Droit Ind I 25 duPont 1750 Intyre Porcupine Hoc la Mining J.
Ray McDermott 5. Pan American World Airways dropped about as did Bausch Lomb, West Point- Pepin, The accused was then identi 44 in 3 perry ma jvi 1 2140 210 r. Sulk low ind over- MiA 1U Std krorvd I 10 31 21 17 27'- naugnior Keen auahtor tleeri: choice 1050-1)00 lb 25 00-24 25, good for one, experts him to be onjfied in Hermosa where he was 1600-1300 lb 23 170 144 147 1 S'O oil (.41 1 jg no or M7 115 112 113 lISId Oil Ind 1 70 124 44 55 42 St 57 arrested by the Custer County Et Kod I.M Eaton Yale 1.31 vorooo 101. Sioughter holteri: Low tnd hand for the dedication of 14 73 23 MOUII NJ 1400 9V4 01 57 choice 150-1025 lb 21.35 24.50. good 21.75- 17' 5td on on 2 40 24 00V officials 17 17 42 40 IZ2.50.
dam and reservoir project. 1 1 I Al 2t 41 1 tteri Drug 130 31 12' Insulated "Temple" Truck Van Box equipped wllh P. gai heeler and a winch type holii Jeep Pumper 500 Gals. Per Minute at ISO P.S.I. Ideal for fire fighting or irrigation FIRE TRUCK 1947 International K-7 Truck with factory lnatalled fire fighting equipment New Used YAZOO Power Mowers 'jO" to 10" cut.
Powerful, heavy duty big wheel mower USED 10'x50' MODERN 3 BEDROOM "DETROITER" TRAILER HOME eowi 14.50-11.75 end built El Paw Ng 1 Flrntono 1.10 Ford Mot 140 Fruoh Co 1.70 27'1' Sioughter 41 Sttw War 1.50b -II If 27 ine rresiaem amvea ai uie 41 41 17 24 31 1 It 00-22 75. rZsuVra. 5x14. iS Vii 1 5 "den: Lot choice fwdor tltort Gomblo Ik I.M i 12150. llr no oround 730 0
14 13 14 IS hisM5alfaftCT Cowboy (ion Blk 144 41 3M MUm Vt Switt I 3 i Dynom 1 on, i.Z 4iiA IiIZijI ottly active, moitly 35 lower, Sowt and much handshaking In Ida Pepperell and Delta Airlines. Off about 3 were Douglas Aircraft, Zenith, U.S. Smelting, Standard Oil of Indiana, Severing, Burroughs and Textron. Losses of point or more were scattered liberally through most sections of the list. Prices fell sharply in heavy trading on the American Stock Exchange, 463 i2 7t Barrowi and gllli: Shins At Gordon Il 100-350 Ibl bo.
Colorado and Oklahoma. 504 115 101 lot 4 Gen flee IM Gen Fdi 1.30 Gin Mint 150 Gen Mot 105o Gin PCim .10 TolAGI 1 21 7m 14 00-24 35, 1-1 10-110 Ibl 13 50-24 00. 41 371 14 15 IS 1H TMOCO 140a 44 41 43-H lul .40 13 57 54 54'- Tn Ini .40 772 71 70 70 I Tran Air 1 54 10 10 10 oVTraniamer to 4f4 17 15 1 Trl Cont .400 302 It 37 21 Con lb 112 34 35 35 Sows; Mled .1. 1-1 29000 Ibl 11 25- im i The weekend before he stumped through upper New 1-1 400 Ibl 20 00-11 50 Stl 43 00 124 15 13 44 31 20 77 27 25 11 50, GORDON, Neb. Ifl Wyo- 11 Sheeo 1.800.
sonno i luonrer amsi "iilow, 1.00 lower. Shorn Haughtor twei York, Rhode Island, New ming cowboys won the bucking Gen Tiro OiPacCp lb 50 lower. Feeder urrbs steady, 10S 13 33 33'- Gillette 1.10 Hampshire. Vermont and events at the Gordon Rodeo u-v-w-x-z Spring slaughter lambs: Choice and Goodrich 2 40 77 57 141 joi tvime around tO-105 bl 23 50.24. QO.
UR Carbide 1 344 50 4t Maine. Other recent speaking sponsored by the Northwest 111 47 44 4IH-1 iv Ufl OIICll I Ma 171 41 45 44 4f 41 trips took him to Nebraska, Ranch Cowboys Associaton 14-I Goodyeer 1 35 Gl No P.y 1 Ot WSug l.Ml Greyhound .00 Gulf Oil I.M 45'i Shorn slaughter owes: Cull to utility 3514 2.50-4 00. ji Feeder lambs: Choice and fancy 43', 4 1 around lbs 24.00. 70' 4' Breeding owei: Choke fhree-year-oldi Iowa, Indiana, Kentucky and, over the weekend 2t 14 34 107 11 14 Ml 41 Il4 I Markets At A Glance NEW YORK (AP) Illinois Elvin Martin of Cheyenne won the bareback riding and Gene 17 in oo per need. Un Tank I.W 27 54 Unit Air Lin I 764 47 43 Unit Aire I.M 449 74 70 Unit Fruit .550 241 31 27 US Gyp turn la 70 41 44 Ui Rub I.M 153 37 15 US Smelt .75 lit 39 31 HIJK-L 444 Hoc IS 123 47 43 Griffis of Hulett took the saddle Stocks Lower; active trad Denver Beans 47'- 15HI 34 "1 Vt W't 1 77 I Holly lug 73 It It Homeitk I.M 35 47 45 bronc riding.
4S1-2US S'etl 1 4fl 39 31 Honeywell 1.10 131 44 44 Other winners included Matt 44 2 US Toe 1.10a I 37 27 4A 2li Utah PLI 111 11 30 29 2t'e- General bid to arowori 1045 croft BintM ing. Cotton Quiet. CHICAGO: Wheat Firm; moderate ac tive demand. II 1 S. no 11 ISO, S.
NO 41 TOD 32 33 1 Denver rale basis; 1944 crop olntot HudooyM J. 404 7 4' 44 Ideal Com 1 41 IS 15 Iniplr Cop 1 500 11 30 2 4.40 21 111 107 While Johnson has said he expects to visit many other states before "the leaves turn brown," he has only one publicly announced commitment so far. When Ohio Democrats telephoned birthday congratulations Saturday he promised them he would visit that state before the November elections. Whitlock of Alliance, bull riding; Wayne Cornish of Vale ML IL. Wariac CHEMICAL EQUIPMENT CO.
1TW WEST RAPID ST. PHONE 342-7644 RAPID CITY 20 20 It 7.25; 1965 crop Great Northerns Int Harv I IS' Vulcan Mat I 17 II Ifi vtiwaioreen 1.10 11 34 307 1.14 33 11 3 wn Air Lln I 110 43 77-l IWnBancorp 1.11 2t 29 I4't wr, Un Tel 1.40 17 31 45 A Bk I.M 41 31 41' No II 7.15, U.I. No la 4 45, N0 2IH bratka rata shipping points. tine, bulldogging; Duane Julian of Whitetown, N.M., calf Int Nick line Int Pap 1.20a Corn Narrowly mixed; late 40 21 30 42 31 37 Int TAT 1.35 JU I roping; and Teresa Groom of "Minneapolis Cash Grain selling. Oats Weak; liquidation.
31 33 47 in vvt 30 101 7f 77 124 35 14 324 44 41 34 33 33 47 41 47 137 41 44 IS 3t 35 194 29 21 14 31 17 Wlttg El I.M 304 43 Weyrkauir I 111 32 Whin Mot I.M 71 35 Jewel Cm I Johns Man 2 20 Jonei 4 1.71 Lakeside, barrel race. 37-1H 44-1 Soybeans Lower; Septem- Mi lfeiWoolwth 1 145 30 20 10' Wheat rocelDti Mon. efl; year ago 111; 2 X.rox CP 1 75 179 173 175' 4 trading basis 1 to 1 higher; prices Kolser Al 1 Kennecott 1 Lohman 1.13a Der down sharply. 4' lAeniin i 4ve e4-i ejv- nigner; casn spring wneet pesis, no i Hogs 25 to SO cents lower; dark northern. n-17 protein 2 Russians Confirm Luna 11 In Orbit I premium eocn to top $25.50.
Slaughter steers Steady to! over 54-41 Ibt; iprlng wheat on cent discount eoch lb under SI lbs; protein premium 11 per cent American Exchange Stock Averages BUILT TO ORDER CREEP FEEDERS MOSCOW (AP) After a si 25 cents lower; top $27.50. Omaha Livestock Aug. If 1 11-14 4', no i nara Montana winter i No 1 hard amber durum, choice 2.15-30. Corn No. 2 yellow 1 .38.
Oats No 1 white 68 71. Barley, good to choice 1.12-1.44. Pye No 2 I.70VI.2S. Flax No 1 3.23. lence of 26 hours, the Soviet If if Canadian Southern Petroleum Cenodun Merconl Co Consolidated Royalty Oil 10 Induit Pal Utll llockt government announced Monday 41 Net Change D7.t 03.1 02 1 ui.j eiquire Essex Chem Monday that its unmanned spaceship 5 5 Luna 11 had successfully gone 20 200 EXAMPLE) IS buihel capacity 4001 141.1 130 3 274.4 401 5 1 51.2 1 33.0 280.1 414.7 153 3 1 34.4 384.1 437.4 145 7 143.2 302.0 444.5 170.1 170.2 333.1 Fed Resource! Frontier Alrl General Alloys Co Greet Lake Oil A Wool Tops, Futures priv.
pay Week Aoo Mont Ago Year Ago 5 3'1 Chem 11 Wool futures were lower Mon. an com 10 Will deliver within 25 mil radius of Rapid City I Dow Jones mission house liquidation. Wool topi future were quiet. Hogi 1,000) barrowi ind gilt! study to 25 IdWj low, tttady to itrongi No 1 3 10-250 Ibt J4.00.J4J5I towt 244-4U0 Ibl 20 25-24 00. Coll 10 H0O0; coIvm J00i ittori, hollori and com Heady to wtakj choice with end prim 1,133 lb Httrt 34.75i choice 25 high cholct with end prime 050 lb holteri 25.50; clwlco; utility cowt 11.35-19.50.
Sheep 3.000; ilaughler Iambi 50-1 00 lower; owes iteady; choice ortd prime prlng Iambi 23 mostly prime thorn iprlng 14.00; cull end utility thorn ownt i.00-4.00. 4 Husky Oil Irving Air Chute Co Kaiser Industries Kingston Products Corp Mldweitern Financial Corp National Bellas Hiss Pancoaslal Petroleum wool tuturei closed unchanged to or cent lower. Oct 1321, Dec lJOl, Mar 4t NEW YORK (AP) Dow Jones Stock Averages: May 121.1, July 127.7, Oct 127.7, I f.14 UK 1 rarHili-MtmA umI unl 1 ft I Peruvien Oils A Mineral! SHEATHING LUMBER S4S 1x8-1x10-1x12 upon nign low i.iose cnge 7 771 17 711.33 713 77 767 Shaltuck Dion Wool tops futures closed quiet. No salei. 171 57 174.71 189.11 190 41- 4 55 Svntrx Co Indus 20 Rani 15 Utll FRAMING LUMBER West Coast Fir 2x4 thru 2x10 $1OA00 Per 13 certificated spot wool tops 15 3.
69 33 120 40 121.33 111.41 111 91 1.94: Technicolor Incorp into orbit around the moon. Luna 11 was launched last Wednesday and reached the vicinity of the moon Saturday night. Then It went -ilent, arousing speculation that it had overshot or crashed into the moon. But Britain's Jodrell Bank Radio Observatory reported Sunday night that new signals had been picked up. There was no explanation for the Russians' delay in claiming success for the second Soviet spaceship too orbit the earth's lunar satellite.
Per 65 Slockl 270 13 377.15 265 55 264.15- S.16 Todd Shipyardi Corp Utah Idaho Sugar Co II aj Chicago Livestock Traductions In slocks used In averoges. Induitrlali 1,061,200 Ralls 151.600 Wenlworth Manufacturing Co 1 15 Wn Nuclear 1 Utllltln Mines Ltd 45 ItKkl 1,360,900 Reserve Call Authority Advances Hoot J.500; butrheri to 50 lower; 1-3 200-210 Rt butchrrs 25. 25-75. SO; mixed 1-1 190-240 lb 25 00-15 25; 1 1 230-250 lbs 24 75 2S.OO; mixed 11 340O lb aowi 11.35-22.00 2-3 500-550 lb lt.25-20.00. OveMhe-Counler Quotitient from Nitlonol Aiwctatloa at Cattle slaughter tteert steady Mutual Funds August IS, 1964 Advisors Fund 717 Alllllated Fund 106 American Mutual f.57 Blue Ridge Mutual Fund 11.13 Cap.
Lite Int Growth Slk Fd 4 25 Full Carload SHELVING approximately ere Inter. l4 172 10.46 1293 414 tj ivm, i puma iv iieuun- ter steers 27.25-27 50; high choice end P'Jlte 'Si prima Ibt 24.50-17.75; choice LIS i i I idi dealer prlcoa. Prices art PARTICLE BOARD WASHINGTON (AP) The 10.07 11.01 Century Shires Fund House Armed Services Com- SELF EDGED Ea. Intir-deeler asked prlcei. tntor-deetor ouotatlens do not Include refill markup, markdow or commission Asked prices Identified by neve been edluited upward to Include eppreiimell markup. SO. 1144 MUNICIPAL COURT Soeedlne Harold Allen Flvnn. 515; fill mittee approved by a 32-1 vote Cnanmng: Bal Fund Growth Fund Income Fund Chemical Fund 12 40 1615 715 1535 1.53 EXAMPLE: 9" 7' Monday a bill that would enable ONLY 79 Ibt 25.50-21.50; good 23.75-25 00; load prime 1,100 lb Haughtor holteri 26 00; mixed high choice end prime lbs 25.OO-25.50; choice lbs 24 good 22 00-23 00; utility and commercial cows 17 50-19 35; utility and commercial bulla II Sheep 500; spring slaughter lambs mostly steady; chjlce and prima around to lb spring slaughter lambs 34.00; choice 10-100 Ibl 75-25 75; cull to good horn Ilaughler ewei 5.0O-7.M, it rnn Donald L. Whitney. 115; Steven M.
Kus- Trankle, 112; Larry 'Aloha Airlines 1 Tr. A A uic fieaiueiu cull uy svuie 113; George 120 Reserves and National uw equate mufflers Harold Allen II II (iiinrrl twins if he riAsiron Flvnn. sis Tn Ol r.r UU 30.91 44 Dlvertllled Gr. Stk 1311 4'i, Dreyfus Fund 12.19 Fund 17.40 4 I Fidelity Trend Fund 71.44 II Fidelity Capital Fund 14 11 6 IF. I.
5.07 32' I Founderi Mutual Fund 7.33 The President has not asked Parkina meter violation Miller 1116 40 lo 60 DISCOUNT Sioux City Livestock or this authority and there hasK. 5 hiway no indication he will use Georoe oiiver went, 4 ip-undomentei inv 11.21 Grouo Securltlet: 11 I I lereiess eriving uennis j. nenne- oer. sis end no dr no tor 10 days. Hogs barrowi ant gilts mostly SO lower; aowi nrven, steesy to is nigner; uneven.
Intoxication Clifford Black Bear, two counli ot 125 and 10 dayi In lall on each with lall termi to run barrowi and gilt! U.S. 1-1 200-250 24 00; ai ON ALL REMAINING Aerospace 10 Of Common Stock 12 84 Incorporation Income 1.70 Incorporation Investor! 7.00 Investment Co. of America 13.01 Investors Group: Mutual 10 '51 Rep. L. Mendel Rivers, D-l 7 chairman of the commit-" J0itee, said this will eliminate any 11.76 folcd At rn thai bim.
Viatre. 34 .1. I I lfO 200 Ibl 24.00; CHIEF PAINTS Anheuser puicn 46 Black Hills Power A Light 33 Calitornie Liquid Gas 13 Cap Tech 4 Datfln Corp 17 Del Lab 4 First Bank Stock II General LI ot rVIsc 4 Globe A Accl Ins 20 Great American Corp 11 E. F. Johnson 17 'Murphy Finance 14 Norplex 22 North American Lift i Cat.
North Central Air 4 Pabst 29 Pocket Research 7 Stockman Nat'l Life (Sub.) 7 Telelonoi do Mexico rt Texai Cap 4 United Buckingham 7 Wol-lt 1 New York Bonds 12 II 16 24 4 29 I 2 I'k butchers over 150 Ibt scarce; sows U.S. 13 290-340 lbs 22.50-2 3 50. 140-3M Ibl U.S. 1 3 380 4 lbs 21.50- 37 00; 475 440 Ibl 21 440-500 lbs Even Larger Discount on Quantity Buying I Stnck 19 03 20.68 selective 1 74 io 4t found a "draft-haven by sign- Var. Pay 7 t4 3inB 2TJ.V21.W.
Cattle 10.500, calves slaughter ileeri and hellers steady to 15 lower; Kevttnna B-4 1U.UJ 10.94, Mr si. Keystone 1 1 63 t.42' Tho hill will allnw tha Prod. cows and bulls slow, steady; feeder cat- RANCHERS POST HEADQUARTERS tie ana calves active, strnno to so cents "We'll be here tomorrow to back up what we sell today" higher; slaughter steeri high chorea most i Keystone K-l 4 44 7.03'. 7 ikeystona i-i 22 35 34 27 dent to order active duty, non- 13) drilling Reservists In the re- ly prims near ion ids average and high choice Including soma prime 1.17 korvA rinol stftiatrhtnff tnnr Keyitone S-4 1 37 441 tin REMEMBER Am end 2 i 10 Un Pec 3 91 1175-1300 lbs 24.75-27.007 helteri high choice Including some prime 150-1025 lbs 25.25; most choice 150-1050 tbs 24.00-3100; utility and commercial cowl 1150-1t 50; canner and cutter eowi 17.00-1C 50; choice flashy feeder iteers tOO-975 oo 113 than 56,000. ill? ii ilj would also allow the Presi Preuure Treated atV We're in the Remodeling and Construction Business! Lite insurance stock Fund Manhattan Fund Man.
Inveitori Orowth Mass. Investors Trust National tec. Series; Div Stock Growth Income Preferred New York Metals NEW VOP.K (API-loot nonferroui met lbs 7 00-25 50; mixed good and choice feeder helteri 550-750 IM 25.50-37.00; choice iteer calves 30.00 32.50; choice heller calves 27.0O-2f.O0. No Job Too Large, or Too Small. GET OUR ESTIMATE FREE 441 7.74 9 20 563 4.74 I.M 9 41 11.33 al prices copper J6 centi a pound, Preuure Treated )C Irregulert I taw dent temporary autnonty, untu July 1, 1968, to order to active 14 uty tnose members of the Re-7 37 serves attached to drilling un-1025 its, but who have not received Jf their active duty training, gen-4 six months.
There are 11. so I approximately 133,000 in this National yvestirn Fund Connecticut vaiiey. Leea 19 cenn pound. New York. Zinc 14 conli Black Hills Packing Co.
a a. Puritan Fund Putnam Orowth Fund Otiv. Dist. Shri pound. East It.
Louis. Tin 1.54 a pound, New York. Foreign illvor 1.293 par Iroy 724 ounce. New York. All Sale llama Subject To Stock on Hind Rep.
Techn 4 14 TV Elct. Fund 23 Washinoton Mutual 10 80 TEE POSTi 95c August 1164 Butcher hogs: 200 to 140 Ibl M.25-21.7S; 240 to 170 Ibt 50-23 00; 370 to 3O0 lbs 22 00 72 50. Parking sows: 300 to 400 Ibt lt 00 JOOOl 400 to 500 Un 1100.111X1 Beef Futures IM III I ft I a I At Wellington Mutual 12 ft 14.14 CateCorV Wlnlleld Orowth Fund 1.22 lfl; Anyone called up under this B. KU LU N( WmtS nit7 August 36, 19M id Atkod procedure would serve only un- as OFu. tm tr Hamiitor) H-DA 4.7t s.34;ti, tney had completed a total Cattle: Steeri, choice 23 good CHICAGO (AP) Futuret trading on 21 35-22 25; standard If 75 21 00.
Helfersjth Chkego Mercantile Exchenoe Monday choice 27 25 23 75; oood 30 slend-ilor prima and choice live beef calm: ard 10.25 20.75; Cows, good hellerettes! tales Hloh Low Cioo Pr-CI 1, high yielding utility 17 00-'Oct ts 2 60 27! 2615 19 00; utility 15.06 17 00; cullers USO-'Dee 75t 27 55 77 27 17 35 17 45 irOO; canners 14 75 14 75. Bulls, tat Feb 275 27 1 5 27.65 27.75 27 15 ItH )rn active duty service or active 1028 East North Street Dial 342-5850 "Th Coffee Pot Is Always On" LUMBER YARD Ulnkarew Alt 42 riutv for training1 enunl to 24 August 34, Accumulative Bond Income Science I 72 I 80 1241 140 months. 17 00 20 50; bologni lf.S0-22.75 light bulla Apr 284 70 21 50 2850 80 11 00 00. Jun 29 29 35 29 29.40.